Posts From Julie Daniluk, R.H.N.
Julie Daniluk, R.H.N.
Nutritionist and TV personality, Julie Daniluk, is the award-winning author of Slimming Meals That Heal, Hot Detox and Becoming Sugar-Free. Her groundbreaking bestselling book, Meals that Heal Inflammation (2nd edition) was released on December 31th, 2024 (Penguin Random House Canada). Julie has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows, including The Dr. Oz Show and as the resident nutrition expert for The Marilyn Denis Show. Julie is the recipient of the Organic Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Health Food Association. Learn more about her work and accomplishments at and connect with her on Instagram & TikTok @juliedaniluk
Recipe: Crush Your Cravings Pesto
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet” Here’s a pesto that will please your taste buds while it crushes your cravings! Ingredients: 2 cups fresh basil (or...
Recipe: Salad Pizza on a Cauliflower Crust
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet” Cauliflower is a good source of vitamin B complex, C, and fibre, all of which are great for detoxification. Cauliflower...
Recipe: Leek Frittata
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet” With a flavour best described as green onion with a strong garlic smell, leeks are used in many recipes such...
Recipe: Sugar-Free Key Lime Pie
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet” When on a keto diet, keep this pie on hand in case of cravings. You’ll wish you could turn back...
Recipe: Artichoke Skordalia
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet” Skordalia is a lemony dip from Greece that I find truly addictive. Normally made with insulin-spiking potato, this artichoke version...
Recipe: Garlic Roasted Asparagus
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet Succulent and tender asparagus is one of the most detoxifying items in the produce aisle. Eat it raw when you’re...
Stoke Your Digestive Fire to Boost Your Energy and Clear Inflammation
As the raw food movement gains enthusiasts worldwide, you will often hear them say that raw food is best for health because it is highest in nutrients. Technically...
Recipe: Fennel Ginger Salad
From the Vitality Food Feature Super Foods for Extreme Longevity This salad combines the anti-inflammatory power of fennel with the pungent, digestion-stimulating effects of ginger. (Makes 8 servings.) Ingredients:...
Recipe: Avocado Breakfast Smoothie Bowl
From the Vitality Food Feature Super Foods for Extreme Longevity I love smoothie bowls for breakfast – fast, easy, and so delicious. This recipe is great for those...
Recipe: Meals that Heal Seaweed Salad
Meals that Heal: Seaweed Salad From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Super Foods for Extreme Longevity‘. Ingredients: (Makes 6 servings.) 2 cups arams or hijinks (seaweed...
Recipe: Caveman Chocolate
Caveman Chocolate From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Super Foods for Extreme Longevity‘. Having a chocolate craving but can’t find a treat without cane sugar or...
Recipe: Traditional Dandelion Salad
Traditional Dandelion Salad From the Vitality Food Feature Super Foods for Extreme Longevity This simple salad can be added to lunch or dinner. Try it with...
Beet the Scale Borscht
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Balance Your Hormones with Cures from the Kitchen‘. This simple, low-calorie vegetable borscht showcases the flavour and colour of beets...
Kasha Crepes
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Balance Your Hormones with Cures from the Kitchen‘. In North America, buckwheat kernels, or buckwheat groats, are often called kasha....
Carob Super Green Squares
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Balance Your Hormones with Cures from the Kitchen‘. I promise you that this nutritious treat tastes like chocolate! Consider doubling...
Recipe: Chocolate Chia Raspberry Pudding
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘WINTER COMFORT FOODS‘. Pudding for breakfast? Sure! This pudding is healthy, nutritious, anti-inflammatory, and a fun way to start the...