Healthy Homes & Gardens

6 Ways to Create a Healthy Home Environment

June 21, 2024

No matter how much care you take with diet and lifestyle, environmental factors at home will affect your health. Many cleaners and building materials contain...

Creating a Healthy Home: Reducing Dirty Electricity and EMF Radiation

May 10, 2022

“She’ll redecorate your home from the cellar to the dome and then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you!” (Henry Higgins in Lerner...

Deck Gardening: How One Couple Downsized Their Garden and Never Looked Back

May 5, 2022

Gardening has always been important at our house.  To my husband, it is like a therapy. Besides that, who wouldn’t want fresh veggies all summer,...

Creating a Healthy Home: Extended Resource List

April 1, 2022

  PRODUCTS, SERVICES, RESOURCES DISCUSSED IN “CREATING A HEALTHY HOME“: • A. Michrowski, The Planetary Association for Clean Energy: 613-236-6265. • To find a...

Energize Your Spring Detox: Banish the 7 Stressors That Sabotage Well Being

March 28, 2022

When we’re feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed, the best prescription could be a spring detox. In fact, detoxing is vital for best health. But detoxing...

Soil Monitoring Tips for a Healthy Cannabis Grow

September 27, 2020

If you think growing cannabis indoors will be an action-packed adventure filled with constant excitement, you’ve got a big surprise in store. Although there will...

Powerful Essential Oil Blend For Your Health and Well-being

February 19, 2020

When it comes to purifying the air and neutralizing strong odours, Thieves® products provide a full-spectrum “overwhelming force” to cleanse without harsh chemicals. This blend...

REDUCE YOUR RISK: Time for a Detox – First Your Home, Then You

April 1, 2018

With hot summer breezes blowing through our windows, it’s a good time of year to clear the toxic energies from our homes and flush the...


September 1, 2015

Environmental Working Group – Cancer Prevention Edition Environmental Working Group’s adopted adage, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, could not possibly...


April 1, 2015

When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonade… and Household Cleaners The expression “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade” has become very familiar in our...

EarthCalm Quantum Cell Phone Protector Propels DNA Energies

September 1, 2014

~ by Liala Epstein A March 2014 study by Dr. Glen Rein on a test of the EarthCalm Quantum Cell (QC) Phone Protector showed it...

Looking for Answers Through the Art of Dowsing

May 1, 2010

In his book, Principles of Dowsing, Dennis Wheatley says “dowsing can be simply defined as a skill to detect invisible targets.” And Raymond C. Willey,...