(Updated January 31, 2022)
Dear Dr. Rona,
When I was a former patient of yours many years ago, you ordered an ELISA test of my blood to detect the root cause of my health problems. The results that came back astounded me. Four chemicals found in textiles were present in my bloodstream. My problems with toxicity came about through teaching quilting during the 1970’s into the early ‘80’s. The only cloth available to quilters during that decade was cotton/polyester broadcloth. Unfortunately, what quilters (including another quilt teacher and I) did not realize was that putting a hot steam iron repeatedly on this cloth released toxic chemicals into our respiratory systems. I am now highly sensitive to chemicals, both environmental and medical. For example, two years ago, after standing near a worker using a diesel-fuelled post hole digger, I became ill with a temperature of 102F and lost my mobility (my legs gave out) for over two months.
Given that I also have partial Cystic Fibrosis and an underlying inflammatory condition, I have made the decision that I am not a candidate for the present Covid vaccines (I am also highly reactive to epinephrine, having an anaphylactic reaction to being injected with it). To prevent infection, my present regime is to avoid as much public contact as possible within the context of living. And to keep my immunity strong I take health supplements including oregano caps, Vitamin D & K2, Omega oil caps, a detox supplement, and Vitamin C Lypo-Spheric.
Regarding the vaccines, the chemicals they contain are my biggest concern. I realize that having herd immunity may help me avoid this virus, but why has no-one written an article on how to help people who are immunocompromised and cannot take the vaccines? Sincerely, Sandy Small Proudfoot, Mono, Ontario.
Dear Sandy:
The July issue of Vitality Magazine’s monthly newsletter contains information about how one can (at least somewhat) protect oneself from the side effects of ingredients found in the Covid-19 vaccines. In regards to specific ingredients, the first four references at the end of this column list all the ingredients found in the different vaccines approved by Health Canada, as shown on their website.
In that newsletter, I also mentioned the use of the far infrared sauna which can detoxify the human body (at a comfortable heat level) of toxic heavy metals, drugs, and almost all chemicals by sweating them out through the skin. Environmental allergy specialists often recommend this type of sauna therapy for those who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivities and have reported positive results. In fact, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto has these saunas available on their premises for their patients.
First of all, the supplements you are taking are all good immune system regulators. You might also consider zinc, selenium, N-acetyl-cysteine, glutathione, MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane), quercetin and probiotics. If using vitamin D, it needs to be taken with low doses of vitamin K2 to prevent calcium deposits into the arteries, kidneys, and joints. Many supplement companies manufacture this important D3/K2 combo.
You might also benefit from a drug known as low dose naltrexone (LDN) as an immune system optimizer. In high doses, naltrexone is used as an antidote to opiate overdoses. In very low doses (0.5 – 4.5 mg) it has successfully been used to benefit various autoimmune diseases like MS and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, fibromyalgia, cancers and other suboptimal immune system disorders. You require a prescription for naltrexone from a compounding pharmacy. The major side effect is vivid dreams but these dissipate within a few days of use. The best effects are seen after 2 – 3 months so one shouldn’t expect much of anything early in the treatment. You can read more about it from the web sites listed below in the references.
[Editor’s note: The information in this article is not meant to replace the advice of your doctor. Please consult with your personal physician before making any adjustments to your health care routine.]
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