
Recipe: Slimming Thai Fish Soup

September 1, 2014

From the Vitality Food Feature ‘BOOST YOUR METABOLISM THIS FALL‘. (Serves 4 – 5 people) Ingredients 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tsp fresh ginger, grated...

The G8

September 1, 2014

From the Vitality Food Feature ‘BOOST YOUR METABOLISM THIS FALL‘. From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Balance Your Hormones with Cures from the Kitchen‘. Here G8...

New From Omega Alpha

September 1, 2014

Pet Vitality™ – A Senior Pet Formula for Dogs and Cats Just like humans, your animal companion endures the symptoms of aging such as impaired...

Homeopathy for PMS

September 1, 2014

A Natural Alternative to Painkillers Do you look forward to your menstrual period as a positive experience, or dread this time of month and find...

Recipe: Stress Busting Harvest Salad

September 1, 2014

From the Vitality Food Feature ‘BOOST YOUR METABOLISM THIS FALL‘. If you want a true stress-busting salad, this combo will do the trick. The sprouts...

Book Review: The Healing Power of Fever

September 1, 2014

Author: Christopher Vasey, N.D. Publisher: Healing Arts Press Book Publication: 2012 In The Healing Power of Fever – Your Body’s Natural Defense Against Disease, author and naturopath Christopher...

News Briefs – Strategy for Disease Prevention; Many Alzheimer’s Cases Are Preventable; Good Habits Reduce Heart Risks

September 1, 2014

STUDY PLEADS FOR NEW STRATEGY FOR DISEASE PREVENTION Researchers have concluded that, by treating the overall metabolic and molecular causes of human aging, it may...

Stinging Nettle: Wild Food and Medicine Nourishes and Heals the Whole Body

June 3, 2014

(The following is an excerpt from The Boreal Herbal: Wild Food and Medicine Plants of the North; Aroma Borealis Press; 2011; adapted for publication in...

Woodford Files: On The Health Benefits of Sweating; The Hazards of Cortisone

June 1, 2014

Summer is a prime time to flush out old residues of the past and lighten our toxic load. As solar rays intensify, an array of...


June 1, 2014

In January of 2013, Dr. Oz of TV fame (not to be confused with the Wizard of Oz) gave Piers Morgan of CNN a ‘flu...

Homeopathy for Travellers

June 1, 2014

User Friendly Summer First Aid Remedies A few years ago I was sitting next to a mother and her young boy on a bus trip...

Vitamin C, Shingles, and Vaccination

June 1, 2014

The pharmaceutical industry, and many doctors, appear to be making great efforts to get as many people as possible vaccinated against shingles. Even if such...

Chinese Herbs for Rheumatoid Arthritis

June 1, 2014

Could a Chinese Herb Replace Life-Threatening RA Drugs? REPORT BY ALLIANCE FOR NATURAL HEALTH USA Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which your...

News Briefs – June 2014

June 1, 2014

The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World SEVEN DAILY FRUIT-VEG PORTIONS LOWER DEATH FROM ALL CAUSES Together, two new studies...

Recipe: Brambleberry Bumble

May 1, 2014

From the Vitality Food Feature ‘STALKING THE WILD FIDDLEHEADS‘. Bumble. It’s a word I’ve coined to describe berries baked with honey and a crumbly topping....

Stalking the Wild Fiddleheads: Foraging for Food and Medicine in Fields and Markets

May 1, 2014

Judging from the past year’s sprouting of fabulous ‘foraging and feasting’ books, the movement towards celebrating nature’s wild abundance is as strong as it was...

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