EDTA removes harmful metals that are implicated in cardiovascular disease. When given as magnesium EDTA, the substance gradually breaks down calcium deposits that form on the artery walls. It also lowers calcium levels. Calcium is involved in the formation of blood clots. The mechanism of the two actions results in the greater flexibility of blood vessels. The removal of harmful metals decreases the damage caused by free radicals on the artery walls. EDTA Chelation therapy can also be used in the treatment of degenerative conditions, which are characterized by a progressive decline in health. These include scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Treatment is administered intravenously. A small needle is inserted into the vein – often on the back of the hand. The treatment lasts three hours while the patient is comfortably seated. Chelation therapy works best when integrated with a good diet, nutrients and lifestyle changes. A thorough evaluation of each patient by the medical doctor is performed and an individualized nutritional program is prescribed.
Because Chelation works over time, a number of treatments have to be administered. The course of the treatments are once to twice weekly for 30 treatments, then once a month for 12 months followed by every three months as part of a maintenance programme.
Chelation therapy is very safe when given by correct protocol. Few side effects have been reported; however, as with any medical treatment, reactions can occur. It is for this reason that patients are closely monitored. Upon beginning a chelation programme, the patient’s own cardiologist/family doctor should be informed. Medical therapy, as prescribed by the patient’s personal physician, is continued. Often, over time, some medical therapy can be reduced and even stopped.
The history of chelation therapy goes back 50 years, when it was noted that patients being treated for lead poisoning using EDTA showed unexpected dramatic improvements in their atherosclerotic circulatory disorders. An international study on the safety and effectiveness of chelation therapy was launched in 2003. This study is sponsored by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) in the U.S. Hundreds of medical institutions across North America are taking part in it. Prior research to this study showed an improvement in over 80% of the patients. (Ref: Journal of Advancement in Medicine, vol 7, number 3, Fall 1994, page 131).
The American College for the Advancement of Medicine regulates the international protocol for the provision of chelation therapy. The safety of the procedure has been determined by multiple research studies. Dr. Paul Jaconello has been certified by the American Board of Chelation Therapy, which is a body that ensures that doctors have been properly trained to carry out in the use of EDTA. This board granted Dr. Jaconello a Diplomate of Chelation Therapy.
About Jaconello Health Centre for Nutritional and Preventive Medicine: Dr. Jaconello, Medical Doctor, formed a clinic in October 1979. This clinic is dedicated to the use of nutritional therapy in the treatment of patients that combines the proper use of conventional medicine and nutritional medicine to help the individual move into a state of more optimal health. In 2010, Jaconello Health Centre moved to a new larger office to provide more services, treatments and accommodate additional highly qualified personal.
For more information about the Centre call (416) 463-2911, e-mail info@jaconello.com, visit www.jaconello.com
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