IN MEMORIAM: A Tribute to Tamara Der-Ohanian 1960 ~ 2019

On May 20, 2019, the staff at Vitality magazine were shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Registered Homeopath Tamara Der-Ohanian. After a valiant battle with breast cancer, she passed away on April 13, 2019. Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family who held a private memorial service for her on April 16, 2019.

As a long-time Vitality writer, Tamara helped many of our readers with her informative articles over the years, and we will greatly miss her expertise and insight. Our staff has been touched by the outpouring of condolences from readers, friends, and patients who visited her practice, The Healing Dimension in Toronto, or were her students at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine.

Special thanks to the College of Homeopaths of Ontario and colleagues, who were kind enough to share the following memorial tributes.

“Tamara Der-Ohanian was a member of the College of Homeopaths of Ontario since it was proclaimed in 2015. We would like to show our appreciation for all the good work that Tamara did for her patients and of course for the homeopathy profession itself.

She was a great role model and wrote many articles about homeopathy, which were relevant, interesting, and widely read. Tamara was a good ambassador for the College and for all homeopaths. She had a good number of followers and we have received many calls asking about her. We extend our condolences to her family, and to all who knew her.”  Basil Ziv, Registrar and CEO, College of Homeopaths of Ontario

“It is with great sadness that I remember my friend and colleague in homeopathy, Tamara Der-Ohanian.

Tamara was a deeply private person who loved homeopathy. Her passion was reflected in her intuitive, deeply grounded understanding, and amazing grasp of our remedies and materia medica. She enthusiastically shared her knowledge through articles and teaching, in a way that made homeopathy understandable. She believed in spreading the word on homeopathy, and supported new graduates entering the field. She embodied what she shared with others, saying: “Just go, learn as much as you can, do as much as you can, have a lot of fun.”

Tamara delighted in each of her patients as an amazing puzzle to be solved. She was extremely generous and related to each of her clients personally, which is why she was such a beloved homeopath. Her energy, smile and legacy will linger on in the hearts of every single person she has touched.

I have personally known her for more than 15 years, literally meeting monthly to discuss homeopathy in all its extensions and ramifications, and travelling a part of this life journey with her. I can personally vouch for the deep gap she leaves, and how she will be greatly missed by our homeopathic community, along with her friends and family.”  Soula Kallinis,  Registered Homeopath

“I will miss Tamara sorely, as my trusted homeopath and my friend. Her wisdom, generosity and compassionate curiosity will stay with me always. The remedies she identified for me were always effective. She helped my family … including our pets … so much, not only with remedies but with her loving insight.”

Valerie Galvin

“Thinking of Tamara, I recalled a conversation I had with her: She had visited Armenia recently, it was her home country, and she was greeted with such high-esteem after she explained that she was a homeopath. Tamara was a very private person but I remember she had such a great big smile when she told this story. You could see how proud she was to be a homeopath and to receive the recognition.”

Natasha Zarubin, Registered Homeopath

“In the last email exchange I had with Tamara, back in March, I had asked her to start responding to some of the many comments that readers were posting at the end of her articles on our website. For example, her article on “Homeopathy for a Racing Heart, Dizziness, and Arrythmia” had 8 comments/questions, see

and her article on “Homeopathic Medicine for Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol” had 13 comments and questions, see So I was asking if she could spare some time to post a few responses to provide professional homeopathic advice to these questioning readers.

Her last words to me were: “I am actually not doing that well, fighting breast cancer. If you don’t mind waiting a couple of weeks I can post the comments then. If you want them done right away please ask someone else to help.” So I started getting worried then, and all I could do was hope for her recovery. Alas, the bad news came two months later that she had succumbed to her illness. She was a powerful writer and a shining light in the natural health community. I will miss her greatly.”

Julia Woodford, Editor, Vitality Magazine

Julia Woodford founded Vitality Magazine in 1989, and has been its Editor-in-Chief for the past 35 years. Prior to a career in publishing, her studies included Political Economics at York University, Journalism at Ryerson, and Psychology, PhysEd, and Anthropology at University of Toronto. She remains a lifelong student of herbalism, nutritional medicine, and the healing arts to this day. You can read her columns on the Vitality website. She is also the former Show Manager for Whole Life Expo, Canada’s largest showcase of natural health and green living. In 2018 she received a “Hall of Fame” award from National Nutrition. In 2019, she was nominated for a “Person of the Year” award by National Nutrition.

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  • Tamara was my mentor. She slowly guided me through areas of A-Fib without ablation. How refreshing she was. Always a great conversation when my appointment time rolled around. I was shocked when I read the news. Tamara wherever you are now, I am sure you are again a guiding light.

  • Tamara was my Homeopath and teacher.
    Mostly I remember Tamara’s warm smile and loving nature and deep understanding of homeopathy.
    We, a few moms in the Woodbine/Danforth area, got together as a group and asked her if she could teach us about homeopathy. She was excited by the idea and we met regularly. Her lessons were so enriching and she brought homeopathy to life for us. I am very grateful to Tamara for all I learned. I still go back to my notes and her teachings, whenever a homeopathic question comes up.
    With love and gratitude, Sabine

  • Tamara and I were very close friends. I met her in 1997 when she was completing her training and she changed my life with her homeopathic skills. And her friendship ... was so genuine and full of love. It is surreal to think she is gone and I’m glad that after a couple of years of not seeing each other I visited her on March 26th. We texted daily until she went into hospice and I felt my heart break knowing what was coming.

    Thank you for sharing her memory and letting others reflect on how special Tamara was. Your thoughtful public acknowledgement of my beautiful friend has really touched me.

    Tamara loved writing for Vitality and we collaborated on some of her early articles. She was proud of what she did and how she contributed to your magazine.

  • Very sad. She healed everyone else but could not heal herself. 😢
    I just discovered her TONIGHT and wrote in hopes of a consultation. Only the good die young, so I expect she was some kind of angel in our midst for awhile. Peace and blessings to you, Tamara. Go Well! 🥰✨🌈🙏✨😇

    And if anyone can recommend a master homeopath, please write to me.
    Thank you. Blessings

  • Hi Julia born in July. My name is Alex. In period from 1997-2007 I was president of herbal company known as "Knowledge Products" with about 20 herbal formulations and one kit of three products was nominated with gold award for the best new product of the year. In 2002 neferious regulations of herbal products industry have started supported by Faschists from Switzerland-Germany-England and Canada, but at that time i knew very little about such areana of thinking. NAZIS have regulated me, my wife and co-workers with their unetical practices, so that from 2002-2014 after ongoing stresses imposed by these regulations and getting finally almost all of my NPN designations, I had Ischemic Stroke paralyses experience and stayed in Hospital Care for about 3 and half month. My left side of body was effected by this experience and since i was writing with left hand only, decision was made to learn typing with index finger of my right hand only.
    I had to wait for my memory through continual practice to come together and after about two years of learning I wrote two of my books of over 600 pages to be published any day soon. After different doors seemed to be closed for me, Merciful Creator of Universes has opened other set of doors and teach me of many things i was not before aware of, though I thought that I knew a lot about life before.
    The only one oportunity i have had so far is to give 3-4 talks close to one hour long to That TV and these events are videotaped after to enspire others from the circle of family and friends. I will have opportunity soon to give about dozen of new talks over the period of time, since I will be Working soon on Humanitarian Projects 1-12, to help humanity dealing with different health issues, when I will be involved at some point in bringing the 'new healing technologies' that will one day bring us to a new Age of Meritocracy'- Golden Age-Age of Aquarius, living on a new 5-D planet known now as Terra Christa.

    P.S. I was teacher of Pranic Healing Master herbalist-Dr. of Nat. Med. reg'd nutritional consultant until 2014 and then: "the only constant thing is change" says Lao Tzu 2600 years ago!

  • May Tamara's Soul Rest In Peace. We were deeply saddened to read the news of her passing. She was my family's Homeopath for close to 15 years now. Such a beautiful and knowledgeable person. She will be deeply missed. Condolences to her Family and Friends.

  • I am just finding out about Tamara's passing just now. I am in shock. Every visit was a blessing where I felt more empowered and listen to like only she could. She helped me tremendously throughout the years and wanted to see her again but now I am finding out she is at home resting. Tamara, I will never forget you. Thank you for all you have done for me and so many more of your patients. You left a beautiful legacy of love, healing, and joy for life and lifelong learning ...

  • I read the news and was stunned. Tamara, wherever you are right now, I know you'll be a beacon of hope once more. We continued to meet because she loved the concept. She made homeopathy come to life for us in her lessons, which were incredibly insightful. Tamara taught me so much, and I'm incredibly appreciative

  • What a heartbreaking loss! Tamara Der-Ohanian's passion for homeopathy and her dedication to helping others shine through in the heartfelt tributes from her colleagues and patients. Her legacy will undoubtedly live on in the hearts of those she touched. She will be deeply missed by the homeopathic community and beyond.

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