Exercising on a daily basis helps, as does yoga and various relaxation techniques especially deep breathing exercises
“My doctors told me this morning my blood pressure is down so low that I can start reading the newspapers.” ~ Ronald Reagan
Hypertension affects one in three people which adds up to at least a billion people worldwide. Normal blood pressure for an adult is said to be below 120 systolic over 80 diastolic (120/80). Prehypertension is thought to be systolic between 120–129 and diastolic of less than 80. Stage one high blood pressure is defined as systolic between 130–139 or diastolic between 80–89. Stage two high blood pressure is systolic of at least 140 or diastolic at least 90 mm of mercury (Hg).
At least 90% of elevated blood pressures have an unknown cause which is strangely termed ‘essential hypertension.’
That said, lifestyle factors such as a high salt diet, emotional stress, high alcohol intake, excessive caffeine intake, cigarette smoking, food intolerances, allergies, obesity, inactivity, drugs like the birth control pill, amphetamines (e.g. Ritalin) and toxic heavy metal excess can all be potential causes of hypertension. Most recently, hypertension has also been linked to the Covid-19 vaccines.
Only 10% of hypertension cases are known to be caused by drugs, organ diseases (e.g. heart, kidneys), or other conditions such as poor diet, cigarette smoking, lifestyle, chronic inflammation, nutrient excesses or deficiencies, and obesity. Long term use of the herbal remedy licorice can also be a cause of hypertension.
Hypertension increases the risk of stroke, aneurysms, heart attacks, heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, loss of cognitive function and memory loss.
In most cases there are no symptoms which is why doctors have called it the “silent killer.” Warning signs that one may have elevated blood pressure can include chest pain, irregular heartbeat, headaches, ringing in the ears, nosebleeds, tiredness, or vision changes.
Aside from periodically checking your blood pressure at a pharmacy or doctor’s office, you can monitor it at home using a blood pressure monitoring device like the one recommended by the American Heart Association. This is an automatic, cuff-style biceps monitor that fits properly around the upper arm. Instructions on how to use this device can be found in the package that comes with the instrument. Your health care practitioner can help you learn how to use it properly if you have any difficulties.
“Nature tops the list of potent tranquilizers and stress reducers. The mere sound of moving water has been shown to lower blood pressure.” ~ Patch Adams
1) EAT MORE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS, most of which can be found in a Mediterranean diet. Consume more oil from olives, flax seeds, chia seeds, wild-caught fish like salmon or cod, grass-fed beef and lots of fruits and vegetables. The high fibre content of these foods is thought to be important in lowering high blood pressure. Eat more berries because they are rich in polyphenols that have a natural blood pressure lowering effect. The same is true for hibiscus herb tea which is a tasty drink that helps lower high blood pressures.
Avoid sugar, gluten, caffeine and alcohol since all of these are associated with a greater risk of hypertension. If you are obese, then losing weight can make a huge difference to normalizing your blood pressure. The same can be said for quitting cigarettes and nicotine from vaping. Food intolerances or environmental allergies can also elevate blood pressure (BPs) so testing by the IgG RAST method may help discover unsuspected connections to certain foods.
2) AVOID HIGH-SODIUM FOODS: Many cases of high blood pressure (at least 20%) are associated with an intake of sodium of more than 2,000 mg daily. Try keeping your salt intake below that figure by avoiding processed or fast foods.
3) AVOID HERBS THAT CAN ELEVATE BLOOD PRESSURE: These include ephedra, Siberian ginseng, bitter orange, and licorice.
4) EAT SOME DARK CHOCOLATE because of its phenol content that lowers blood pressure. Dark chocolate is also a magnesium source and this mineral can also help reduce high blood pressure levels.
5) TAKE OMEGA-3 – 1,000 – 4,000 mg daily, because the EPA and DHA content of omega-3 from fish oils are anti-inflammatory and high blood pressure can be caused by inflammation in the arteries.
6) TAKE MAGNESIUM BISGLYCINATE – 400 mg twice daily, should help lower blood pressure quickly because it has a calming or relaxing effect on arteries, nerves and muscles. Greens like spinach are high in magnesium and folic acid, both of which have beneficial effects on normalizing high blood pressure. Magnesium citrate or oxide will not work as well as the bisglycinate form because only about 3% at the most of those forms is absorbed from the gut. The citrate and oxide forms are better used for treating constipation or heartburn. A high intake of these types of magnesium can cause diarrhea.
7) EAT MORE HIGH-POTASSIUM FOODS like avocado, melons (e.g. cantaloupe and watermelon), oranges, apricots, broccoli, coconut water and bananas. These are recommended because potassium counteracts the adverse effects of excess sodium in the diet. Sunflower seeds (raw, unroasted) are another good source of potassium as well as magnesium. I do not recommend taking a potassium supplement since excessive amounts can produce side effects in the heart. In cases where a diuretic that causes low potassium has been prescribed, a doctor can prescribe a potassium supplement if the diet is not providing enough potassium as measured through blood testing.
8) CELERY – may help lower blood pressure by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker. Eating 4 stalks of celery daily on a regular basis provides iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, and fibre. Juicing celery also is a viable option. Research indicates that it helps lower elevated BPs. Celery exerts its blood pressure lowering potential through a phytochemical called 3-N-Butylphthalide (3NB). 3NB improves elasticity of blood vessel walls by getting them more relaxed.
Hippocrates’ observation that fresh celery is good for the heart turned out to be true.
9) COQ10 – 200 mg twice daily with food. CoQ10 is the most important antioxidant for the cardiovascular system and is depleted by drugs that lower cholesterol (e.g. statins) and certain blood pressure drugs like beta blockers. CoQ10 supplementation has been well documented to help lower high blood pressure and is compatible with most anti-hypertensive drugs
10) GARLIC AND GARLIC SUPPLEMENTS can thin the blood, lower high LDL-cholesterol and reduce blood pressure. There are deodorized forms in capsules available from most health food stores.
11) GINGER – both human and animal studies have shown that taking ginger reduces blood pressure by acting as a natural calcium channel blocker and natural ACE inhibitor. Ginger also has applications as an anti-inflammatory spice that reduces pain in arthritis and is also effective as a remedy for nausea and morning sickness during first trimester pregnancy.
12) BERBERINE – 500 mg, 3 times daily: Berberine is an herbal remedy that can help reduce high blood sugar levels. It works by a similar mechanism as the popular diabetes prescription drug Metformin. Side effects are rare and the high blood pressure lowering effects are often good.
“During meditation, our breathing slows, our blood pressure and heart rate decrease, and stress hormone levels fall.” ~ Deepak Chopra
13) REDUCE STRESS AND GET BETTER SLEEP – This will help reduce your cortisol levels and prevent spikes in blood pressures. Exercising on a daily basis helps, as does yoga and various relaxation techniques especially deep breathing exercises. There are also many supplements that can be of help here and they include the amino acids L-Theanine, GABA, 5-HTP, magnesium-L-threonate and holy basil.
14) B-COMPLEX VITAMINS – Take at least 100 mg daily of a full spectrum B complex not only to improve energy but also to combat stress which helps with lowering elevated blood pressures. Make sure the supplement contains 5-MTHF (5-methyl tetra hydro folate) which is the active form of folic acid.
15) USE ESSENTIAL OILS like lavender, ylang ylang, clary sage and frankincense because they can lower blood pressure by dilating arteries and reducing emotional stress.
16) L-ARGININE – 2,000 mg, 3 times daily – is an amino acid that is converted in the body to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels and this reduces elevated blood pressures. The effect in the body is only for a few hours so, by itself this is inadequate for stable blood pressure control. Used in conjunction with the other measures discussed earlier it might make a good addition to lowering blood pressure naturally. L-arginine is also effective to improve erectile dysfunction in some men. One drawback to using this amino acid on a regular basis is that it can cause a relative deficiency in the amino acid L-lysine and this can lead to a higher risk of herpes outbreaks. Nitric oxide can be increased in your system also by consuming more of certain foods especially beets, garlic, dark chocolate, leafy greens, citrus fruit, pomegranate, nuts and seeds, watermelon and red wine.
17) L-CITRULLINE – 1,000 mg, 3 times daily – is beneficial because it converts to L-arginine, providing more of it and making L-arginine last longer in the body and thus helping reduce high blood pressure on a more long-term basis.
18) VITAMIN C – 1,000 mg, 3 times daily – is a strong antioxidant so theoretically it will reduce elevated BP levels despite the lack of adequate published studies supporting its use for that purpose. Excessive amounts can cause loose bowel movements and diarrhea so just take the bowel tolerance dose that allows for normal bowel movements.
19) CINNAMON IS A SPICE WELL WORTH ADDING TO YOUR DIET: It reduces high blood sugar levels as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It contains several anti-inflammatory compounds. It also lowers high cholesterol levels, has antibiotic properties, anti-cancer effects, and prevents nerve damage associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Cinnamon can be used as a powder or taken in capsules with each meal.
20) TAKE VITAMIN D (5,000 IU daily if you get no sun exposure): Deficiency of this vitamin (actually a hormone) been linked to high blood pressure so if lab testing indicates a low level then supplementation is worth doing. The ideal way to take vitamin D as a supplement is together with vitamin K2 (120 mcg for each 1000 IU of D supplemented). This prevents calcium from being deposited into arteries and organs and therefore prevents circulatory blockages and kidney stones.
“The most common objection that I hear to walking as exercise is that it’s too easy, that only sweaty, strenuous activity offers real benefits. But there is abundant evidence that regular, brisk walking is associated with better health, including lower blood pressure, better moods and improved cholesterol ratios.” ~ Andrew Weil
Treating high blood pressure naturally can get complicated, especially when individuals have been on prescription drugs for many years. Attempting to make these huge changes in diet and lifestyle is difficult to accomplish on one’s own. As for choosing the right combination of supplements every individual is biochemically unique and not all the supplements listed would be suitable for everyone.
It’s best to work with a natural doctor on reducing your elevated blood pressures naturally. This is especially true if you are taking prescription drugs (blood thinners, diuretics, statins, beta blockers, etc.) which may have interactions with certain nutritional supplements. With some diligence and persistence success in reducing the need for medications can be accomplished over a period of 3-6 months. By success I mean a lowering in the amounts of medications taken or a complete replacement of drugs with natural remedies.
Effective treatment of hypertension without medication: Is it possible? https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1524-6175.2004.02875.x
Wilburn AJ, King DS, Glisson J, et al. The natural treatment of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2004; 6: 242– 248.
The effects of nonpharmacologic interventions on blood pressure of persons with high normal levels. Results of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention, Phase I. JAMA. 1992; 267: 1213– 1220.
Dietary Supplements and Hypertension: potential benefits and precautions: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22747620/
Blood pressure lowering efficacy of Coenzyme Q10 for primary hypertension: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26935713/
L-Arginine: does it lower blood pressure? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/expert-answers/l-arginine/faq-20058052
Cinnamon: https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/cinnamon-helps-reduce-high-blood-pressure
Coffee and hypertension: https://www.worldhealth.net/news/drinking-2-cups-coffee-daily-may-double-risk-heart-death-people-severe-hypertension/
L- Citrulline: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/l-citrulline-uses-and-risks
The role of magnesium in hypertension and cardiovascular disease: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22051430/
How to Lower Blood Pressure (Dr. Axe) https://draxe.com/health/natural-ways-to-lower-blood-pressure/
Vitamin D and Hypertension: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/expert-answers/vitamin-d-deficiency/faq-20058280
Berberine and Blood pressure: https://www.healingheartdiseasenaturally.com/berberine-decreases-blood-pressure/
Celery for hypertension: https://thedrjoe.com/celery-for-high-blood-pressure/
Bombshell Report from DailyClout Team Finds Massive Hypertension Signal After the Shots: https://dailyclout.io/bombshell-report-from-dailyclout-team-finds-massive-hypertension-signal-after-the-shots/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
Gluten and food allergies and hypertension: https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/what-causes-high-blood-pressure/
IgG RAST testing for food intolerances: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/igg-food-intolerance-tests-what-does-the-science-say/
Nitric Oxide from foods: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/nitric-oxide-foods#TOC_TITLE_HDR_12
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