Author: Christiane Northrup, MD
Publisher: Hay House Inc.
Book Publication: 2015
As a member of the 50-something cohort, I never tire of good advice on how to turn back the clock. Although chronological aging is inevitable, I believe that it’s quite possible to turn back the biological clock through strategic nutrition, exercise, and personal growth practices. So this Goddesses Never Age book title definitely caught my eye. Here, author Christiane Northrup, a physician known internationally for her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness, teaches women “how to thrive at every stage of life.”
Starting with the opening chapter on why it’s important to have more fun and pleasure in your life, the book goes on to explain how to tap into the healing power within, why it’s important to express your grief and rage, and how to be sexy and sensual at mid-life.
Northrup’s years of experience as a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology has taught her much about female health and disease, and she shares many stories and insights with the reader.
The final chapter, entitled: ‘The 14-Day Ageless Goddess Program’, explains in detail Northrup’s top recommendations for becoming an ageless goddess, including guidance on: following a low-glycemic diet that keeps blood sugar stable; taking supplements that support health and wellness; using affirmations and prayers to connect with the Divine; and learning to love your body – warts and all. Overall, this book blends the best of evidence-based nutritional medicine with expert advice on fitness along with strategies for connecting deeply with our Divine source.
With such a genuinely wholistic approach, Northrup is broadening the horizons of what integrative medicine truly means, and I consider the book a valuable addition to my library.
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