Vitamin C and Lysine Powder Help Prevent Heart Attacks

Following a heart attack fourteen years ago, I took high doses of vitamin C plus lysine twice a day.

History has shown, time and again, that mankind is not kind to new ideas. For example, in 1847, one maternity patient in six who entered the University Hospital in Vienna could expect to leave in a coffin. Why? Because the practice of washing one’s hands after performing an autopsy was ridiculed by esteemed professors of the time. This in spite of the fact that Dr. Semmelweiss, a colleague, had clearly proven that washing hands after doing an autopsy worked to prevent the transfer of germs and bacteria to the next patient that a doctor came in contact with.

Years later, the research of two-time Nobel prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling was ignored when it revealed that large amounts of vitamin C and lysine can be used to prevent coronary attacks. In 1988 Pauling reported that animals make their own vitamin C but humans do not. That’s why sailors died of scurvy during long sea voyages, but the ship’s cat survived.

Vitamin C is required to manufacture collagen, the glue that holds coronary cells together, just like mortar is needed for bricks. Lysine, like steel rods in cement, makes collagen stronger. Pauling claimed it takes a mere 10 milligrams (mg) to prevent scurvy, but several thousand mg to prevent heart attack.

Williams Stehben, Professor of Anatomy at Wellington University in New Zealand, proved that Pauling was right. Stebhens’ research showed that coronary arteries closest to the heart are under the greatest pressure. This causes collagen to fracture, resulting in the formation of blood clots.

Dr. Sydney Bush, an English researcher, has now proven that vitamin C can reverse atherosclerosis. Bush took retinal photographs, then started his patients on high doses of vitamin C and lysine. One year later, additional pictures showed that atherosclerosis had regressed in retinal arteries.

So what has happened to these monumental findings? Bush, like Semmelweiss, has been ridiculed by cardiologists. So one has to ask whether cardiologists, by ignoring his results, are condemning thousands of people to an early heart attack.

Fourteen years ago following my own coronary attack, cardiologists claimed it was sheer madness for me to refuse cholesterol-lowering drugs. Yet I knew that Dr. Graveline, a physician and NASA astronaut, had twice developed transient global amnesia from taking Lipitor,  a cholesterol-lowering drug. I was also aware that patients have died from CLDs. Others have developed kidney, liver and muscle complications.

I also believed that the research of Pauling and Stehbens was irrefutable. So I decided to take high doses of vitamin C plus lysine with breakfast and the evening meal, for several reasons. Now, the work of Dr. Bush has convinced me my decision was prudent.

To take large doses of vitamin C and lysine requires swallowing many pills daily. It’s a tall order for those who dislike swallowing even one pill. So for several years I’ve been trying to find a company that would manufacture a combination of high dose vitamin C and lysine powder. Now Medi-C Plus, manufactured by Preferred Nutrition, is available at health food stores. The dosage for the Medi-C Plus combination is one flat scoop with breakfast and one with the evening meal. Those at greater risk should take one flat scoop three times a day. If high doses cause diarrhea, the dose should be decreased.

Caveat: This column does not recommend that those taking CLDs should stop them. That is a decision best made by patients and their doctors. As for me – I bet my life on it!


W. Gifford-Jones, MD is a graduate of the University of Toronto and The Harvard Medical School. He writes a weekly medical column, which is published by 70 Canadian newspapers and reaches around six million readers. The W. Gifford-Jones, MD line of products are based on his years of research in the medical field. Gifford-Jones’ concern over the pitfalls of pharmaceuticals led him to develop and endorse the natural formulas that can effectively and safely resolve health issues. For more information on his products, please visit:

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  • i hv beeb taking small doses of vitamine c and lysine for over a year but now i hv to undergo a bypass operation next month can a large doses of these two suplements heilp prevent this surgery?

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