The Reconnection: The Next Level of Healing

A new science is emerging that is changing our traditional understanding of health and healing. The latest scientific research is focusing on experiments, which are quantifying the effects of energy, light and information on human beings.

Leading the way are an international team of world-renowned scientists, William Tiller, PhD, Gary Schwartz, PhD, and Konstantin Kortokov, PhD, with their studies of the Reconnective Healing® frequencies first discovered by Eric Pearl, D.C. The powerful and profound results of this research, anticipated to be published later this year, are attracting the attention of the best and brightest in the scientific community.

Dr. Tiller, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, author of 8 books, 250 scientific papers and star of the film What The Bleep!? has been conducting research on how the physical properties of a room or a space change as a result of energy healing frequencies entering that room.

Dr. Tiller conducted his experiment on the Reconnective Healing frequencies for the first time at one of Eric Pearl’s seminars held in Sedona, AZ in 2006, and found the results so extraordinary that he repeated the study in 2007 in Los Angeles, and continued his inquiry into this phenomenon at The Reconnection Mastery Conference in Los Angeles this past September. According to Dr. Tiller, the Reconnective Healing frequencies bring healing “beyond just what has been classically known as energy healing into a broader spectrum of energy, light and information.”

Dr. Tiller has found that these intelligent frequencies begin changing the quantum field effects of the room, or “conditioning the space,” easily 36 hours or more before a seminar even begins, dramatically increasing the excess-free thermodynamic energy in the room. In other words, if this were simply the energy we find in energy healing, the temperature of the room would have increased by 300 degrees centigrade.

With Reconnective Healing, while the actual room temperature does not change, the amount of energy, light and information charging the room does, palpably and dramatically. In Dr. Tiller’s words: “As we continued to monitor that space, we found that two days later the increase in this effective energy content was huge. [If we ask] ‘What is the effective temperature increase for that normal space, how much must it go up to give the same excess energy content as was in Eric’s workshop two days after he started?” [The answer is] “The effective temperature increase for a normal space would have been 300 degrees Centigrade! That is huge.”

The initial findings are highly significant. Dr. Tiller continues, “This shift of energy is what allows normal human beings to enter a room and later to walk out with an ability to heal others and themselves, regardless of their background or education.”

In another research study, Dr. Schwartz, along with Drs. Melinda Connor and Ann Baldwin from the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at The University of Arizona, focus their research on the people who attend Reconnective Healing seminars. Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues conducted their “baseline energy healing” studies both at Dr. Schwarz’s lab at the University of Arizona and at seminars around the world.

These studies measured people’s abilities to work with, feel, transmit, and receive light and other electromagnetic frequencies before and after they attended the seminar. What they found was dramatic. Of the more than 100 people who participated in the study, all walked out with permanently expanded new electromagnetic abilities following the Reconnective Healing seminar, whether they had never studied healing or if they were masters / teachers of the various energy healing techniques known today, old or new.

While Dr. Tiller has been measuring the dramatic field effects that occur at these seminars, and Dr. Schwartz has been focusing his research on those who attend those seminars, Dr. Korotokov has studied both field effects, as well as effects on individual seminar attendees. Using his proprietary methodologies and cutting edge imaging and measurement devices, Dr. Korotkov’s research corroborates both Dr. Tiller and Dr. Schwartz’s findings.

More specifically, he has measured and documented significant field effects (which he terms “coherence effects”) that occur while teaching is conducted at the seminar. These coherence effects are most dramatic and powerful when a new concept or exercise is introduced into the seminar, documented by dramatic spikes in both the intensity and size of the seminar room’s field. He theorizes these coherence effects might be the conduit, allowing attendees to gain these new abilities and become master healers in just one short seminar weekend.

Additionally, Dr. Korotkov’s research suggests that by simply sitting in the seminar room itself, attendees are more likely to receive positive health effects. In fact, many seminar attendees have reported physical and other healings just from sitting in the seminar room.

What impact are these and other studies on energy having on the scientific and medical community? Traditional science and medicine can no longer approach health and healing the same way.

New scientific exploration by Drs. Tiller, Schwartz and Korotkov, as well as what is documented in Dr. Pearl’s own bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, are paving the way towards validating the powerful effects that energy, light and information can have on people. This type of exploration is contributing to advancing humanity to the next stage of evolution.

For more information about Dr. Eric Pearl and The Reconnection, visit or call The Reconnection office: 1-323-960-0012.

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