‘Structured Water’ is naturally
alkaline and rich in oxygen,
negative hydrogen ions, minerals, electrolytes, and bio-photonic energy.
There is an emerging scientific paradigm that has revealed the true nature of water. This life giving liquid has been discovered to contain a living crystalline network of molecules. Each molecule has enormous storage capacity – 440,000 energy-carrying panels – which store energetic imprints (electromagnetic signatures) of everything that comes in contact with the water. Energy Imprints are retained in the water molecules even after the associated particle or chemical is removed from the water.[1][2]
The information contained in the energetic imprints that the water molecule stores determines its physical and energetic properties. Based on what biologists have discovered about the cell membrane and cellular uptake, the water molecule must have the right pattern of energies in order to be truly useful to humans, animals, and plants.
Research that’s been done to identify the characteristics of water in its original wild state, a pure manifestation of nature’s grand design, led to the examination of water that is present exclusively in healthy cells and healing waters (i.e. Hunza and Lourdes waters). This water was found to have a unique structure and specific set of properties, and was labelled as ‘Structured Water’ by Dr. Marcel Vogel.
This ‘Structured Water’ is naturally alkaline and rich in oxygen, negative hydrogen ions, minerals, electrolytes, and bio-photonic energy (which appears in water as light). This ‘Structured Water’ has the effect of neutralizing things that are harmful to our bodies, while increasing hydration by 30%. It also has a positive effect on energy, oxygenation, and nutrient absorption.
Structured Water is engineered by nature, through specific actions that occur in nature, to be exactly right for human biology and for all life on this planet. Research indicates that water strives to return to its original structured state, leaching from its consumer or the surrounding environment to regain the energies it lacks. This means that when we consume water that is deficient, our bodies will fail to receive the energetic information that nature meant to be in the water, and we are robbed a second time by deficient water!
University of Washington Bioengineering Professor, Dr. Gerald Pollack, has worked extensively to investigate the characteristics and behaviour of water in biological entities and to share information about ‘Structured Water’.[3] Here are some of his conclusions:
From this, it becomes apparent that the quality of water that you consume, and the electromagnetic information (energies) that water carries throughout your body, are two of the most important determinants of your health.
Evidence of further health implications, with respect to our body’s water, can be found in the work of water research scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto. His research demonstrated that emotion-filled words, written and spoken, have specific energy patterns which impact the structure of water molecules. (The word “love” happens to impact water in a vibrational match to ‘Structured Water’.)[4]
Turning to the new science of Epigenetics, researcher Dr. Bruce Lipton teaches that beliefs are the major determinants of health: “Your mind controls your biology. That’s what the placebo effect is about; the mind believes the pill will work, and so it does.”[5] Epigenetics shows that perceptions and thoughts are delivered to the brain, cells, and genes in the form of electromagnetic signals that dictate biology.[6] ‘Structured Water’ can be used to effectively deliver our self-healing intentions, in the most powerful way, together with an abundance of nature’s life-giving energies. I invite you to explore what more is possible using ‘Structured Water’.
New water structuring technology is now available that reproduces the natural actions that occur in nature to cleanse and restore water to its original true state. This makes it possible for people to create ‘Structured Water’ for themselves using a portable water structuring device and water from the tap or a bottle. Water structuring devices are also available for installation under the sink, shower, whole house, swimming pool use, industry, farm … for every use, everywhere.
Visit https://www.vibrancywater.ca for details about the properties and benefits of Structured Water, the water structuring technology mentioned in this article, and related research. For more info. call: 1-888-993-9123.
[1] To learn about the emerging scientific view of an electrical universe, view Thunderbolts of the Gods | Official Movie. The movie is produced by a group of Cosmologists, who are also the founders of the Thunderbolt Project (www.thunderbolts.info).
[2] See Water Memory, the 2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize Laureate Luc Montagnier. The study discussed in this video is related to Dr. Montagnier’s research on the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). (He was co-awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in “Physiology or Medicine” for his discovery of the virus.) https://tinyurl.com/j27vztt
[3] For more information about Dr. Gerald Pollack’s research see: https://faculty.washington.edu/ghp
[4] Emoto, Masaru. Hidden Messages in Water. Atria Books, 2005. https://tinyurl.com/yburuhws
[5] Lipton, Bruce H. Ph.D., The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles. Hay House Inc., 10th anniv. ed. U.S. 2015. See also the two-part video lecture by Dr. Bruce Lipton, available on Youtube
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