My home is on a river with a couple of acres around it, so I was lucky enough to look out the kitchen window this morning to see a turtle searching for a nice sandy place to lay her eggs. She headed over to the roses, changed her mind, came toward the house, and motored around the corner to the mock orange bushes.
My mom was here, and we went from window to window, watching to see where she laid her eggs so as to ensure the area was not disturbed. We could barely keep up with her as she circumnavigated the house in record time. We were amazed at how fast she was moving, and laughed at the assumptions we had in our minds about turtles moving slowly.
This is a beautiful little analogy of how we are constantly being given opportunities to re-examine how we see the world in our changing times. As I think of it now, it was also a story of how the earth (represented by the turtle) is moving swiftly, and with determination, towards birthing a new future. Humanity is on a similar journey, and as the hertz frequency of the earth increases as she aligns with the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy, all of us on the surface are learning to vibrate faster, too.
This summer, the pace will continue its intensity as we streamline to our new world frequency. I think the good news is that, collectively, our social imaginations are evolving. We are becoming more aware of ourselves as part of a larger energy, a ‘oneness,’ and from that awareness we are ending the illusions of duality (us vs. ‘them’). This new understanding is hugely empowering, and encourages us to want to take responsibility for the world that we are creating.
Around the world, for example, people are saying ‘no’ to political oppression. In Vancouver, citizens are saying ‘no’ to excusing irresponsible non-political mobs. In some West African villages, if a teenager has broken the law in some way, they place him or her in the centre of the village and tell the teenager all of the good stories that they have about him or her, held in their collective memories. The teenager usually never breaks the law again, because he or she feels witnessed, and reminded that they are an important part of the community. For the Vancouver ‘rioters,’ being identified on the web by their village, there is an opportunity to stop sleepwalking and begin the journey into responsible wakefulness. This is true for all of us right now.
This is the time to remember our true selves; what I will call our ‘cosmic’ selves. To keep pace with the earth, we need to lighten our load of limiting beliefs – they hold us back from becoming our true magnificent selves, which allows us to vibrate higher and faster. There is no room for negative beliefs in the new world, about our selves or others. These come from instilled fear of one form or another. We are facing them all this year, and clearing them will not be a walk in the park. The ‘cosmic self’ is never overwhelmed by our circumstances, but guides us to stand up to what appears to overwhelm us. By standing up to the adversity, we are strengthened.
I heard a beautiful analogy yesterday. Elephants raised in captivity are tied with heavy chains to big trees when they are young. They struggle to get away, but cannot overpower the large chains. As adults, they are only tied with small ropes around small trees and are unaware that they are strong enough to leave and run free whenever they choose. They have been so conditioned to see themselves as limited and confined that they are unaware as adults that their perceived restrictions are an illusion.
Likewise, humanity is increasingly being shown, collectively and individually, that we are waking from a long sleep, and that we can break free from the limitations of past beliefs and metamorphose into joyous, loving, multi-dimensional beings. Until we completely let go of those limits, we will co-create opportunities for ourselves to see their falseness.
Each time we breathe more love into a situation and let go of whatever is stressing us out, whether it’s a belief, a need, or an expectation, we will surrender more into our larger ‘cosmic’ self. All of us are facing extraordinary circumstances.
As we deepen into our experiences this summer, we will release expectations and expand more deeply into each moment. We will have no choice. For some it will be an opportunity to be of service to others who feel stretched to their limits or numbed by the pace and intensity of the changes taking place around them.
We are capable of creating heaven on Earth, and as each of us wakens to that possibility, the potential for humanity becomes more and more limitless. Truly limitless.
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