Restore Free Breathing Naturally for Better Respiratory Health

In our modern 21st century lifestyle we have the misfortune to be exposed to many toxins on a daily basis through our environment, from overexposure to toxic chemicals at home and at work, and even contained in foods, consumer electronics, cosmetics, many synthetic fabrics, new carpeting, and your new car. Environmental toxins seem to be a prevalent by-product of the frantic lifestyles our technology and economy have forced us to live.

Toxins can enter the human body via a number of convenient pathways; through the lungs when we breathe, through the skin by contact, or through the GI tract from the food and drink we consume. The toxins are then metabolically processed by the three major organs of detoxification; the liver, the lungs and the kidneys so that they can be excreted from the body with other waste material. That is IF the toxins do not become stored in the cells of the body through toxic overload.

A detoxification or cleansing of the body organs is an attempt to increase the efficiency of the organs as well as rid the body of a buildup of toxins. When the major organs of elimination are overloaded by toxins, they begin to store these pollutants in the cells of the body where they can be harmful in various ways. Toxins can interfere with the normal biochemical pathways necessary for healthy bodily functions but we can also fight the onslaught of toxin overload with an herbal cleanse or detoxification.

The liver, the lungs, and kidneys are the sites in the body where many toxins are biochemically altered into a form which can then be eliminated from the body through the colon, lung and kidneys. When toxins are biochemically broken down by the liver, the biochemically converted toxins are secreted back into the blood for eventual elimination by the lungs or kidneys or into the bile for elimination through the colon. A gentle stimulation of the organs of elimination will help in the metabolism and release of stored toxins.

Lung Cleanse

The lungs are organs that connect directly with the outside world. They process the pollution that comes from the environment on a first-hand basis. The lungs are well supplied with blood and form a barrier that allows the body to absorb oxygen from the air and also to excrete carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

The lungs are a very metabolically active site for detoxification of some toxins. Because the lungs are in contact with our polluted atmosphere, they can absorb many airborne pollutants. Some of these pollutants are particulate (solid) in nature and can become trapped within the lung tissue, and some pollutants are chemical (fluid) in nature and gain access to the body by dissolving directly through the lung membranes into the blood. These chemical pollutants can themselves act as oxidants which damage the lung tissue or cause the lung tissue to be damaged when the body attempts to get rid of the pollutants.

Omega Alpha® has developed a special herbal formula to help protect the lung tissue from damage and also to help the body rid itself of the trapped particulate pollutants. Lung Flush™ is made up of a combination of herbs used in Western herbalism and traditional Chinese herbalism to help loosen and expel trapped particulate pollutants and to provide antioxidants which specifically protect the lung tissue. It contains the herbs Baikal Skullcap, Grosvenor Momordica, Chrysanthemum, Honeysuckle and Mulberry Leaf.

A periodic cleanse of the lungs will greatly improve overall health. For maintenance of the lungs between cleanses, use Omega Alpha®’s Resprit™ for daily protection and support of the lungs.

Restore Free Breathing Naturally with Resprit™

  • Rapid onset of action (menthol)
  • Helps to suppress coughing
  • Promotes expectoration
  • Aids detoxification pathways for the lungs
  • 13 botanical herbs (TCM)
  • Provides antioxidants for normal lung functions
  • Herbs have anti-inflammatory actions
  • Provides gentle support for the respiratory system
  • May improve shortness of breath (activity induced)
  • Helps to clear mucus and improve overall respiration

Resprit™ contains 13 botanicals based on traditional herbal formulations. These herbs are used to strengthen and support the respiratory system’s natural healing processes. The 13 botanicals are a source of antioxidants and trace elements that help to reduce inflammation, which in turn reduces mucus or phlegm. Resprit™ comes in a natural cherry menthol flavour. Take a peek at the 13 herbal ingredients and their properties, actions and benefits from this herbal formulation.

Peppermint leaf – aids in digestion, helps relieve flatulence, helps relieve nausea and vomiting, and maintains digestive system health. Peppermint possesses anti-septic, analgesic, sedative, anti-spasmodic properties and is indicated for asthma, bronchitis, coughs, nasal congestion and nausea.

Thinleaf Milkwort root – is a calming agent that reduces nervousness, distress and irritation. It expels phlegm and relieves congestion, improves appetite, promotes digestion, and improves memory. Thinleaf Milkwort has expectorant and anti-hyperglycemic properties.

Chrysanthemum flower – facilitates digestion, helps in detoxification, helps slow the progression of vision loss, prevents the growth of microbes, protects cardiovascular health, protects cells against damage caused by free radicals, and soothes respiratory mucous membranes. This herb has alterative, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-viral, carminative and tonic properties.

Japanese Honeysuckle flower – exerts beneficial effects on various inflammatory conditions through antioxidants, maintains upper respiratory tract health, prevents the growth of harmful microbes, and supports gastrointestinal tract health and cardiovascular health. Japanese Honeysuckle possesses anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory actions.

Baikal Skullcap root – exerts beneficial effects on various inflammatory conditions, prevents the growth of microbes and protects the liver. It also reduces blood lipid levels in adults and supports cardiovascular health. Baikal Skullcap root possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, expectorant, and anti-allergic properties.

Monk Fruit – maintains healthy blood glucose levels, as well as healthy bowel movements. It also relieves coughs and possesses anti-histaminic, antioxidant, and anti-hyperglycemic properties.

Thunberg Fritillary bulb – expels mucus and helps relieve coughs, helps reduce inflammation of the respiratory tract and supports healthy lung function. It also relieves respiratory congestion and maintains respiratory health. This herb also contains anti-inflammatory, antitussive, diuretic and expectorant properties.

Mulberry leaf – exerts beneficial effects on various inflammatory conditions, provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health, reduces blood lipid levels in adults and supports and maintains cardiovascular health. Mulberry also possesses anti-bacterial, diuretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory actions.

Stinging nettle – helps reduce difficulty in urination associated with the early stages of prostate enlargement. It also helps relieve rheumatic complaints and seasonal allergy symptoms, promotes urination and is a nutritive tonic. Stinging nettle has alterative, diuretic and nutritive properties.

Rosemary leaf – helps relieve flatulence, stomach aches, headaches, relaxes muscles and improves mood. It provides antioxidants for the maintenance of good health and supports the cardiovascular system. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, nervine, and diaphoretic actions.

Eucalyptus leaf – maintains the respiratory system, helps to expel mucus, relieves cold symptoms, prevents the growth of microbes, exerts beneficial effects on various inflammatory conditions, relieves congestion and makes breathing easier. Eucalyptus possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, and expectorant properties.

Guar gum – aids in weight management and is beneficial for the management of diabetes. It also supports normal cholesterol levels, is a source of soluble fibre, and supports healthy intestinal flora and healthy bowel movements. Guar gum has prebiotic properties.

Menthol – helps to temporarily relieve mild nasal congestion and cough associated with the common cold.

Herbal Cleanses for Kidneys, Liver, and Colon

Omega Alpha® also manufactures herbal formulas to cleanse the kidneys, liver and colon for a complete body detox program. It is recommended that healthy individuals do a total organ cleanse every 6 months (usually in spring and fall). If an individual is exposed to a larger toxin load because of medicines, smoking, alcohol and drug use, or a toxic environment (work outdoors or other exposure to pollution) we recommend an organ cleanse be done on a more frequent basis (every 4-6 months).

You can find Omega Alpha® products in fine health food stores across Canada. For more information visit or call 1.800.651.3172

Dr. Gordon Chang received his Ph.D. in 1989 from the University of Toronto, Department of Physiology and Institute of Biomedical Engineering. Here, he received a research fellowship award from The Hospital for Sick Children to research cell adhesion, biomaterials and blood material interactions. Later, as a post-doctoral fellow at the department of Clinical Chemistry at Toronto General Hospital, Dr. Chang led research in antioxidants, free radical chemistry and oxidative injury. He has been a lecturer at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and has conducted numerous speaking engagements and broadcast media appearances at professional trade shows and consumer events speaking on market trends, nutritional supplementation and physiology for human health, equine health and pet health. Dr. Chang established Omega Alpha Pharmaceuticals Inc. in 1992 and his manufacturing company has earned awards, accolades and the enduring respect of his peers for producing innovative and efficacious herbal-based and nutritional supplements for the natural health industry.

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