By running your water through a water filter, you can be confident that you are reducing your exposure to the bacteria and contaminants that make it into our supply as well as the chemicals that are added intentionally
The fact that water is an essential part of our daily diet is something that everyone knows, and we have all heard of various water filtration systems from brands like Berkey that can improve the quality of the water we drink. Yet people still tend to underestimate just how essential drinking water and its quality is to our health and survival.
The average adult’s body is 60 percent water, and every single cell needs a regular supply in order to function. Basic metabolic processes can only run if there is water available, and our blood needs water to transport nutrients, minerals, and oxygen around the body. Furthermore, water is used to rid our bodies of toxic substances and to maintain and regulate body temperature.
In short, while there have been many stories of people living for days or even weeks without food, if we are without water for more than a couple of days, we are unlikely to survive.
What water are you and your family drinking?
So why don’t we pay closer attention to the water we drink? Although tap water is regulated and monitored for compliance with the Safe Drinking Act, it still contains additives such as chlorine, fluoride and even arsenic that can be harmful to your body. Also, we are faced with incidents every year in which drinking water is contaminated and affects thousands or even millions of Canadians. Who can forget the incident in 2015, when Canadians across the provinces were advised to boil their tap water.
Is a water filter the answer?
By running your water through a water filter, you can be confident that you are reducing your exposure to the bacteria and contaminants that make it into our supply as well as the chemicals that are added intentionally. With the use of a commercial water filter such as the Berky water filter system you will filter out far more of those unpleasant additives, including fluoride, which some systems are unable to remove.
Five reasons why you need a water filter:
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