You don’t need anything elaborate – aids, gimmicks or gums – to stop smoking. In fact, I believe that you can stop smoking cigarettes cold turkey. I’ve seen many people do it. In fact, for more than 20 years I have helped many smokers to quit.
My hypnosis technique makes it so easy that after only one hour you’ll leave my office as a happy non-smoker forever. That means not feeling deprived, not feeling that you’ve made a sacrifice, and not feeling any pain.
The technique that I use does not require nicotine gum or patches, inhalers or nasal sprays. All that you have to do with hypnosis is sit back in a comfortable chair, and relax.
I have found scores of reputable scientific studies done in the past two decades which have demonstrated how hypnosis is a superb tool to help people stop smoking. The largest-ever scientific comparison of ways to break the habit was reported in the New Scientist magazine (Oct. 1992: “How one in five have given up smoking”).(1) In this study, nearly 72,000 people were surveyed within 600 studies, covering methods to quit smoking. The studies were based on hypnosis audio tapes, and included information from the Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Asso-ciation. The conclusion: these hypnosis trials achieved a 30 to 60% success rate.
Individual person to person sessions conducted in my office have shown even better results – with a 94% success rate. I have many satisfied clients.
I typically work with my clients between one to four sessions. I follow up with them for up to two years after our work together, and of those who respond to the follow-up 95% report that they are still non-smokers.
One of my patients is Marc Lamontagne, a financial planner for Ryan Lamon-tagne Inc., and a frequent guest on CTV’s Morning Live Ottawa.(2) He has been smoke-free for five years, thanks to my treatment. He was so pleased with the results that he sent his wife to me for smoking cessation hypnosis as well, and she is now also smoke-free.
My technique involves a combination of eyes-open and eyes-closed hypnosis, along with neurolinguistic programming and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Much of my work is based on research done between January 2000 and March 2002, by Dr. Barry Neale, Ph.D at his UK practice, The Accelerated Change Centre.(3) During the course of Neale’s research, the average age of respondents was 44, and none had previous hypnosis experience.
A little more than half of the subjects had already tried nicotine patches, 14% had tried nicotine gum, 7% had tried acupuncture, 6% had tried using a nicotine inhaler, and a third had previously tried to quit using willpower alone. About a tenth of study subjects had not previously tried to quit smoking.
After one session, 95% of those who received hypnotherapy from Dr. Neale had quit smoking.
Think of what you have to gain from quitting: a longer life, a healthier life, not feeling you always have to light up, and you save all kinds of money. In fact, stopping 20 years of smoking could mean $200,000 you never have to spend on cigarettes.
In less than the amount of time it takes to smoke half a pack, hypnosis could make you never crave another cigarette again.
(1) tinyurl.com/NewScientistHypnosisLuke
(2) https://tinyurl.com/MarcLamontagneHypnosis
(3) https://fliphtml5.com/acng/reea/basic/
(4) https://trance-formations.com/resources/research/stop-smoking/
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