Three Steps to Alkaline Purification
Dr. Jentschura has developed a powerful and easy 3-step program to purify and alkalize the body.
For thousands of years, human beings lived as hunter-gatherers; a few hours of work each day devoted to gathering and preparing food, and the rest spent socializing with their family. As a result, they got plenty of fresh air, exercise, and a real sense of community.
In contrast, our acidic North American lifestyle prevents the possibility of enjoying the benefits of an alkaline body. Too much acid-generating food and drink, too much stress, and not enough fresh air and exercise – these factors create an acidic versus an alkaline body, and are the main factors which throw off our natural balance.
On a physical level, we are just like the animals. But do animals in their natural environment eat junk food, drive cars, and get really stressed out at day jobs? No way! They are out in the fresh air running and jumping, eating fresh food, and relaxing. Everything they do contributes to an alkaline body and vibrant health.
Three Step Program to Alkalize the Body
By making a commitment to change, we can make different choices that will bring balance to our lives; it is not that hard once you’re ready. Changing your diet to consist of 80% alkalizing foods and beverages can make a huge difference to your health.
Dr. Jentschura, MSc, from Germany has developed a very powerful and easy 3-step program to purify and alkalize the body:
1) Cleansing;
2) Neutralization and regeneration;
3) Elimination.
Step 1: Break-up of deposited impurities with AlkaHerb Tea – The three-step program begins with using AlkaHerb 7×7 blood cleansing tea. It helps dissolve the toxic material stored in tissues. Dr. Jentschura based his recipe on the lifelong research of a family of naturopathic doctors in Germany over a hundred years ago. Made from 49 organic and wildcrafted herbs, the AlkaHerb tea is effective in breaking down toxins and acids stored in tissues. As the accumulated impurities are dissolved, they can be metabolized and flushed out. As these stored toxins and acids are released, so is the water and fat which was bound by these acids. Weight loss is a positive side effect of the Triple Jump to Purification. Simply drink two cups of AlkaHerb daily, and for each cup consumed, be sure to drink a glass of water.
Step 2: Neutralization and re-mineralization with WurzelKraft – The second step means eating WurzelKraft alkaline food granules to neurtralize the reactivated acids and to refill the mineral stores in the blood, skin, teeth, hair, bones, and tissues. As the acids and toxins released by the 7 x 7 AlkaHerb tea need to be neutralized for safe removal, it is important to take huge amounts of WurzelKraft to avoid any problems like a gout attack.
WurzelKraft means literally ‘The Power Of Roots’, and is made from the roots, seeds, flowers, and leaves of more than 100 different healing plants; each of these organic and wildcrafted plants is carefully chosen to support optimum cell health. WurzelKraft contains hundreds of thousands of vital substances like minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and enzymes needed by the body’s cells. It tastes delicious and comes in a bioavailable form that makes for quick assimilation of vital minerals. Eating 6 teaspoons daily will flood the body with all the minerals, vitamins, and trace elements it needs.
Step 3: Expel Toxins and Acids with AlkaBath – The third step involves bathing with AlkaBath alkaline mineral bath salts to enable quick and comfortable elimination of acids and toxins through the skin. Besides the kidneys, lungs, and intestines, your skin is a very large and effective organ of elimination. Dr. Jentschura’s simple yet ingenious approach to efficient elimination takes advantage of the large surface area of the skin. This is easily achieved by bathing in an alkaline solution (pH 8.5). Simply add 3 tablespoons of AlkaBath to the full bath (use a smaller amount for foot baths), and soak as long as you can. The results of this powerful detox include better sleep, healthier skin, and more.
Dr. Jentschura’s alkaline products are available in health food stores across Canada. To purchase online, visit: https://www.youinfocusproducts .com. For more information call toll-free 1-866-722-9812
WIN 3 AlkalineStarter Kits, each with the value of $116. All you have to do is read Dr. Jentschura’s text about ‘Three Steps to Alkaline Purification’ and answer this question: How many tablespoons of AlkaBath do you need to enjoy a detox full bath? Email your answer to