
Wasabi Peas

From the Vitality Food Feature 'Healthy Holiday Munchies'. I was introduced to wasabi peas years ago and no matter how… Read More

20 years ago

ND & DNM: What’s the Difference?

I’ve seen the designation D.N.M after certain practitioners advertising in Vitality. I know that it stands for Doctor of Natural… Read More

20 years ago

The Gerson Therapy – Curing the Incurable: Tuberculosis, Arthritis, Diabetes, and Cancer

The following excerpt comes from Charlotte Gerson’s book, The Gerson Therapy: The Amazing Nutritional Program For Cancer and Other Illnesses… Read More

20 years ago

Everyday Sacred Journeys: Universe of Stories

A question from a reader: "I’ve been reading about reincarnation, getting into Tarot, a little numerology etc. Could I have… Read More

20 years ago

Sacred Journeys: Healing Wisdom of Mother Earth

Everyday Rituals & Celebrations Since February I have been wearing a vial of water from the Glastonbury Well around my… Read More

20 years ago


This Sun Worshipping ‘Weed’ Provides Food for Monarch Butterflies and Potent Herbal Medicine for Humans When we take a walk… Read More

20 years ago


Revered by Folk Medicine, Banned by Medical Experts, What is the Real Truth About this Powerful Medicinal Plant? When European… Read More

20 years ago


The Modern Epidemic of Hypothyroidism Can Be Treated with Natural Food, Vitamins, and Herbs Many of our body functions are… Read More

20 years ago


And How Proper Care and Feeding of the Adrenals Can Restore that Slimming Metabolic Balance The following is an excerpt… Read More

20 years ago

Flaming Antibiotic Juicing recipe

From the Vitality Food Feature 'THE JOY OF JUICING'. One of garlic’s many healing properties is that it promotes sweating… Read More

20 years ago


Herpes refers to a group of disorders which manifest with an eruption of red, painful blisters or sores on the… Read More

20 years ago


March is an important time of transition in Ontario. Winter is finally beginning to wind down and spring is just… Read More

21 years ago

Baked Herb Stuffed Fish

From the Vitality Food Feature 'FOODS FOR LOVE'. Ingredients 4 Tbsp butter 2 medium onions, chopped 1 small bunch parsley,… Read More

21 years ago

Eggs With Truffles

From the Vitality Food Feature 'FOODS FOR LOVE'. (Serves 4) Hot-house, Moroccan and Syrian canned truffles can be found in… Read More

21 years ago

Tomato & Coriander Salad

From the Vitality Food Feature 'FOODS FOR LOVE'. Ingredients 5 medium sized tomatoes, quartered, then thinly sliced 3/4 cup chopped… Read More

21 years ago

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