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All You Need to Know About Nose Jobs


If you’re considering a nose job in the UK, then this is the article for you. It will tell you everything you need to know about the surgery, from planning it through to recovering afterwards.

The idea of surgery puts many people off, but it’s important to remember that nose jobs are one of the most performed procedures in the world. With advances in medical technology, they’re also becoming increasingly safe and affordable.

If you’re unhappy with your nose shape or size, a nose job could be a great way to achieve your desired look. 152 Harley Street nose job professionals have years of experience performing these procedures, so you can rest assured that you’re safe if you have your procedure at their clinics.

Read on to find out more about nose jobs.

Planning Your Surgery

Before any nose job, a detailed consultation with your plastic surgeon is essential. During this, your surgeon will discuss everything with you – the desired look and shape of your nose, your age, the thickness of your skin, and any other factors that can influence the results.

You may even take digital photos to further help illustrate what type of outcome you’re looking for. Additionally, your surgeon will also evaluate the structure of both your nose and face and discuss if changes to either are possible while keeping it in balance with the rest of your features.

Furthermore, if you’ve had a previous surgery on or an injury to your nose at some point in time prior to the current procedure, this must be taken into consideration as well.

The Surgery

Nose job surgery can vary depending on the patient’s individual needs. Usually, a general anaesthetic is used; however, some cases may be done with just local anaesthetic and sedation.

Typically, surgery time for a nose job ranges from one to two hours. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, an incision may be made on the columella — the partition between the nostrils — for a open rhinoplasty approach.

During the procedure, the skin of your nose is lifted off its supports and modified for improved aesthetics or breathing. Whichever type of rhinoplasty you end up undergoing, rest assured that our team of experienced dermatologists will provide you with impeccable care and optimal results.

Be Aware of The Risks

Patients considering nose surgery have to understand the risks associated with all surgical procedures. In most cases, complications following a rhinoplasty are rare and minor.

That being said, it is common to experience slight bleeding through the nostrils for several days after the surgery.

Fortunately, heavier and more severe bleeding is extremely unusual and can be controlled with the simple measure of applying a cool gauze against your nose and sitting upright.

While risks are involved with any type of surgical procedure, sitting up and applying a cool gauze lightly against the nostrils can help ensure your safety during recovery from a rhinoplasty procedure.

What to Expect After Your Surgery

After a nose job surgery, you should expect some puffiness in your face and mild aches around your nose and headache.

To reduce the swelling and bruising, it is essential to stay sitting up after the surgery and sleep in a slightly upright position during the initial days.

While some degree of discomfort can be experienced, rhinoplasty is generally not too painful. The heat Edema and bruising around the eyes may increase initially but will reach its peak after two to three days post-surgery.

Minor bleeding may occur for a few days following the surgical procedure, whereas stuffiness may persist for several weeks. To ensure optimal recovery and healing outcomes, we recommend closely following all post-operative instructions given by your specialist surgeon.

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