
Canine Care: Food and Medicines for Your Dog’s Health

Dogs are not only our best buddies, but also our food buddies. However, just like humans, they’re sometimes not allowed to eat specific foods. These may endanger their health, so it’s best to be wary. You should only feed them healthy food and avoid the “don’ts” in the food list.

Let’s take a look at the types of food and medications that are most appropriate for your dog, and those that are not:


Adding prescription medicines as a supplement to dog food can be beneficial. However, with the increasing number of available medicines nowadays, it’s best to know which are safe for your dog, or not.

Some drugs can prevent diseases while others can cure dog ailments. Thus, you should give the right medicine according to the signs and symptoms present.

Here’s a list of medications that may be prescribed for your dog at some point in their life:

Pain Relievers – If your dog is in pain, analgesics are an option. Choosing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is even better to decrease your dog’s inflammation. As a result, they can feel a whole lot better.

Sedatives – When your dog is anxious, they may harm themselves with unusual behaviors. Sedatives and other behavior-modifying medicines for dogs can calm them and reduce their strange behavior.

Antiparasitics – This type of medication is one of the most vital medicines your dog needs. It can suppress or kill ticks, fleas, heartworms, intestinal protozoans, worms, and other parasites. Without these de-worming drugs, your pet is prone to parasitic infections.

Antibiotics – Not only parasites can harm your dog’s health, but yeast, bacteria, and microbes can also be dangerous to them. That’s why it’s best to treat bacterial infections with antibiotics.

If you are wondering where to buy medicines for your pets, you can look up online or contact your veterinarian. These stores, like Pet Honesty, offer various options for you to choose from. You can also find healthy supplements to cure your dog’s indigestion, chronic pain, and joint issues.

  1. NUTS

If you’re into nuts, well, your dogs can eat these healthy snacks too. However, you should avoid feeding your dogs with high-fat nuts as they can cause diarrhea and vomiting. So don’t feed your dogs black walnuts or macadamia, chocolate-covered nuts, or those with artificial sweeteners. Some may cause hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, and other nuts may even cause liver failure.

But fret not, as there are healthier nuts that your dogs can eat with you, and here’s a list:

  • Peanuts – Although peanuts may cause allergic reactions in some humans, dogs can eat them without showing allergy symptoms. But since peanuts are also high in fat, you should only give them a minimal amount.
  • Hazelnuts – These nuts aren’t toxic to your dogs. But if your dogs are tiny, you should avoid feeding them hazelnuts to prevent intestinal obstruction or choking risk.
  • Cashews – These nuts are also safe for dogs as long as you’ve roasted or cooked them. Although they contain toxins, high-temperature can eliminate these toxins.

As much as humans need fruits to keep themselves healthy, your dogs also need them. Not only are they abundant in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, but fruits are also low in calories. However, just like nuts, some fruits may not be suitable for your dog.

The list of fruits your dogs can’t eat is not as long as the list of safe fruits. But, if you’re unaware and you gave them unsafe fruits, it can be toxic to your dogs.

For instance, avocado may be healthy for you, but its leaves, skin, and pit contain persin, which can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs.

Another fruit to avoid giving your dogs are cherries, as cherry plants contain cyanide. When eaten, your dogs may be poisoned and experience gum bleeding, difficulty breathing, and dilation of the pupils.

On the other hand, these fruits are healthy for your dog:

  • Apples – Because they’re low in fat and protein, apples are great snacks for your dogs. Apples are even a good source of fiber, vitamins C and A.
  • Bananas – Although it’s not part of your dog’s main diet due to high sugar content, you can give bananas as their treats. But as a snack, bananas are a great source of copper, fiber, biotin, vitamins, and potassium.
  • Blueberries – To minimize the damage to your dog’s cells, feeding them blueberries is a remedy. Not only that, but they’re also a good source of phytochemicals and fiber.
  • Mango – For your dog’s summer treat, mangoes are safe and healthy since they are rich in vitamins E, C B6, and A. Although, you should also give it as an occasional treat due to its high sugar level.
  • Watermelon – Another summer snack for your dog is a watermelon flesh. This fruit is great to hydrate your dog as it contains 92% water, potassium, vitamins C, B-6, and A.

Other natural sources of vitamins and minerals for your dogs are vegetables. Especially when you’re health-conscious, eating veggies with your dog is possible.

However, not all veggies are safe for dogs. Some are toxic like onions which can cause increased respiratory and heart rates, and even lethargy. Another dangerous type of vegetable to avoid feeding your dogs is mushrooms. It can cause organ failure, tremors, seizures, and, worse – could be fatal to your dogs.

On the other hand, these veggies are great for your fur buddy:

  • Asparagus – Feed your dogs with steamed asparagus as it’s a good source of minerals, vitamins, and flavor to your dog’s food.
  • Kale – When dried, chopped, or steamed, kale in your dog’s food can help fight urinary tract problems, allergies, arthritis, and even heart disease. But you shouldn’t give too much as it can cause bloating and gassy stomach.
  • Green Beans – To keep the heart of your dog healthy, regulate bowel and digestion, green beans are great. You can even use it as a remedy to decrease your dog’s overweight.
  • Parsley – Added to your dog’s food, parsley is an excellent breath-freshener. Also, it can help your dog’s eyes and joints stay healthy because parsley has potassium and beta carotene.


Keeping your dog healthy is also your responsibility as a dog owner. By doing so, you can avoid wasting money on treating dog ailments. But if it comes to such incidents, then you can give them prescription medicines to help prevent or cure their illness. It’s even safer if you consult your dog’s vet before giving any medicine.

However, by giving them safe and healthy foods, you’ll surely avoid treating them with pharmaceutical drugs. Give them nuts as treats or snacks instead of buying manufactured pet snacks. And for their healthy diet, giving them fruits and veggies is a must. As a result, your dogs can get the minerals, vitamins, and other nutritious elements they need for their body.

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