Amâeil Melinda Urban RIHR

Amâeil (Melinda Urban RIHR) is a master at unravelling confusion in her clients, even stubborn patterns such as those that have kept people in fear and feeling small. She gets right to the core of the issue with gentle, compassionate higher guidance. She discovered her innate gift of discerning consciousness patterns through her own challenging spiritual awakening. She has been counseling individuals in the last 20 years as an intuitive energy psychotherapist and 12-dimensional holographic healing facilitator. When she's not helping individuals, couples, children or animals, she continues to dedicate herself to humanity's liberation through the sacred, balanced embodiment of the Divine feminine and masculine within. To book a healing session, visit There you’ll also find over 100 educational and inspiring articles, free tools, and healing chants, so that we can all wake up one day to be in awe of the peace everywhere!

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