Dr. Karen Becker, DVM

Dr. Karen Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian. Her goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health and vitality through wise lifestyle choices. Dr. Becker believes the Art of Medicine is to understand the myriad of insults that create disease. And also to have an arsenal of non-toxic, innovative approaches to help unlock the innate potential inside a pet’s body for healing and recovery to occur. Her goal is to not just to identify the root causes of disease and degeneration in pets, but to prevent the body from breaking by taking a proactive stance towards intentionally creating vibrant, thriving animals. Today, Dr. Becker helps millions of pets worldwide achieve abundant health by offering the most up-to-date information on species-appropriate nutrition, lifestyle choices and proactive living. For more information, visit: healthypets.mercola.com

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