Arlene Anisman, MEd, CCA, DCEP

Arlene Anisman is a Registered Psychotherapist in Toronto, practising for over 40 years. She has been combining essential oils in her practice for over 20 years. Arlene’s experience includes working in a hospital-based, sexual assault and domestic violence care centre, as well as providing conflict resolution/mediation processes for individuals, couples, families and agencies. Arlene has also trained as a Clinical Aromatherapist, a Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology, and is a certified EMDR therapist as well as a Certified Trainer and Practitioner in Advanced Energy Psychology. Arlene has taught at numerous conferences on treating trauma, sexual assault, and self-care combining Energy Psychology with essential oils. Contact Arlene at: (416) 766-8261 or Visit her website for more info: .

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