Tastes of Spring – Benefits of Bitter Greens from Dandelion to Radicchio
Herbalists and other healers have long championed the bitter taste of certain herbs and garden greens. Yet the majority of North Americans still shun these essential foods, preferring salty and sweet over the equally important sour and bitter.
Recipe: Dandelion Pasta
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘The Bitter Tastes of Spring‘. Gather dandelion in the spring when the leaves are young and tender and the bitter...
Recipe: Wilted Greens Soup
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘The Bitter Tastes of Spring‘. Greens and beans are a balanced combination of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. This is...
Recipe: Sautéed Radicchio & Other Bitters
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘The Bitter Tastes of Spring‘. Simple, healthy, and a great way to start a meal, use just radicchio or a...
Resolving Spike Protein Syndrome – Clearing the Spike from Blood and Cells
(Originally published in March 2023; Updated December 2024) BY THOMAS E. LEVY, MD, JD As the acute cases of COVID have continued to decline, the...
Winter Meals That Heal: Curative Spices, Healing Soups, Steamed Greens
Article endorsed by Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (Originally published in 2019; Updated in 2024) Ten years ago, I had terrible inflammation in my digestive...
Book feature: The Fair Trade Ingredient Cookbook
THE FAIR TRADE INGREDIENT COOKBOOK By Nettie Cronish We live in an age when consumers are more informed than ever about what they buy, eat...
Favorite Plant-Based Holiday Dishes by Some of Canada’s Top Cooks
(Editor’s note: The following collection of recipes was originally published in December 2017 and has been updated for re-release.) The holidays are a time when...
Fire Up Your Winter Meals with Immune Boosting Chile Peppers
Chile Pepper Medicine Turns Up the Heat The mighty capsicum (botanical name for pepper) has been named 2016 Herb of the Year by the International Herb Association.
My Top 5 Recommended Minerals for Fall
“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Linus Pauling Viral infections like Covid-19 have been in the public...
Simmered Fall Suppers: Hearty One-Pot Meals That Stick to Your Ribs
Autumn rhythms bring us back into order, back into shoes, and back into the kitchen. Now is the time for hearty, bone-warming dishes and hardy herbs to season them. But wait.
Easy Summer Cooking with Fruit and Berries on the Grill
Summer is the season for lighter fare and nothing says light and bright better than a colourful array of grilled fruits. They can be the...
Fabulous Fibre: Foods That Create Fullness and Fight Fat
1890 could be called “the year the human diet started to go downhill”. That was the year that a new milling technique which removed fibre...
Spring Detox with Wild Herbs and Weeds
(Originally published in 2020; Updated in 2024) There are many ways to detoxify the body, and for a herbalist the favourite strategy involves medicinal plants....
A Herbalist’s Favourite Home Remedies for 6 Common Health Problems
Most people who use herbs and other natural remedies have certain favourites that they rely on when needed. However, one place often overlooked as a...
How Potassium and Magnesium Healed My Atrial Fibrillation
A Personal Report by Dwight Kalita, PhD Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is a worldwide epidemic affecting 37 million people, and its rising prevalence will most certainly...