Recipe: Leek Frittata
Julie Daniluk, R.H.N. October 1, 2017
With olives, pesto, and egg yolks, this dish is rich in lipids that fuel ketone production.
From the Vitality Food Feature: “The Ketogenic Diet”
With a flavour best described as green onion with a strong garlic smell, leeks are used in many recipes such as soup and egg dishes. Enjoy the leek greens in this dish as they are low in carbs and high in fibre. Slice thin to ensure they cook well in this easy one pot meal. With olives, pesto, and egg yolks, this dish is rich in lipids that fuel ketone production.
- 2 free range chicken eggs or 4 goose eggs
- ½ cup chopped dill
- ½ cup chopped parsley
- 1 cup cherry tomatoes
- 15 black olives, chopped
- 1 cup chopped shiitake mushrooms
- 2 cups chopped asparagus
- 1 – 2 cups chopped leeks (green part only)
- 1 cup water-packed artichoke hearts (sold in a jar), drained
- 1 – 2 Tbsp dairy- and nut-free pesto (see below)
- 2 Tbsp water
- Chop produce and lay it in an 11” by 13” glass dish.
- Whip together eggs, pesto, fresh herbs, and water. Pour egg mixture over the produce. Bake for 40 minutes at 350°F. Serve hot.
Julie Daniluk, R.H.N.
Nutritionist and TV personality, Julie Daniluk, is the award-winning author of Slimming Meals That Heal, Hot Detox and Becoming Sugar-Free. Her groundbreaking bestselling book, Meals that Heal Inflammation (2nd edition) was released on December 31th, 2024 (Penguin Random House Canada). Julie has appeared on hundreds of television and radio shows, including The Dr. Oz Show and as the resident nutrition expert for The Marilyn Denis Show. Julie is the recipient of the Organic Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Health Food Association. Learn more about her work and accomplishments at and connect with her on Instagram & TikTok @juliedaniluk