KSNS Manual Therapy: For Heel, Neck, Back Pain – and More
Ten years ago, Korean researcher Mr. Sae-Yion Kim discovered a hitherto unknown cybernetic nerve system after 40 years of research. Known as a “magic hand”...
The reasons for the abnormal growth of cancer cells are complex and still not fully understood by the principles of Western medicine. But according to...
Homeopathic Medicine for Boosting Fertility and Conception
Infertility was a long and difficult road for Leah and Ben, a couple in their early 30s who had been trying to get pregnant for...
WOODFORD FILES: On Aluminum & Alzheimer’s; Herbs for Parasites; How Enzymes Reduce Stroke Risk
Hello Vitality readers, welcome to our first ever August/September combo issue. It’s a good one! In it, Helke Ferrie brings us an updated feature on...
HEALTH BRIEFS: Nuts Improve Cancer Survival; Walking Prevents Heart Failure; Grape Seed Inhibits Cancer
WALKING HELPS TO PREVENT HEART FAILURE A new study found that walking for at least 40 minutes, several times per week, at an average-to-fast pace...
Banish Parasites with Herbs That Clear Critters From the Bowels
Mention the word “parasites” and most people have visions of tropical villages or holiday resorts where they have caught ‘Montezuma’s revenge’ or had other intestinal...
3 Effective Enzymes: Relief for Bowel Problems, Joint Pain, Heart Disease
Enzymes are complex proteins naturally produced by the body to help digest and break down the foods we eat. Most of these enzymes are manufactured...
Homeopathic Medicine for Addiction to Drugs, Alcohol, and more
“Still enjoying your new Honda Accord?” he inquired, following their sexual encounter in his hotel room. Rising on her elbow, Danielle peered at the stranger...
Health Archives: Vitamin D for Heart Health; B-3 Reverses Alzheimer’s; Soft Drinks Affect Fertility
(Updated December 23, 2022) Vitamin D May Reverse Cardiovascular Damage Scientists have identified the role that vitamin D plays in preserving cardiovascular health. They used...
RECIPE: Greek Delight Plus
From the Vitality Food Feature: FAVOURITE SUMMER STRATEGIES for Weight Loss and Easy Detoxing This is a new twist on a classic Greek salad, with extra protein added...
FAVOURITE SUMMER STRATEGIES for Weight Loss and Easy Detoxing
Environment Canada is predicting a hotter than normal summer this year, which is welcome news for some. But for others, the heat and humidity is...
Sacred Journeys: How to Shine Your Light More Brightly in the World
Have you noticed how creative life gets, once you suggest a playground that you are wanting to explore? In my last column, I commented that...
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE For Eczema and Itchy Skin
The word eczema comes from the Greek word ekzein, meaning “to boil over.” To early doctors it may have appeared that the skin was boiling...
Woodford Files: On Lemon Herbs, Benefits of Bitters, and Vitality’s New Digital Magazine
Now that spring has fully taken hold of our bodies and souls, urging us to cast off heavy clothes and throw open our windows to...
HOMEOPATHY FOR SEASONAL ALLERGIES, Hayfever, and Allergic Rhinitis
If you experience difficulties such as sneezing, fatigue, headaches, and red watery eyes every year around springtime, you are probably one of the many victims...
Woodford Files: On Sugar and Disease; Detoxing with Superfoods; Our Big Online Library
A few weeks ago, I ran out of the organic honey that usually goes in my tea, so I switched to sugar until I could...