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February 13, 2019

It is not uncommon for us to suffer with digestive disorders, especially after the rich meals enjoyed during holidays and special occasions. To help restore...

HOW TO MAKE CBD OIL AT HOME: A Quick Guide for Beginners

February 8, 2019

With the growth in the applications and uses of CBD oil, it is no longer surprising that a lot of people would want to make...

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Boost Energy and Stamina in Winter

January 14, 2019

Many of us feel fatigue and a lack of energy in the winter. So why are we more tired in this season? And above all,...

HOMEOVET: Natural Medicine for Our Four-legged Friends

October 17, 2018

Our pets are an integral part of our family and deserve effective quality treatments to feel good in their fur! So, to take care of...

COMPLETE HOMEOPATHIC KIT: Essential in Your Home Pharmacy

September 13, 2018

What if you were told that you could find all the natural solutions to treat common aches and pains in a single kit that is...

PARABENS IN COSMETICS? Here’s What You Need to Know

August 30, 2018

Grab the nearest facial cream and have a look at the ingredients section. You may have noticed a component called “paraben”. Parabens are preservatives that...

BIOFLOR7 PROBIOTIC – Rebalance Intestinal Flora and Boost Immune in Only 7 Days

August 16, 2018

Bioflor7 is the first and only BIPHASE LIQUID probiotic in Canada that has generated quite a buzz with its unique Biphase delivery system, impressive scientific...

HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES for Seasonal Allergies, Hayfever, and Allergic Rhinitis

June 23, 2018

By Michéle Boisvert If you experience difficulties such as sneezing, fatigue, headaches, and red watery eyes every year around springtime, you are probably one of...

BARU SEED: High Protein Superfood Nourishes Human and Environmental Health

June 22, 2018

Have you ever heard of baru? Even the hardiest adventurer will consider this a novelty. Wildcrafted from the world’s last agricultural frontier, this flavourful legume...

Targeted Nutritional Therapy for Diabetic Neuropathy

June 21, 2018

By: Dr. Evan Lewis, PhD Everyone in Canada knows someone with diabetes. That is because there are now 11 million Canadians with type 1, type...

Oxygen Healing Therapies

March 23, 2018

by Nathaniel Altman Pamela’s candida was out of control. After being treated unsuccessfully with diets, drugs and natural remedies for five years, she was unable...

Alternative Medicine and Your Health Insurance

January 25, 2018

The current healthcare system is a pain. It costs too much, is ineffective, and often unhealthy. There has to be a better way. And there...

Spring cleaning

April 21, 2017

Even though we may say we want change, many of us are actually deeply afraid of it. Though we may outwardly express a hope for...

Do You Want to Raise a Green Baby?

April 19, 2017

It’s easier than you might think! These days, babies seem to come with a lot of stuff. Even before they are born, parents-to-be are bombarded...

The Other Energy Crisis

January 20, 2017

Winter has stormed in unapologetically, wreaking havoc on our roads, our balmy weather and our energy. Getting through the work day poses a challenge at the best of times, let alone when...

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: A New Cancer Risk in Your Home

March 15, 2013

Press Release Courtesy Alliance for Natural Health USA The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) has mandated the phase-out of incandescent light bulbs,...