Easy Summer Cooking with Fruit and Berries on the Grill
Summer is the season for lighter fare and nothing says light and bright better than a colourful array of grilled fruits. They can be the...
Hot Weather Herbal Refreshers – from Iced Tea to Lemonade
Summertime is finally here and hydration is key to enjoying the season with optimum health. On days when it’s hazy, hot, and humid I turn...
Fabulous Fibre: Foods That Create Fullness and Fight Fat
1890 could be called “the year the human diet started to go downhill”. That was the year that a new milling technique which removed fibre...
Measles Hysteria – What’s Really Going On?
(Commentary originally published in 2015; updated in July 2022; updated again in May 2024) As we’re all aware, the bitter debate about vaccine resistance in...
DVD Review: Burzynski, the Movie
(Originally published in 2011; Updated in 2024) Author: Eric Merola Publisher: Eric Merola Book Publication: 2010 Burzynski, the Movie, a powerful documentary written, produced, and directed...
Soothe Summertime Stress for Your Pet with Bach Flower Remedies
We look forward to summer all year long – great weather, fun with good friends, and that long-awaited summer vacation. Our pets enjoy the great...
A Herbalist’s Favourite Home Remedies for 6 Common Health Problems
Most people who use herbs and other natural remedies have certain favourites that they rely on when needed. However, one place often overlooked as a...
Ask the Doctor: What are the best natural diuretics to relieve edema?
DEAR DR. RONA: My brother has been suffering from swollen feet and legs for several months, and finally went to the doctor. He was prescribed...
Conquer Candida and Other Yeast Infections Naturally
It was the incessant itching that really got to Jessie* and had her running regularly for the Monistat or a homemade yogurt remedy to relieve...
How Potassium and Magnesium Healed My Atrial Fibrillation
A Personal Report by Dwight Kalita, PhD Atrial fibrillation (A-fib) is a worldwide epidemic affecting 37 million people, and its rising prevalence will most certainly...
Five Diseases Your Pet’s Paws Reveal and Steps to Healing
The paws of our four-legged pals are hardy, yet incredibly vulnerable. Whether your pets are indoor or outdoor rompers, they’re regularly exposed to all manner...
Top 10 Nutrients for Reducing High Blood Pressure
(Originally published in 2014; Updated in 2024. Adapted from the book Read This If You Have a Heart, by Dr. Elie Klein ND) Best Supplements...
Fever: In Colds, ‘Flus, Infections – Can Be Friend or Foe
(Originally published in 2018; Updated in 2024) by Ralph K. Campbell, MD, with Robert G. Smith, PhD As a young parent, even though I had...
Alternatives to Ozempic: 20 Drug-free Strategies for Safer Weight Loss
The rising popularity of weight-loss drugs worldwide is causing increasing concern amongst researchers and health practitioners who worry about the side effects. Desperate patients are...
Spring Cleansing with Herbs – Bitter Tonics Herald Ancient Rite of Spring
Cleansing tonics are an ancient rite of spring that reflects the season’s central theme of self-renewal. By definition, a tonic is an infusion of herbs...
Statin Drugs – One of the Greatest Failures of Modern Medicine
(Originally published 2016; Updated 2024) I am frequently hammered by my conventional colleagues because they claim that I do not follow evidence-based medicine. Of course,...