Homeopathic Medicine For Embracing Life’s Changes
Tamara Der-Ohanian November 18, 2013
“Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them – that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.”
~ Lao-Tzu
This article was inspired by an incredible young woman who can teach us about embracing change and living life to the fullest. Elena worked hard during her last year of high school, saving money for her big adventure. In spite of the fears and doubts expressed by friends and family members around her, this 18-year-old is determined to move to Australia for an indefinite period. She will realize her dream before this article gets published.
Change is a natural part of life. Some changes are exciting and easy, especially when we are the decision makers and expect a positive outcome or gain. Examples include painting the walls a different colour, accepting a job promotion or welcoming a new baby.
This article is about the unexpected and unwanted changes we try to control and resist; the ones which cause us frustration, grief, feelings of loss, anxiety and anger.
The ease with which we adapt to change is the key to staying healthy. Homeo-pathy is one great tool to help us cope and quickly process negative feelings. It helps us align with our higher selves, diminishing worries, anxieties, frustration and fears around change.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome at New School
Going to university for the first time is a major transition for young people, and is accompanied with many stressors. Students are forced to cope with many novelties, such as new living arrangements, making new friends, learning new subjects, heavier workload, tougher exams and more. When not adequately prepared, students can become anxious, depressed, and experience a host of other health problems.
Such was the case with a new student at University of Toronto who was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) shortly after commencing his first year of studies.
According to his mother, Kyle had developed issues of low self esteem. He was a popular kid in high school, but seemed to have lost his identity in university. Kyle felt disoriented and described it as “I feel like I have lost myself.” He was no longer surrounded with friends and the familiar lifestyle upon which his identity was based.
Aside from feeling anxious and inadequate, Kyle was experiencing abdominal pain, bloating and constipation alternating with diarrhea. Staying away from certain foods improved his symptoms. However, anxiety and emotional upsets remained as big triggers.
Based on Kyle’s overall physical and emotional health history, the remedy Sulphur was prescribed. Within weeks of taking the remedy, Kyle’s mother called to report the improvements she noticed. Kyle was re-gaining his confidence and feeling less anxious about the changes in his life. In addition, his IBS symptoms had diminished considerably. Within three months of treatment, Kyle was happy and well adjusted to his new life. His IBS symptoms completely disappeared.
Reacting to Change
Our natural reaction to change is to take control over the situation; to resist the change and remain with the familiar and the status quo. Resistance to change is a common reason why people become ill. Learning to adapt to life’s unpredictability, and maintain our centre, is the key to staying healthy.
No matter how much structure we create in our lives there will always be situations we cannot control. Instead of getting frustrated, be curious as to why things are changing. It may be a meaningful coincidence leading you in a new direction. Imagine how things might improve in the future if you were to welcome a new situation or a new perspective.
The simple solution is to learn to “go with the flow” or “roll with the punches” as they say.
The ideal way to get through upsetting life changes is to face them. Not every situation requires medication. As an example, grief is a normal part of life when we lose a loved one. People can experience the grief and overcome it without needing help. Homeopathy is helpful in the event a person is having difficulties getting through a stressful situation, or has been stagnating for a long time.
Homeopathy to the Rescue
Whether the change is triggered by puberty, losing a loved one, getting fired, being forced to move or going through menopause, homeopathy can help rebalance your emotions and set you on your path to recovery.
Homeopathy is a natural health modality which uses minute amounts of natural substances to stimulate the organism to heal itself. One of the basic premises of homeopathy is that the physical body and emotions are inseparably linked. Doctor Samuel Hahnemann, who founded homeopathy over 200 years ago, said that when a person gets ill, he or she is affected physically and mentally as well as emotionally.
“I am able to cope with the situation better,” or “I’m not reacting as I used to and able to stay calm,” are some of the ways in which people describe their experience when taking homeopathic remedies for emotional upsets. Unlike with sedatives and tranquilizers, emotions are not suppressed by taking homeopathic remedies. The mind remains clear and alert and we are able to feel emotions, and get through the pain quicker.
A trained classical homeopath will interview the person to find the one remedy (out of hundreds) which matches all their physical and emotional complaints. This remedy is known as the simillimum. The simillimum stimulates healing of mind, body and emotions on a deep cellular level. Gradual, yet profound improvements take place; energy and vitality increases, motivation to do better ignites, and physical symptoms diminish.
Sleepless in Scarborough
Samantha moved to the Toronto suburb of Scarborough to accept a new position with her company. Even though she had applied for the promotion and knew it involved leaving Ottawa, she started feeling anxious and losing sleep as a result. Samantha’s sleeplessness started two months prior to her move. On average it took her three hours to fall asleep.
Her problem worsened after moving to Toronto. Samantha started taking prescription medication in order to sleep and be able to function in her new position as Vice President. She also developed digestive difficulties including bloating, gas, and constipation.
In addition to missing her family and friends, Samantha was anxious about her job performance. She would lie awake planning and strategizing her next moves and conversations.
Prior to seeking homeopathic treatment Samantha had tried taking melatonin (a natural sleep aid), doing yoga postures before bed, and listening to meditation music with minimal improvement. After analyzing her full case history I found that the remedy which helped Samantha is Silica (aka Silicea). Within a few weeks of starting this remedy, Samantha felt calmer and more positive about her new life. As a result, she was able to fall asleep quickly, without the help of prescription medication. Her digestion also improved.
Depression over Losing a Friend
Ever since her best friend moved away, twelve year old Amy became depressed, started having difficulties at school and isolated herself. According to her mother Amy had little interest in things that she previously enjoyed, such as drawing, swimming, video games and sleepovers. Even though she had other friends who called and invited her to various outings, Amy turned them down. She remained in her room after school, listening to music or reading. She would come out to eat dinner and walk the dog, then retreat back to her room for the rest of the evening.
The homeopathic remedy Natrum phosphorucum helped Amy move on with her life and adapt to the change. She began socializing once again and engaging in her favourite activities.
Elena’s Words of Wisdom
I asked Elena why she chose to go to Australia and what words of advice she has for my readers who may be struggling with change. Here is her response.
“My advice would be that the more one learns to embrace change, the wider they are opening the door to the possibility of something better happening to them in life. Nothing fun ever happens in the comfort zone!
I chose to go to Australia because I’ve always wanted to travel, experience new cultures and meet new people. It would’ve been very easy to deny myself this experience, purely based on the fears, doubts, and the anxiety I’m feeling, but I’d much rather live my life with a list of things that I have done and experienced, instead of a list that I want to do in the future.”
“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.” ~ Buddha
(Quotation courtesy DemGen Inc, an on-demand business development team with experts in marketing, sales and operations)
Tamara Der-Ohanian
Tamara Der-Ohanian, DSHomMed, HOM, was a registered homeopath practising in North York, Ont. She also taught at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. Tamara passed away in 2019. For those who are seeking homeopathic approaches to illness, Kerry Walker is a colleague of Tamara's and a graduate of The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. She can be reached at 647-781-4861 or email: homeopathkerry@gmail.com