The Healing Power of Essential Oils
Sharon Walsh, RNHP, CAHT, CRHP, Bowen Therapist April 1, 2014
Essential Oils are often referred to as “Mankind’s First Medicine.” In fact, there are over 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Essential Oils have a millennium-long history of use throughout the ancient world and were highly regarded for their medicinal and healing properties and religious ceremonial use.
Essential Oils (EOs) represent the life force of the plant, and are the most powerful life-giving substances we have in the world today. They represent in plants what blood represents in humankind – life! This life force is the energy that was created to deliver the nutrients into every cell of the body. (Definition: Essential oils are the subtle, volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, bushes and seeds. An ancient process, oil distillation, is a delicate and precise art that has been almost forgotten. Science is just now re-discovering the incredible healing power of essential oils and beginning to acknowledge their value for our health.
For example, we know through chemistry that Frankincense contains sesquiterpenes that stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions. It also helps the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands that produce many of the important hormones in our body. And it helps strengthen the immune system by increasing leukocyte activity.(1)
Being concentrated, essential oils contain virtually all of the plants’ healing nutrients, oxygenating molecules, amino acid precursors, coenzyme A factors, trace minerals, enzymes, vitamins, hormones and more. And because they are concentrated, EO’s are from 75 to 100 times more therapeutically potent than the herbs or plants they are derived from. Research further shows that essential oils when applied to skin will penetrate every single cell within 20 minutes. For example, Ylang Ylang is often used in massage oil blends because it provides relief from anxiety and depression, insomnia, hair loss, and releases facial muscle and tension. (2)
Because the very life force of the plant is contained in EO’s, and because this life force synergizes so favourably with the human body, essential oils are now being considered as medicine by some members of the medical profession. Note that only about 2% of essential oils in the world market are produced for therapeutic and medicinal applications. Clinical research has proven that 100% pure (without any solvents or chemical additives) essential oils possess immune stimulating, antiviral, anti-infection, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antitumoral, and antifungal properties.
Pure essential oils can fight infection, stimulate endorphins and enzymes, initiate cellular regeneration and contain hormone-like-compounds to restore balance for both physiological and psychological well-being. For example, diffusing a blend of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, and rosemary oils can kill 99% of airborne bacteria in 12 minutes. (This combo is available in a blend named Thieves Essential Oil).(3)
Recent research has also shown that many of the so called “Super Bugs” cannot survive in the presence of essential oils… Nor has there been any pathogen known to resist EO’s by mutating.
Best of all, 100% pure, therapeutic grade essential oils are available and safe for home use. Many people diffuse the oils into the atmosphere of their homes, creating a virus free and pleasant environment. Many of the oils can be applied topically on the skin and when diluted can be ingested to receive almost immediate benefit from many ailments. Others are inhaled for relief from headaches, nausea, emotional release and many other health concerns.
Essential Oils are an effective catalyst and delivery agent for feeding your body’s several trillion cells starving from malnutrition. EO’s contain high amounts of oxygenating molecules that have the ability to pass through the thickest cell walls and deliver deprived cells of much needed nutrients. Essential Oils have the ability to restore diseased and malnourished cells back to health.
(1)(2)(3) Information cited from
Sharon Walsh, RNHP, CAHT, CRHP, Bowen Therapist
Sharon Walsh, RNHP, CAHT, CRHP, is a Bowen Therapist and Holistic Health Practitioner (416) 351-7475 or