3 Popular Neem Books published by North American Herbalist

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Klaus Ferlow was presented with the “International Neem Persona” Award by the World Neem Organization during their 2024 conference.


As one of the few North American Neem Researchers, and a founding member of the WNO (World Neem Organisation) in Mumbai, India, I am happy to announce the release of my third neem book, entitled “Neem: Your Guide to Natural Health and Beauty”.

Klaus Ferlow inhaling the scent of Neem flowers

My previous books include the award-winning 3rd revised edition ofNeem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity”. This book received at 2019 annual Living Now Book Award the GOLD MEDAL in the category Health & Wellness” by the Jenkins Group & Independent Publishers, Traverse City, MI

I am also author of the popular book “Neem: The Tree that heals Nations”.

All of these books are available in paperback and e-book format from: https://www.neem-books.com Also see: https://vitalitymagazine.com/wno-neem-summit-2024-success/

Klaus Ferlow’s books received strong support from Dr. David Suzuki, producer of the video “What’s in a Neem?” at CBC’s “The Nature of Things,”, Toronto, Ontario January 1994. Klaus has been in contact with him since 1995, and with both  world renowned scientists, entomologists and neem researchers Dr. Ramesh Saxena from India and Professor Dr. Heinrich Schmutter, from Germany, “the father of modern Neem.”

Klaus Ferlow is a Master Herbalist (HMH), Herbal Advocate (HA, educator, formulator, lecturer, researcher, writer, author, founder of Ferlow Botanicals & Neem Research, Roberts Creek, B.C. Canada. At the WNO, Klaus  was the core-founder representing North America, United Kingdom, Germany and the Scandinavian countries. For more information visit:

http://neemresearch.ca, www.worldneemorganisation.org, https://neem.world, neempedia.com,

neem-products.com, https://www.discoverneem.com, https://www.ferlowbotanicals.com


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