Neem – An Effective Treatment for Intestinal Parasites
Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA March 26, 2024 Guest PostNeem leaf tea taken twice per day for one week is the usual method for eliminating these parasites from the body
Nine of out ten people in North America harbor one or more parasites such as roundworms, tapeworms, or flatworms due to eating improperly cooked food, consuming sugary snacks and soft drinks that weaken the microbiome, and practising poor hygiene. [1]
There is a parasite connection to many common health problems experienced by children and adults in North America. Parasites compete in the digestive system for nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Usually, parasites that enter through the digestive tract cause loss of appetite, stomach and abdominal discomfort, cramping, nausea, fatigue, itching, diarrhea, vomiting, irritation, sleep disturbance, bloating, weight loss, or changes in stool. [2]
For example, malaria is a very serious tropical parasitic infection that is contracted through mosquito bites. According to the National Library of Medicine, “Practitioners of the Indian Ayurveda medicine system have been preparing neem in oral doses for malarial patients for centuries. Neem’s antimalarial activity was reported in Ayurveda books as far back as 2000 B.C. (by Charaka) and 1500 B.C. (by Sushruta). Even outside India – in Nigeria and Haiti, for example—neem-leaf teas are used to treat malaria.” [3]
Causes of Parasites
The increased incidence of parasitic diseases is partly due to increased international travel and migration. Higher rates of parasitic infection are also caused by contamination of the water and food supply, daycare centers, household pets, as well as the overuse of chemicals, mercury, and prescription antibiotics. Antibiotics kill off the body’s population of friendly bacteria which normally offer some protection against parasitic infestation.
Parasitic worms living in the human gut can drain away health and vitality, as these worms can feast on blood and nutrients. One of the easiest ways to contract parasites is by eating raw food or undercooked food, especially meat and fish. Tapeworm eggs can also contaminate drinking water; and even worse – our beloved pets can pass along tapeworm eggs too.
Intestinal parasites create health and skin problems, can make you sick, and can sometimes even kill, especially in less developed countries. Some of the most common in the US include enterobius vermicularis, giardia lamblia, and necator americanus. Enterobius vermicularis is also known as pinworm.
Any discussion of diarrhea must include parasites because chronic diarrhea is often due to the presence of parasites in the system. Intestinal parasites thrive in filthy environments. Many varieties of intestinal worms lodge themselves in the old matter that encrusts the walls of the intestinal tract. Without the presence of stagnant material to embed themselves in, many intestinal parasites cannot maintain a foothold in the body. By removing this decaying mucoid matter the parasites can be flushed out as well.
Types of Intestinal Worms
PINWORM: Humans are practically the only host of pinworm, the most widespread intestinal parasite seen among children in the United States. It is estimated that between 15 and 40 percent of all children are affected at some time during the first 12 years of life. Although children are more likely to be infected, adults sometime harbor this parasite too, especially if the children in the household have pinworms. Living in the rectum of humans, female pinworms leave the intestine through the anus and deposit eggs on the surrounding skin causing itching near the anus as well as disturbed sleep.
CANINE ROUNDWORM: Toxocariasis is caused by larvae of Toxocara canis, and less frequently of T.cati (cat roundworm), two nematode parasites in animals. Most people never realize they have been infected since rarely do symptoms appear. Infection occurs mostly in pre-school children because they play in dirt frequented by pets. After infection the larvae invade the liver, heart, lungs, brain, muscle and cause various symptoms including fever, anorexia, weight loss, cough, wheezing and rashes. Only rarely does someone die from infection and then only if the heart, arteries or nervous system is attacked.
WHIP WORM: Usually showing no symptoms, heavy infection of whip worm (Ascaris lumbricoides), especiallly in small children, can cause gastrointestinal problems (abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal prolaps) and possibly growth retardation. Whip worm is the largest nematode that functions as a parasite in the human instestine.
Can Neem Kill Parasites?
Historically, neem has been used as a common Ayurvedic aid for preventing and ridding the human body of parasites. Followers of Ayurveda regularly drink tea made from neem leaves as a prophylactic measure to guard against parasitic infection. Other neem formulations that can be used include neem extract, neem tincture, neem tablets, neem capsules, and neem juice.
Neem teas are recognized in Ayurveda as an anthelmintic (kills intestinal worms) and are regularly used throughout the Tropics to rid the body of intestinal worms.[4] Neem leaf tea taken twice per day for one week is the usual method for eliminating these parasites from the body. For childhood pinworms apply neem oil to the anal opening for relief from itching.
Compounds in neem inhibit the parasites’ ability to feed, thus interrupting their life cycle and preventing new parasites from hatching. Neem extract contains a hormone interferes with the life cycle of parasites by inhibiting their ability to feed and preventing eggs from hatching.
NEMATODES: Nematodes are characterized as tiny, worm-like, multiple cellular animals found mostly in fresh water, oceans, soil and plants. Neem has proven to be an effective nematode controller. Worldwide researchers have supported this fact. Neem products are effective against various types of nematodes which are the most difficult to control. Even the water left after the extraction from neem seeds is nematocidal. Various forms of neem which can control nematodes include: neem leaf, neem cake, neem choir, and neem oil.
Other Uses of Neem
Neem has been used to treat many conditions for thousands of years:
– Neem twigs are used to clean the teeth and gums instead of a toothbrush,
– Neem paste can be used externally as a poultice,
– Use neem supplements, neem tablets, tinctures, tea, juice, capsules to treat various disorders as prescribed. (Warning: all of them have a very bitter taste! In a tea ad neem honey.)
Ayurvedic doctors consider neem generally safe for most people. However, if you are pregnant, nursing, or have other health conditions, discuss the use of neem with your doctor or health practitioner. Neem and other herbal remedies may also interact with prescription drugs.
At the WNO – World Neem SUMMIT 2024, February 19/20/2024 in New Delhi, India – I attended as a speaker – I was rewarded the WNO Award “INTERNATIONAL NEEM PERSONA”: due to my over 30 years being a neem researcher and was also the Keynote speaker!

Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA receiving his award at the WNO Summit 2024
Disclaimer: This material is only for educational purpose and not be used to diagnose, cure or treatment of disease, please contact your health care practitioner. Copyright @03/2024
- [1]. Human intestinal parasites:
- [2] Effects of parasites on the body:
- [3] Neem: A Tree for Solving global Problems
- [4] Anthelmintic activity of crude neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf powder against bovine strongylosis.
Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, alive books
The Colon health handbook, Robert Gray
The complete book of Aryuvedic home remedies, Vasant D. Lad
NEEM – The Ultimate Herb, John Conrick
Klaus Ferlow, HMH, HA
Klaus Ferlow can be reached at: For information on his over 30 years of experience in the natural health products industry, visit: and
Thank you. I will give Neem a try