May 2011
Fabulous Fibre: Foods That Create Fullness and Fight Fat
1890 could be called “the year the human diet started to go downhill”. That was the year that a new milling technique which removed fibre...
DVD Review: Burzynski, the Movie
(Originally published in 2011; Updated in 2024) Author: Eric Merola Publisher: Eric Merola Book Publication: 2010 Burzynski, the Movie, a powerful documentary written, produced, and directed...
Book Review: Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure – The Metabolic Syndrome
Author: Charlotte Gerson Publisher: Gerson Health Media Book Publication: 2010 Readers who have had the uplifting experience of hearing Charlotte Gerson speak at previous Whole...
Woodford Files: Love Your Liver This Spring
The wild winds of spring are rocking the rafters as I write this column. It has been an exceptionally chaotic change of season this year...
Chinese Medicine for Treatment of Fibromyalgia
If you’ve never had (or even heard of) fibromyalgia, consider yourself very lucky! Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a nasty, pernicious disease that predominantly targets women...
Taking the Irritable out of IBS: Naturopathy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a digestive ailment characterized by abdominal cramping, pain, bloating, diarrhea, and/or constipation. It has been estimated that 15% of our...
Cilantro and Clay Detox
In his newly released book, Radical Healing: 2nd Ed., (Himalayan Institute Press), Rudolph Ballentine includes a comprehensive chapter on detoxification, drawing from Ayurveda, homeopathy, and...
Chelation Therapy: Alternative Treatment for Heart Disease Gets Good Results
Chelation comes from the Greek word chele, meaning claw. A chelating compound binds and removes heavy and other toxic metals from the body. There are...
Chia Seed: Aztec Superfood Boosts Energy and Endurance
What’s behind the surging popularity of chia seed? According to nutritional writer Charlotte Bradley, chia grain was “originally grown in Mexico and the Southwest between...
Nail Trimming Techniques and Injury Prevention for Furry Feet
Just as May’s flowers begin to spring up from the ground once again, so do our pets’ desires to spring forth into nature with renewed...
Homeopathic Medicine for Tic Disorders and Tourette Syndrome
Kyle’s parents were disturbed by their son’s behaviour at school. The 11-year-old was often in trouble for pulling other students’ hair, then laughing about it....
News Briefs – May 2011
SUGAR AND SUGAR-SWEETENED DRINKS LINKED TO HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Researchers have found that those who consume more fructose and glucose (sugar) than the median have...
QUINOA: Gluten-Free Ancient Grain Supports Bowel Health
Quinoa is an oddball superfood. Most of us think of quinoa as a type of cereal grain; however, quinoa is not a grain at all,...