
Health News Briefs – June 2012

June 1, 2012

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES IMPROVE BREAST CANCER SURVIVAL Researchers have found that greater consumption of cruciferous vegetables during the 36 months following a breast cancer diagnosis is...

Health News Briefs – May 2012

May 1, 2012

LOW LEVELS OF OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS LINKED TO MEMORY PROBLEMS Scientists have determined that lower levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are associated with smaller brain...

Saucy Spring Flavours: Innovative Vegan Sauces

May 1, 2012

Innovative Vegan Sauces Transform Ordinary Dishes Into a Memorable Meal My goal when I wrote the Vegan Cook’s Bible (Robert Rose, 2009) was “to design...

Woodford Files: The Song of Spring

May 1, 2012

The song of spring is echoing through our pages this month, bringing fresh ideas for attuning to the season. Since spring is an ideal time...


May 1, 2012

Spring flowers are in full bloom, much to my surprise. It seemed that the forest floor was brown as ever, until I noticed the violets...

Shattered: How Alternative Therapies Saved Annabel from Risky Surgery

May 1, 2012

It was supposed to be a carefree day – a day of leisure and the start of a much-needed holiday. As a full-time midwife and...

How to Survive a Stay in Hospital and Recover Faster

May 1, 2012

(Updated November 20, 2021) Introduction by Julie Daniluk RHN: Fourteen years ago, my nephew Kaydn was diagnosed with renal failure at the age of eight....

Homeopathic Medicine For Treating Migraine Headaches

May 1, 2012

Use of alcohol and ‘recreational’ drugs, over­eating, outbursts of anger, avoidance of social situations, quick judgements of others’ inadequacies – these are all ways in...

Chinese Medicine: The Heart-Mind Connection

May 1, 2012

Modern science tells us that in order to live well, we must have a strong heart. In allopathic medicine this means that the heart has...

April Promises

April 1, 2012

After the shortest winter ever, I find myself looking out at a landscape without snow. I’m torn between the sadness of losing the ice from...

Health News Briefs – April 2012

April 1, 2012

ANTHOCYANIN-RICH FOODS LOWER RISK OF TYPE 2 DIABETES Scientists have determined that plant compounds known as anthocyanins, and fruits rich in anthocyanins, reduce the risk...

Chinese Herbal Treatments For Female Infertility

April 1, 2012

Fertility support has become an important area of medical practice, as people in modern societies increasingly delay childbearing into their 30s and 40s, only to...

Allergy Sufferers Find Relief with Homeopathy and Wholistic Nutrition

April 1, 2012

Canadians love the diversity our four-season climate offers. Secretly, many of us could do without winter but a true Canadian never complains about that! Actually,...

Eating the Rainbow: Colourful Foods Carry Powerful Nutrition

April 1, 2012

We have all heard the truism “Eat a rainbow for health.” Beyond being a feast for the eyes, every colour brings with it a nutritional...

Flexitarian Dining: Good Eating for Vegans, Vegetarians, and Carnivores Alike

March 1, 2012

Every year, more people switch to a healthy, plant-based diet. There is no doubt that the earth and its inhabitants fare better when meat is...

Lake Walking in Late Winter

March 1, 2012

This is the warmest winter ever. I’ve become so used to temperatures hovering around the freezing point that it seems really cold on those few...

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