
A Natural Approach to ADHD: Drug-free Strategies to Restore Mental Health

February 1, 2024

(Originally published in 2014; Updated in 2025) On the way to work one day recently, I saw a bright sandwich billboard that read, “Do You...

Winter Fitness Indoors and Out: On Foot, Ski, or Snowshoe … It’s All Good

December 28, 2023

As the weather turns colder, and daylight hours get shorter, there is a tendency to stay indoors where it is warm and dry, curl up...

Can Root Canals Cause Breast Cancer?

December 27, 2023

Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD Breast cancer causes enormous morbidity and mortality around the world, and its traditional treatment, along with the relentless...

Neem: The Healing Tree with Ayurveda Origins

December 26, 2023

What makes the neem tree worthy to be named Tree of the 21st Century? For thousands of years, humans have sought to fortify their health...

Peasant Comfort Foods for Deep Winter Dining – from Beet Borscht to Corn Soup to Spinach Dahl

December 23, 2023

My favorite vegetarian dishes, the ones that I turn to for comfort during our long, cold winters, are mostly the same dishes we enjoyed as...

Protecting Against Viruses & more – The Role of Garlic, Onions, Cysteine and Selenocysteine

December 1, 2023

by Michael Passwater Influenza cases are on the rise in the United States with over 1300 hospitalizations and 9 deaths during the first week of...

The Magic of Vitamin C: How It Helps Heal Asthma, Cancer, Scurvy and more

December 1, 2023

(Article updated October 29, 2024) Vitamin C was first synthesized by Albert Sznet-Gyorgyi (1893-1986), for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1937. Later on,...

If You Refuse the ‘Flu Shot – Top 5 Alternatives for Cold and Flu Prevention

December 1, 2023

Ask any conventional doctor about the cold and ’flu season, and they will tell you that the best prevention for influenza is the annual ’flu...

Kick the Sugar Habit with Tasty Low-Glycemic Alternatives

November 27, 2023

Editor’s note: The winter season is upon us, and with it comes a plethora of sugary ingredients hiding in everyday comfort foods as well as...

Natural Therapies for 7 Common Bowel Disorders – from Constipation to Hemorrhoids

November 20, 2023

Of all the patient complaints that have come into my office during the past 45 years, bowel disorders top the list. These include inflammatory bowel...

Find Your Authentic Self by Exploring the Root of Negative Patterns

November 17, 2023

You find that you are in the middle of a dissatisfying life. You consistently feel betrayed. You attract chaos to yourself and cannot figure out...

The Holistic Bedroom – from Wall Colours to Mattresses

November 1, 2023

By Sleep Expert Claus Pummer Getting a healthy sleep is very important as it leads to relaxation, regeneration, vitality, more energy, and well-being. Many people...

Ask the Doctor: Benefits of Whole Food Concentrates

November 1, 2023

Dear Dr. Rona, I read a quote of yours regarding live whole food concentrates from your book Joy of Health. What live whole food concentrates...

Feline Diabetes: The Holistic Approach – Food, Herbs, Supplements

November 1, 2023

If your cat suddenly turns into a zombie, staring vacantly at nothing at all and acting unresponsive, you might be inclined to think that aliens...

Treating Depression Naturally – with Exercise, Diet, and Key Supplements

November 1, 2023

Depression is a form of human suffering associated with many symptoms. Not everyone diagnosed with depression by a medical doctor has all these symptoms, but...

Clear Inflammation Naturally to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Diabetes

November 1, 2023

Inflammation is a normal, natural, and complex series of chemical and cellular activities performed by the body in response to injury or abnormal stimulation caused...

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