Shaman Of My Own Life: How I Learned to Trust the Heart Flame that Guides Me to My Purpose
(Updated May 5, 2021) I am learning to dream a new dream. I am remembering, realizing the truth at the centre of my being. And...
Healthy Lunch Ideas: My Top 5 Kid-Friendly Recipes – from Nutritious Snacks to Gluten-Free Bites
The social aspect of eating has always been an integral part of my upbringing. I have great memories of sitting around the kitchen table for...
Gut Health Alert: Four Factors That Put Your Gut Microbiome at Risk
(Updated February 9, 2021) Article endorsed by Canadian School of Natural Nutrition Few people are truly aware of how important the balance of their...
Ask the Doctor: On Covid Treatment Alternatives for the Immunocompromised
(Updated January 31, 2022) Dear Dr. Rona, When I was a former patient of yours many years ago, you ordered an ELISA test of my...
Uterine Fibroids and PCOS: The Wholistic Approach
(Updated January 20, 2021) One of the unfortunate realities of life in the 21st century is the increase in occurrence of chronic diseases. The increasing...
Healthy Meals in Minutes: Quick and Delicious Recipes for Fall & Winter
(Updated January 20, 2021) As the lazy days of summer wind down and we get back into our hectic work and school schedules, maintaining a...
One Cat’s Story of Healing with Homeopathy
(Updated January 12, 2021) When I moved into my house a few years ago, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the stray cats that...
The Ketogenic Diet: Pros and Pitfalls of a Low-Carb / High-Fat Regimen
(Updated January 10 / 2021) If you have been following a healthy menu (like the one outlined in my Hot Detox Plan), and still feel...
Relief for Insomnia with Chinese Herbs and Acupuncture
(“Chinese Medicine for Insomnia” updated Jan. 5, 2021) It is common knowledge that the immune system works best during sleep. This is the time when...
Sacred Activism – a Spiritual Force for Healing the Planet
Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion-in-action that is born of a fusion of deep spiritual knowledge, courage, love, and passion, with wise radical...
Good Oral Health Can Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Other Diseases
Oral health is often a neglected area of health care that if left unattended to, can contribute to disease in the body. General health and...
Treating Arthritis Naturally: from Osteo to Rheumatoid – Top 25 Remedies
Joint pain is a common complaint that shows up at the doctor’s office every day. Arthritis is a general term meaning inflammation in the...
Woodford Files: On Bolstering Our Immunity; Keeping Kidneys Strong & Healthy; Free Vit. D
The year 2020 has been a tough slog so far. And if epidemiologists are to be believed, there’s more pandemic pain to come in the...
SUCCESS STORY: Staying Healthy While Battling Lyme Disease with Supplements, Exercise, and Massage
(Originally written in 2010; Updated Dec. 9, 2020) In many ways, I’m a typical Lyme disease patient. Like so many before me, it took a...
Keep Your Kidneys Strong Healthy: How to Prevent and Treat CKD
Keeping your kidneys healthy is vital to your body’s well-being. Healthy kidneys ensure that your body can filter and expel waste efficiently, while producing hormones...
Humble Horseradish: Pungent Root Medicine
As a traditional herbalist and food writer, I have long been interested in the healing power of food and the benefits of plant medicine. Horseradish...