Nutrition and Cancer: Does It Matter What Patients Eat During Treatment?
I see a lot of patients with cancer at my clinic. The vast majority tell me that their oncologist told them that it doesn’t matter what they eat...
The Wonderful World of Vinegar: History, Folklore, and Medicinal Uses
Call me a sourpuss, if you will, but I love vinegar and can’t imagine a day going by without calling upon one type or another...
Personalize Your COVID-19 Prevention With An Orthomolecular Approach
Much has been said on how to prevent infection by the Sars-Cov2 coronavirus (COVID-19). Washing hands, using sanitizers, keeping physical distance, wearing a mask are...
From the Archives: Curcumin for Tuberculosis; Broccoli for Liver Cancer; Exercise and Healthy Diet Prevents Alzheimer’s
Updated August 16, 2021 Curcumin May Combat Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis A 2016 study found that curcumin, a substance in turmeric that is best known as one...
Ask the Doctor: Can I Protect Myself from Toxins in the Covid Vaccine?
Hi Vitality, I’m a long-time reader of your magazine and really appreciate what you do for us readers and society in general! I’ve been searching...
Homeopathic Medicine for Insomnia & Sleep Disorders
(Updated July 27, 2021) Sleeping is trusting. In order to get a good night’s sleep, you need to give up control – yield and trust...
Chinese Medicine for Autoimmune Disorders: Arthritis, Diabetes, Lupus, and more
The incidence of autoimmune disorders is on the rise in North America. According to Western medical theory, autoimmune disorders (AD) are caused by the body’s...
Top Six Basic Intuition Questions
As an intuition teacher and professional intuitive, I am asked a lot of questions about intuition. Here are the top six basic questions on intuition...
Herb of the Year: Parsley – A Nutrient Powerhouse
It may come as a surprise to learn that the ubiquitous herb we call parsley was the favorite pasture cover of the Greek gods, who...
Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
(Commentary) Although the mainstream media outlets might have you believe otherwise, the vaccines that continue to be administered for the COVID pandemic are emerging as...
A Lightness of Being: Throwing Open the Windows of the Subconscious
We all want to lead productive lives filled with good friends, meaningful work, great health and abundance. Why is it that so many of us...
Get the Lead and Mercury Out: Detox Heavy Metals with Minerals and More
Sauna therapy helps the body to eliminate heavy metals through the skin; it should be accompanied by supplementation of vitamins and minerals to offset those...
Maintain Your Wellness With Energy Healing and Reiki
What is Reiki? Perhaps that’s the first question that popped into your mind when you clicked on this post. Reiki comes from the Japanese word...
The Link Between Obesity and the Microbiome – Causes and Cures
(Updated June 1st, 2021) In April of 2016, the Lancet published a long-awaited report on world obesity, which was based on 19.2 million people studied...
Elecampane: A Powerful Herb for Lung Health and Cancer Prevention
Having harvested herbs in the wild for many years now, I think one of the most valuable herbs I’ve ever come across is that of...