In Memoriam: Monique Michaud-Michrowski (1938-2023)
Vitality Magazine September 28, 2023
Monique Michaud-Michrowski (1938 – 2023)
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved Monique Michaud Michrowski, at the age of 85, on the morning of September 17, 2023.
She was an accomplished Professor of Design (Université du Québec à Montréal) and was involved in such projects as Place Ville-Marie, the Montreal Court House, the Scarborough Civic Centre and the Toronto Municipal Library.
She studied at the Politecnico di Milano, the Hochschule fuer Gestaltung in Ulm, Ottawa University (Law) and at Université de Montreal (Applied Sciences – Architecture).
Some of her Italian product designs are currently exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York and include the first portable TV set circa 1962, using the then advanced special plastics and molding technologies.
She pioneered the Italian concept of open office planning at such locations as Place du Centre (Phase 1) in Hull Gatineau) and at the National Defence headquarters in Ottawa with Public Works Canada (Bureau of Management Consulting) where workstation strategies were introduced for maximum teamwork creativity, enhanced interaction and efficacy.
With the advent of video display terminals in the mid 1970s and civilian telecommunications in the 1990s, she witnessed and searched to understand the nature of the phenomenon of electrosensitivity with thousands of individuals. Thus, she co-operated with scientists and engineers worldwide who had developed the first consumer-friendly electric and magnetic field meters as well as have developed various modalities that help alleviate the adverse effects of electromagnetic field emissions.
This led to the formation of her company, Essentia, which was created to cater to this novel demand with carefully reviewed tools. Associated with this quest was her international initiatives to academically propagate scientific as well as popular awareness. She used Essentia as a platform from which to publish many reports on electrosensitivity. She also participated in many international conferences which focussed on such issues as indoor air quality and sick building syndromes.
Monique was Secretary-Treasurer of the Planetary Association for Clean Energy (PACE) and served therein to promote clean and ethical technology and the human rights for disabled environmental hypersensitivity.
She will be greatly missed by her friends and family, including her loving husband Andrew Michrowski
For more information about Essentia, a company which offers a range of products for protection and detection of electromagnetic pollution, visit:
Editor’s note: Please post your condolences in the Comments section below. Thanks very much, Julia Woodford
Very sorry to hear of Monique’s passing. She and Andrew supported me through my psychic crisis, educated me, told me which books to read, told me about electromagnetic radiation, introduced my to the US Psychotronics Association which turned out to be my favorite conference.
sad news about Monique
thanks Julia and the Whole life expo team for wisely including Monique and Andrew as vendors and Andrew as a speaker
Andrew and Monique were a main attraction at Whole Life Expo (for me) as they are really brilliiant at there role of helping wireless over use awareneness thanks Monique and Andrew for coming to Toronto – miss both of you, my condolescences to her husband Andrew and relatives,
Sono molto triste oggi per la notizia della scomparsa di Monique Michaud, una amic a impareggiabile che ho conosciuto a Milano, quando negli anni sessanta è arrivata al Politecnico di Milano dove io ero un assistyente del Prof. Carlo De Carli, preside di Facoltà e docentye di Architettura degli OIntyerni. Monique arrivava da Monreal con una borsa di studioo e De Carli me la affidò perche la indirizzassi nel suopercorso di perfezionamento in Design. Il mio nome è Rodolfo Verttorello e se di qualche interesse per qualcuno potrei scrivere di Monique una memoria di lavoro e di passioni. Ciao Monique, ti ricordo comne una creatura unica e meravigliosa. Addio cara
Buongiorno, Rodolfo Vettorello,
Mi ricordo bene la Sua participazione alle attivita di perfezionamente presso il Politecnico. Parlava sempre molto bene di Lei ed con ammirazione! Cosi Monique a capito l’ecccellenza della creativita spaziale italiana.
Sono pronto a communicare con Lei, visto che presidio una societa academica: PACE, laquale ha numerosi associati in Italia.
Grazie per le sue belli ricordi!
Ciao Monique, il cuore piange al ricordo di te, la giovane canadese in arrivo al Poli di Milano, con una borsa di studio, per perfezionarti in Design. Sei arrivata in Facoltà e ilDocento di Architettura di Interni nonchè Preside di Facolta, Prof. Carlo de Carli, ti ha affidato a me giovane Assistente perchè ti introducessi ai segreti del Corso. Ci siamo frequentatati per anni, abbiamo anche lavorato insieme a un Concorso di Design e abbiamo ottenuto un risultato che ti ha lusingata. Avrei mille cose da raccontare di quegli anni e di te ma lo farei solo se la Rivista avesse qualche interesse per l’argomento. Ciao Monique, la” petite esquimauase” come ti chiamavo. Addio cara
Dear Andrew my deepest condolences on the passing of Monique your wonderful partner of life lived fully. I was so sorry to hear of your deep loss and send my deepest sympathy.
Dearest Andrew,
Please accept my and my family deepest condolences. I wasn’t aware of all this since I had some health challenges myself, but read the note today. Monique will be very much missed. Her smiles and always positive attitude carried us all through many Health Shows in Toronto! Her knowledge and willingness to share it with all clients and friends always amazed me. I can only imagine how humongous loss her passing is for you and your family. Please, accept my words of sympathy and encouragement for all of you! I hope I will meet you again on some conferences and/or shows to share some memories in person! With love, Alicja Aratyn