Homeopathic Medicine For High Blood Pressure
Mahnaz Shahrzad Asr, D.H.M.H.S, H.D., C.B.P. November 1, 2010Hypertension, or abnormally high blood pressure, is often referred to as the “silent killer.” This is because it does not usually manifest any symptoms while causing damage to the heart, brain, kidneys, and eyes.
According to the World Health Organization, “Hypertension affects 600 million people worldwide. Yet many are unaware that they have the disease and are at risk of developing a stroke, heart disease, blindness and kidney failure. Hypertension causes five million premature deaths per year, yet there is no proper solution for curing hypertension.”
There are two types of hypertension – primary and secondary. Primary hypertension does not have any specific identifiable causes, whereas secondary hypertension results from identifiable and often correctable causes. Only about five to ten percent of hypertension cases are thought to result from secondary causes, the most common of which are kidney disease, adrenal gland disease, narrowing of the aorta, and sleep apnea, among others.
Homeopathy, a branch of alternative medicine based on the Law of Similars, is one of the most effective hypertension treatments, in my opinion. Homeopathic theory views disease as a dynamic disturbance that affects the whole, as opposed to a specific part of the body. Homeopathy believes in holistic, totality, and individualized approaches. A holistic approach means that every manifested symptom in a body relates to a mental or emotional state. In a totality approach, homeopathy does not aim to treat a specific organ, but the body in its entirety. Many factors affect an individual’s life, including the environment and inherited diseases. Consequently, every individual experiences and manifests the same disease differently, and must be treated individually as a result.
Doctors are often unable to pinpoint the exact cause of hypertension. However, it is a known fact that many prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs can cause or exacerbate hypertension. Medication taken for pain and inflammation, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors may also raise blood pressure, because their anti-prostaglandin properties affect the kidneys. As well, tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco) contain nicotine, which temporarily increases blood pressure (for about 30 min. or less). Chronic overuse of alcohol is a potentially irreversible cause of hypertension. In fact, 30 to 60% of alcoholics suffer from hypertension. Alcohol-induced hypertension is more likely to occur in women than men. Caffeine intake may also cause an acute (rapid but brief) increase in blood pressure.
A 52-year-old woman came to my clinic complaining of hot flashes and fibromyalgia. She had been using hypertension drugs for five years, which had stabilized her situation without any symptoms. Her blood pressure was 130/95 with the use of Losartan, an anti-hypertension drug.
I prescribed homeopathic Galeo-C. This remedy was chosen because it matched both her disease picture (hot flashes, constipation, etc.) and her personality (a need to be in control; stress related to eating). Potency: 200 C; one dose every 3 weeks for two months.
First follow-up: After the first dose, her hot flashes had subsided and her fibromyalgia pain had decreased to some extent. Her knees, elbows, wrists, and shoulders felt fine, and the only problem was pain in her thumb and middle finger. Plan: Repeat the same remedy. Potency – same.
Second follow-up: The patient returned to my clinic two months after last follow-up. She was very happy, and said that two weeks prior, when she took the second dose of remedy, she was hospitalized due to abnormally low blood pressure. Her doctor suggested that she stop taking her blood pressure drugs and so she did. Her blood pressure was now 110/90, she still had pain in her joints, and her fibromyalgia still bothered her. Plan: Repeat the same remedy; Potency – same.
Third follow-up: The patient returned to my clinic, very happy and calm. Her blood pressure had dropped to 100/75 (she mentioned before her hypertension troubles that her blood pressure reading was always low) so she had returned to her previous health state wherein her blood pressure was completely stabilized. Her only problem was painful tendonitis in her thumb. She was no longer experiencing hot flashes, fibromyalgia, or hypertension. Plan – wait
Fourth follow-up: At this point, the patient’s constipation was much better – she decreased her intake of a laxative herb, and no longer suffered from headache, hot flashes, or fibromyalgia. Her only remaining problems were the ganglion on her wrist, and tendonitis. Her blood pressure was now stable at 110/80. Plan: Calc-f tissue salt
Research indicates that about 62% of strokes and 49% of heart attacks are caused by hypertension. Homeopathy can help high blood pressure, determining its cause through a holistic approach that looks to cure the individual as a whole. Homeopaths simply use symptoms, and the sensation of experiencing those symptoms, to determine which homeopathic remedy will most effectively trigger the body’s healing response.
Homeopathic treatment is recommended because it not only can lower and stabilize blood pressure, it also has a positive effect on overall health.
Here are some acute hypertension remedies, along with their symptom pictures. Please keep in mind that these remedies may be used for immediate situations in a palliative manner. They won’t necessarily cure hypertension unless the remedy appropriately matches the individual’s personality.
Argentum nitricum (Arg-n): If blood pressure rises with anxiety and nervousness, this remedy may be indicated. “Stage fright” or anticipation of a stressful event can bring on dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and a pounding pulse. People who need this remedy are typically warm-blooded, imaginative, impulsive, claustrophobic, and have cravings for sweets and salt.
Calcarea Carbonica (Calc): This remedy is often helpful to people with high blood pressure who easily tire and have poor stamina. They are typically responsible types who feel overwhelmed when ill and fear a breakdown. Palpitations and breathing problems can be worse from walking up a slope or stairs, and also when lying down. A general chilliness with clammy hands and feet (the feet may heat up in bed at night) and sweat on the head during sleep are other indicators. The person may have cravings for sweets and eggs, and tend toward weight problems.
Glonoinum: A flushed face with a pounding headache and visible throbbing in the blood vessels of the neck may indicate a need for this remedy. The chest can feel congested or hot, with a pounding or irregular heartbeat. The person is worse after moving around, heat and sun exposure, and drinking alcohol. A feeling of “being lost in a familiar place” is a strong indicator for this remedy.
Natrum muriaticum (Nat mur): A person who needs this remedy seems reserved and responsible, but may have strong feelings (of grief, disappointment, anger, grudges, a fear of misfortune) inside. Headaches and palpitations are common, as well as a feeling of tension (even coldness) in the chest. The person feels worse after sun exposure, worse around mid-morning, and better when alone in a quiet place. A craving for salt and strong thirst can help to confirm this remedy choice.
Phosphorus: A person who needs this remedy is usually sensitive, suggestible, and sympathetic, with a tendency toward weakness, dizziness, a “spaced-out” feeling, and fearfulness. Nosebleeds, facial flushing, palpitations, feelings of heaviness or pain in the chest, and left-sided problems are often seen. A strong desire for cold drinks and refreshing things, and a marked improvement after eating and sleeping are other indicators for Phosphorus.
Mahnaz Shahrzad Asr, D.H.M.H.S, H.D., C.B.P.

Mahnaz Shahrzad Asr is a homeopath and Bowen Therapist practising in Toronto. She is founder of the H20 Clinic located in Toronto, Canada. To make an appointment, call (416) 669-3476
Mahnaz Shahrzad Asr, D.H.M.H.S, H.D., C.B.P.
Mahnaz Shahrzad Asr is a homeopath and Bowen Therapist practising in Toronto. She is founder of the H20 Clinic located in Toronto, Canada. To make an appointment, call (416) 669-3476
nice but potency is not mentioned which is confusing .
I suffers HTN since 3yrs, taking oral anti hypertensive drug Extor5/80 , but want to take homeopathy drug . my BP remains 120/80, after taking medicine.
Present/and past history : uric acid stone removed by ESWL , passing in urine some times crystals in urine , after urine D/R recently eveything normsl except urine ph , which was 5.0 , my age 42
Good Doctor, I have many patients, who comes backs after having allopathy medicines for many years and over a period of time there is no impact on those medicines
Nice work doctor.
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