Peasant Comfort Foods for Deep Winter Dining – from Beet Borscht to Corn Soup to Spinach Dahl
My favorite vegetarian dishes, the ones that I turn to for comfort during our long, cold winters, are mostly the same dishes we enjoyed as...
The Magic of Vitamin C: How It Helps Heal Asthma, Cancer, Scurvy and more
(Article updated October 29, 2024) Vitamin C was first synthesized by Albert Sznet-Gyorgyi (1893-1986), for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1937. Later on,...
Kick the Sugar Habit with Tasty Low-Glycemic Alternatives
Editor’s note: The winter season is upon us, and with it comes a plethora of sugary ingredients hiding in everyday comfort foods as well as...
Ask the Doctor: Benefits of Whole Food Concentrates
Dear Dr. Rona, I read a quote of yours regarding live whole food concentrates from your book Joy of Health. What live whole food concentrates...
Clear Inflammation Naturally to Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Diabetes
Inflammation is a normal, natural, and complex series of chemical and cellular activities performed by the body in response to injury or abnormal stimulation caused...
My Top 10 Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics – for Cold, ‘Flu, and Infections
A CTV News story filed on Nov. 13, 2019 reported that a B.C. woman had initiated a lawsuit against a Vancouver hospital for the wrongful...
Capture the Flavours of Fall: Fermenting, Freezing, and Dehydrating
As our local markets bulge with the fall harvest, I feel a growing sense of urgency to capture the amazing variety and freshness that local...
Recipe: Curry Paste
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘SIMMERED FALL SUPPERS‘. (Makes about 1-1/2 cups) Ingredients 1 Tbsp coriander seeds 2 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp fenugreek seeds...
Allergy-Free Meals Go To Work & School – Alternatives for the Lunchbox
Peanut butter sandwiches in lunchboxes and “peanuts and Cracker Jacks” at the ball game are things of the past. Whether you’re avoiding allergenic foods to...
Healing Fall Foods: Get Warm and Grounded with Plant-based Meals
There is a lot of information available these days on food and nutrition – what to eat, what not to eat, and everything in between....
How to Survive Western Medicine: 20 Supplements That Repair Damage Caused by Medications
Before you read the rest of this article, know that the use of prescribed drugs can be life-saving or highly beneficial on a short-term basis....
David Wolfe’s Top 10 Superfoods for Health and Longevity
“Do you want the best health ever? Get superfoods in your diet!” David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe, a nutritional and longevity expert, makes this recommendation to...
Peak Nutrition for Seniors: To Clear the 9 Most Common Health Problems
Senior citizens account for the largest growing segment of the population in the developed world. Optimizing food choices, supplements, and lifestyle factors can help provide...
Green Medicine for Menopause ~ Herbs to the Rescue
Whew, the summer heat is on and nobody feels it more than a menopausal woman. Trust me on that. When beads of sweat start to...
Cool Vegan Dishes for a Hot Summer Season
For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in the environment, health, and wellness. And I always considered myself an animal lover....
Healthy Dining Mediterranean-Style
It does my heart good to know that I’ve been serving my family Mediterranean-style meals long before I even heard of the Mediterranean Diet, which...