April 2011

ABCs of Animal Wellness – When Treating Cancer in Pets or People, the Same Rules Apply

January 25, 2022

Almost two decades ago, I embarked on a steep learning curve that led out of the morass of pharmaceutical propaganda into medicine that is curative,...

Blackflies Love Bananas

April 1, 2011

Here we are, barely a week into spring, snow still lies heavily in the forest, why in the world would I be writing about blackflies?...

Nutritional Medicine

April 1, 2011

The effects of radiation are cumulative and may manifest as cancer anytime within 40 years after: exposure to fission products from nuclear reactors; fallout from...

Homeopathic Medicine For Treating Acute & Chronic Eczema

April 1, 2011

Eczema is a generic term that defines inflammatory conditions of the skin, namely vesiculation in the acute stages. The word is broadly applied to a...

News Briefs – April 2011

April 1, 2011

MODERATE AEROBIC EXERCISE LINKED TO IMPROVED MEMORY Researchers have found an association between moderate levels of aerobic exercise and increased size of the hippocampus, an...

Chinese Medicine for Diabetes Sufferers

April 1, 2011

The invention of insulin has had a profound and destiny-changing impact on people with IDDM (Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus, also known as Type 1 diabetes)....