Posts From Anna Maria Greene
Anna Maria Greene
Anna Maria Greene is a Toronto-based writer, editor & book coach with a niche in memoir writing and more than 30 years experience. She is also an animal lover who believes in the power of natural healing for all life on Earth. Anna Maria is published extensively on many topics, including numerous success stories using natural remedies to heal both humans and animals. She can be reached at:
Essential Guide to Pet Safety During the Holiday Season
(Originally published in 2010; Updated in 2024) Many common foods, plants, and other things abundant in the home during the holidays are there because we...
Conquer Candida and Other Yeast Infections Naturally
It was the incessant itching that really got to Jessie* and had her running regularly for the Monistat or a homemade yogurt remedy to relieve...
Five Diseases Your Pet’s Paws Reveal and Steps to Healing
The paws of our four-legged pals are hardy, yet incredibly vulnerable. Whether your pets are indoor or outdoor rompers, they’re regularly exposed to all manner...
Feline Diabetes: The Holistic Approach – Food, Herbs, Supplements
If your cat suddenly turns into a zombie, staring vacantly at nothing at all and acting unresponsive, you might be inclined to think that aliens...
Non-Toxic Tips for Flea Season
Such a little thing really – a flea. But when we find them among us, a common reaction is to call in the big guns...
Healthy, Eco-Friendly Holiday Toys and Gifts for Pets
If you like indulging your furry pals at holiday time but don’t have time to even think about shopping, no need to fret. I made...
ALLEVIATING ARTHRITIS: Getting your pet up and running again
Many of us grew up believing that big swollen knuckles, a stiff achy body, pain “before the rain” and general malaise – typical symptoms of...
Shattered: How Alternative Therapies Saved Annabel from Risky Surgery
It was supposed to be a carefree day – a day of leisure and the start of a much-needed holiday. As a full-time midwife and...
Nail Trimming Techniques and Injury Prevention for Furry Feet
Just as May’s flowers begin to spring up from the ground once again, so do our pets’ desires to spring forth into nature with renewed...
Natural Remedies for Ringworm
Many fortunate individuals, who’ve never experienced ringworm, logically assume it has to do with those wiggly critters taking up habitat in our pets’ innards. The...
The Story of River
Natural Healing Tips for a Shelter Cat On June 6, 2009, a slip of a cat with not much life left in her was brought...