Sacred Journeys – Tips on Finding Your Soul Mate
Kim Elkington February 1, 2016
Life sent me a divine male seeking the sacred feminine in a way that would nourish him in a new way.
Here we are in February – heralding the season when we take time to acknowledge the power of love (especially romantic love). Over the last seven years, I have been either ‘lightly’ dating or spending time on my own. Last spring my beloved turned up, and since then love and I have been on quite the journey of discovery.
Seven years is a long time to be single, and I know many people have gone a lot longer, but everything has its reasons. Those intervening years did help me to focus on feeling complete within myself while releasing the nonsensical beliefs that I was not enough somehow without a partner.
There are some kinds of personal work that you really can’t do if you have people around all the time, especially if the work is about ‘being alone and comfortable within your skin’; this work is one of the great adventures we can have on this journey of life. Never being alone is a completely different, but equally challenging, life lesson.
In retrospect, I can see that my time alone was important so I could discover more of my core strengths and learn to recognize and value my sacred feminine. The crone and the teacher/mother in my personality were being expressed, but the playful maiden wanted a lover – something more than a beautiful, passing friendship. My sacred feminine wanted to play, one on one, with a divine male in all his aspects, so that we could continue to evolve, dancing together.
During my intention-setting process, I would compose lists of qualities I was looking for in a mate, yet life was sending me potential partners that did not click. I trusted that the universe/life would send me someone when the time was right, but I grew weary as it took so long for the right spiritual explorer to arrive.
One day I realized that, when compiling my list of the characteristics I was seeking, I was also including the traits I did not want in a partner. The problem was this: when I specified what I did notwant in a mate, I would attract those very qualities as well because it was all part of the energetic prayer bundle. For example, if your life experience has shown you that many men are not naturally monogamous or they tend to wander off, while at the same time your wish list is asking for someone monogamous but you are harbouring doubts that such a man exists (even if it is unconscious), that belief will work its way into your energetic intention.
So that is the kind of work/self discovery I found myself experiencing. In the process, I realized that many friends and acquaintances were with loyal men in long happy relationships. Once I recognized a model that was different from my own previous experience, and was able to shift my belief, the magnetic aspect of my intention changed.
It is really basic particle physics. When you set an intention in the dark matter, it will form a star, or a table, or a boyfriend, based on the intention of your energy bundle. Once I caught on to that, I headed outside on a sunny February 2nd (Imbolc) and called to the blue sky: “Life, I am looking for a wonderful romantic relationship where I am loved emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. Ok, show me what you’ve got for me.” I sent off my intention, feeling strongly optimistic that it was easy for life to meet my request as long as I trusted completely.
By May Day he arrived. Life sent me a divine male seeking to partner with the sacred feminine in a way that would transport him into a new level of awareness; that would nourish him in a new and deeper way. His conduct has continued to show an authentic commitment to walking his talk, and it is a walk we can do together.
But be forewarned, when you step up to the plate as the sacred feminine, you need to leave your self doubt behind if you wish to honour how your mate sees you. For me, as a mature woman, I needed to learn to trust that he absolutely meant all the wonderful things he claimed to see and feel in me. Once I could trust that he truly saw the wise woman with all her strengths, I could open and surrender more to the swirling electro-magnetic energy of a partnership that was offering both of us a gateway to a new way of being in the world.
As a single woman, I have been happily cultivating a life of forgiveness, gratitude, and grace. I sit and center myself each morning with the sun and the core of the earth. Then, with the breath, I fill my heart with love and say good morning to life, offering up my light in whatever way life may wish to use it. What has changed now is that, being fed the nourishing love of a (divine) male, my state of grace feels newly animated and capable of sharing a new weaving with the world each morning. I am looking forward to exploring the possibilities of co-creating a world full of miracles.
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Kim Elkington
Kim Elkington is the co-founder of The Algonquin Tea Co, a line of quality teas made from organic wildcrafted Canadian herbs. These days, Kim works with Local Sustainably Wild-picked Canadian herbs to make organic herbal, black, green and chai tea blends. Find these products online:, or Email Kim at: