Robin Armstrong’s Annual Zodiac Predictions 2025 – for All Signs
Robin Armstrong December 30, 2024
Robin Armstrong is one of Canada’s foremost astrologers, well known for his radio and TV appearances in Canada and the US
ARIES: March 21 – April 20
In 2025 new visions will begin to emerge for you. Your activities will become more dedicated. You will strive to put your visions into action. It will take commitment and hard work to ground your dreams. Without discipline and consistent effort you could easily be distracted. This will be a positive year for Aries. The challenge will be to be sincere and align with others who are sincere.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, Aug 7 to Sept 22, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, April 18 to June 17, Aug 7 to Sept 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aries.
Special Focus: If you are an Aries born between March 21 and 22, then 2025 will be a year of big schemes and dreams. The more socially conscious your actions are, the more credibility and support you will gain. It may prove difficult to find work that you want, but any work is better than no work. Strive to be consistent. If you aim for big goals focus on taking care of the little things. If you have spare time, consider volunteer work helping others.
TAURUS: April 20 – May 21
The increasing cost of living will make you more fearful about spending money this year. There will still be a strong need to do your own thing and express freedom. If you want to take a big trip or make a big purchase, then you will need to control your resources and cut out unnecessary things. If you are not prepared and cautious, expenses could escalate out of control. If you do not cut back on unnecessary expenses, then you could encounter difficulty with the necessary ones.
Your most stressful times will be from April 18 to June 17, and from Sep 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, June 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Taurus.
Special Focus: If you were born between May 15 and 21, then excitement and sudden change will prevail. You will feel restless and unstable. There is a need for you to do something different. You need to step out of the box and be different. Others might be shocked! So what! If you simply stay where you are, anxiety levels will increase. Do not resist change! Let go of whatever or whoever needs to be let go of.
Jupiter will remain in Gemini until June 6, so for 5 months good luck is on your side. This is a good time to start or expand on a business. It will be easy to attract promotions, good investments and babies! It will be twelve years before Jupiter will be in Gemini again, so make the most of it now, while you can. The best opportunities will be the ones you have prepared for. If you are insincere, you will attract unreliable people.
Your most stressful times will be from June 17 to Aug 7, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from April 18 to June 17, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 1 to 6 when Mars traverses Gemini.
Special Focus: If you were born between June 18 and 21 then you will be gullible and inclined toward aversion. This is not the time for big schemes or dreams. It will be a year where you will need to be simple and self-reliant. Don’t make promises or rely on the promises of others. Helping others will improve your karma. The road to hell is lined with good intentions and expectations. Discrimination will be needed to avoid chasing mirages.
Jupiter will enter Cancer on June 6, 2025. This will usher in the luckiest year in twelve. The challenge is to be patient through the first five months of the year. This is the time to complete preparations so that better opportunities are possible in the last half of the year. If you have a plan to reach out or ask for a promotion, wait until June. Making a big purchase or taking a big trip bodes well for the summer and Fall.
Your most stressful times will be from Aug 7 to Sept 22, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most harmonious times will be from June 17 to Aug 7, Sept 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Jan. 6 and April 18.
Special Focus: If you were born between June 21 and 24 you will be gullible from April to the end of October as Neptune in Aries will square your sun. Big schemes and expectations will work against you. Unreliable and deceptive people will be hovering around you. Be sincere, but do not make big investments. This is a time for simple self-reliance. Your lucky Jupiter time will come in the late fall. This will be a time to lie low and avoid temptations.
If you draw too much attention to yourself this year, there will be difficult repercussions. Opportunities will come easier in the first five months of the year. It will be easier to escape into fantasies than to deal with reality. You will be too precariously positioned to express pride. If you do, instant opposition will arise. Hold onto your pursuit of knowledge as long as you can. If courses become too expensive, you can learn most subjects for free by videos on YouTube.
Your most stressful times will be from Sept 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, Aug 7 to Sept 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between April 18 to June 17, when Mars traverses Leo.
Special Focus: If you were born between August 17 and 23 this will be an unstable year. Things and people are falling away from you. You will need to let go of what or who no longer belongs. The more you hold on the more anxious you will be. The sooner you let go the sooner you will start to smile again. This is not a good year to throw good energy after bad. If you don’t set yourself up, you may not be brought down.
The clouds of self-doubt and confusion will begin to lift this year as both Neptune and Saturn move out of Pisces in the spring, until the Fall when they will return for four or five months. This promises to be a good summer for you. Still there are skills that need to be added or improved. Your confidence will improve a little but the complications will be lessening. Modest progress is the theme. Try not to exaggerate.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between June 17 to Aug 7, when Mars traverses Virgo.
Special Focus: If you were born between Aug. 23 and 25 the bubble will pop! The last half of the year will be an unstable one. Your plans will not be consistent and there will be much impatience and restlessness. During this period you will not win lawsuits or confrontations. It will be important for you to lie low and strive to be invisible for a while. Old promises are breaking. Don’t replace them with new ones. It may seem as if you will be juggling your priorities. Scramble to adapt.
Opportunities will come your way spontaneously for the first five months of the year. This will be your best time to move forward on a project. The path ahead will present itself simply and there will be little resistance. Make the most of this period. After June 6 there will be struggles on the path. It will be more difficult to see clearly. There will be conflicts that require you to adjust your perspective. Exaggeration and misunderstanding will increase.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, and from Dec 15 to 31. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, April 18 to Jun 17, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Aug 7 to Sep 22, when Mars traverses Libra.
Special Focus: This will be a positive year for most Librans but those of you born in October will have trouble staying focused. It will seem as if your efforts will go off track, not completely but it will be difficult to drive straight forward. Distractions will come and your work ethic will be weak or even misguided. The solution is to maintain personal discipline and cut back on how much multi-tasking you do.
Trust will overcome fear this year. Are you capable of holding on to trust and letting it prevail in your relationships. If not, what kind of relationships will you attract? This is the Scorpio test of 2025. To trust or not to trust, that is the question. Move away from unstable people and places. Fear will enhance personal judgments. The more rigid you become in your judgments the more vulnerable you will be to sudden shock and instability.
Your most stressful times will be from April 18 to June 17. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, June 17 to Aug 7, and from Dec 15 to 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Sept 22 to Nov 4, when Mars traverses Scorpio.
Special Focus: If you were born between October 24 and 28 this will be a year of confrontation. You will have to face your fears. You will be doing an audit of your life. Someone or something is at odds with you. Power struggles are likely to surface. Will you be able to maintain trust in the face of adversity? This is not the time to sell out or back off. This is a time to hold onto truth and let the chips fall where they may. Is there love without truth. Is there love without trust? If fears surface just ask yourself so what?
In the first five months of 2025, the questions: What is right? What is wrong? and What is going on? will prevail. There will not likely be any distinct answers. This puzzle will surround much of your affairs. While this is going on, do not make big decisions. Wait until you get past May, because misunderstandings will begin to fall away. A new outlook will blossom in the last half of the year.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, and from June 17 to Aug 7. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to Jan. 6, April 18 to June 17, and from Aug 7 to Sep 22. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Nov 4 to Dec 15
Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 19 and 22 then confusions will continue for the first three months of the year, then they will lift like a fog dissipating, only to return one more time for November and December. These will be highly gullible times. Try to let go of great expectations and find your own level of simplicity and self-reliance. Minimize expectations and dependencies.
2025 will start out on a positive note for the first three months. Winter is yours to make the most of. Complications will start to come in with the spring. Your work ethic will suffer, and it might be difficult for you to get motivated. The last half of the year will be one of increasing misunderstandings. You will be reassessing your goals and priorities. A new approach will be needed. Not everyone will go along with your plans.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 6 to Apr 18, and from Aug 7 to Sep 22. Your most harmonious times will be from Jun 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. Your most powerful and energetic times will happen between Dec 15 to Dec 31, when Mars traverses Capricorn.
Special Focus: If you were born between Dec. 22 and 25 this will be a year of complications starting in the spring time and lasting until Halloween. You will be gullible and easily confused. This will be manageable if you keep things simple and avoid big schemes. Most likely someone will not live up to your expectations, or someone could be financially deceptive. Do not rely on or make promises. Patience and careful listening could keep you out of trouble. This is your forte!
Pluto has moved into Aquarius. You will be feeling the need to stand up for what you know to be true. In fact, you will be rather intolerant of other views. If you are embracing untruth, then you can expect to be confronted over it. You know what you know and the rest is BS. This will not be a time of compromise or surrender. Make sure your facts are true. Then take a stand and let the chips fall where they may.
Your most stressful times will be from April 18 to June 17, and from Sept 22 to Nov 4. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, April 18 to June 17, Aug 7 to Sep 22, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Aquarius.
Special Focus: If you were born between Feb. 12 and 19 then 2025 will be a year of great changes. You will be leaving behind whatever or whoever no longer belongs in your life. This may not be precipitated by you. Someone else could leave or let you down. This will not be a stable time and your confidence will be challenged. Don’t force issues and avoid confrontations if you can. Don’t throw good energy after bad.
It will seem as if you are surfing on a large wave in 2025. Cowabunga! It will take discipline to maintain balance. Commitment and long-term effort will be needed to ground your visions. No one will do this for you. You will need to make the effort yourself. It would be a good idea to take care of the most difficult thing first, then things will get easier as you go. Try not to be knocked off track and concentrate on doing one thing at a time.
Your most stressful times will be from Jan. 1 to 6, June 17 to Aug 7, and from Nov 4 to Dec 15. Your most harmonious times will be from Jan. 6 to April 18, June 17 to Aug 7, Sep 22 to Nov 4, and from Dec 15 to Dec 31. There will be no excessively powerful time this year as Mars will not enter Pisces.
Special Focus: If you were born between Feb. 19 and 21 then this will be a year of choppy waters. Instability will prevail. This will be a time of letting go more than of holding on. It will feel like you are scrambling to get by. If you set yourself up, you will be brought down. If you don’t talk about your anxieties, no one will notice. Aloof and evasive will be useful approaches. If you take risks or speculate, you will lose.
ROBIN ARMSTRONG, one of Canada’s foremost astrologers, is well known for his radio and television appearances across Canada and the USA. He runs the RASA School of Astrology which offers a ten level, four year course in astrology.
Robin’s predictions are meant for entertainment and insight. Any serious decision made by astrology requires a full personalized horoscope to be calculated and studied.
For a personal consultation with Robin Armstrong, or to inquire about his School of Astrology or speaking engagements, you can contact Robin through his webstore .
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On youtube visit astrorobinarmstrong, and RASA SchoolofAstrology.
Web Sites for Robin Armstrong
Robin has a new site on Trigrams and Astrology.
I Ching Links
How to use your horoscope to access the I Ching. The 64 Hexagrams as a Zodiac of 64 divisions.
The relationship of the three main cycles: the year(sun), the month (moon) and the day (earth) to both the I Ching and astrology.
A site about the I Ching with a good history, and instructions about how to divine a hexagram using yarrow stalks, coins or dice. The mystical Great Treatise that explains the inner depths of the I Ching is also here.
A new interpretation of the I Ching Hexagrams. References to the Superior Man have been removed. In its place the accentuation is on the individual. One does this, one does that, one remains free of blame!
A collection of cosmic connections to the I Ching. How numbers, the Kabbalah, and the seven rays relate to the I Ching, and to many other systems of understanding.
On this site you will find applications of the I Ching to rhythm, melody and to chanting. This takes the I Ching interpretations beyond the realm of words. This website is my resume!
It’s a great resource for anyone interested in how astrological insights can guide personal and professional decisions throughout the year!