Natural Treatment Repairs Cardiovascular Damage Caused by Covid-19 Infection and/or Vaccines
Charles Bens, Ph.D August 15, 2022Every year over 800,000 people in North America have a heart attack and over 90% of them survive, at least initially. In fact, heart disease is considered to be the number one cause of death in North America and around the world. This is likely because the Standard American Diet is so bad that even young adults in their twenties and thirties already have plaque forming in their arteries, as reported in the Journal of the American Heart Association in June 2021. The traditional causes of heart disease are very well known, but are worth repeating:
- Eating an unhealthy diet
- Being overweight or obese
- Excessive alcohol use
- Having diabetes (many people are unaware they are prediabetic or diabetic)
- Having high blood pressure (many people are unaware they have high blood pressure)
- Being chronically stressed
- Not getting enough physical activity
- Low levels of magnesium (as measured by the RBC magnesium test)
- High ratio of LDL to HDL cholesterol (is a contributing factor, but not a direct cause)
- Consuming tobacco in any form
Natural Treatment Options for Heart Disease
While some improvement in conventional treatment for cardiovascular disease has occurred, in 2019 several studies exposed limitations to popular heart repair procedures. (4) While prevention is certainly the number one opportunity to correct this continuing health problem, there is evidence from the world of natural medicine that improved treatment strategies may also be emerging. Functional medicine, also known as natural medicine, uses a completely different approach to the treatment of atherosclerosis, otherwise referred to as heart disease. This natural approach typically uses the following strategies. (5,6,7,8)
- Eating a plant-focused Mediterranean diet
- Systematic gradual weight loss with a reduction of daily caloric intake by 10%
- Stopping alcohol and tobacco use with programmed natural addiction alternatives
- Stress reduction with meditation, deep breathing, and/or yoga
- An exercise program with aerobic, resistance, and flexibility training
- Increased magnesium consumption with green vegetables and/or supplements
- Antioxidant supplements to reduce arterial damage and limit cholesterol build-up
- The use of other proven supplements such as fish oil, vitamin C, vitamin E, and CoQ10
New Causes of Cardiovascular Damage and New Treatment Protocol
Heart disease entered a new era beginning in 2020 with the emergence of the COVID-19 viral infection. The virus has turned out to be stronger than anticipated and capable of causing damage to key organs in the body, including the heart and the circulatory system. Many infected people began to experience rapidly developing blood clots, inflammation of the endothelial lining of blood vessels, and inflammation of the heart. The three primary conditions emerging from the COVID-19 literature are:
- Pericarditis – inflammation of the lining of the heart.
- Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle causing the heart to work harder, become enlarged, experience scarring and in some cases death.
- Endothelial damage, vasculitis and vascular thrombosis
Having done extensive research of viral infections and the prevention and treatment of chronic illness, including heart disease, it was not a big leap for me to develop a prevention and a treatment protocol for the new COVID-19 infection. The medical literature pointed to over 40 years of research with 40,000+ evidence-based studies indicating the effectiveness of natural solutions such as vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, zinc and other anti-viral nutrients and nutraceuticals. COVID-19 patients not able to resolve their symptoms have become known as COVID-19 Long-haulers. The protocol I developed in July 2020 was aimed at helping these people and has been so successful that it was published in a medical journal in January 2021. (9)
After treating Long-Haul COVID sufferers for over 18 months, it became clear to me that almost every person could achieve a full recovery, although for some the repair and recovery process took a little longer. About 50% of these people needed extra help resolving their heart-related challenges.
As I dug deeper into the medical literature I discovered new research about nutraceuticals that showed considerable promise for helping these people to recovery faster and better. This article is the direct result of that research and may even be helpful in the repair and recovery process for people experiencing the early signs of these cardiovascular illnesses. If it can be shown that heart and cardiovascular system tissues can be repaired, then the prospects of a better life enhancing recovery may indeed be greatly enhanced.
Repairing Damaged Heart Tissues
A review of the medical literature confirms that a vast majority of heart attack patients sustain considerable cellular damage during a heart attack, which may not be repairable. (10) One of the primary reasons for this is the well documented fact that heart cells are not readily replaced as are many other cells in the body. At least that is the conventional wisdom in most medical journals. (11) Recently this thinking has begun to change as more evidence is emerging that heart cells may indeed be reparable to some extent.
This research is being driven by the increasing number of COVID-19 patients who are experiencing chronic heart problems. These patients are often referred to as Long-haulers because their symptoms continue for months and the very last symptoms to resolve are usually the ones related to heart function.
Now this is also starting to occur with people who have received one of the COVID vaccinations, and it seems to be most prevalent with males in the 18-39 age group. (12) The remainder of this article will be focused on the nutraceuticals that have been showing the most promise for cellular repair in both heart attack and COVID-19 patients.
Nutraceuticals for Repairing Heart Damage
VITAMIN C – The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a complex mix of proteins and polysaccharides synthesized and secreted by the cells in the extracellular space. ECM has a fibrillar structure in most tissues and provides a structural framework for the surrounding cells that is essential for tissue/organ morphogenesis, as well as for their regeneration after injury. Collagens are the most abundant proteins in the ECM and thus the most abundant proteins in the body. Vitamin C is crucial to the production of collagen and impacts ECM homeostasis by regulating collagen synthesis and maturation. Therefore, vitamin C plays a key role in the repair of heart tissue damaged by the heart attack or by a viral infection such as COVID-19.
Vitamin C is also classified as an antioxidant able to prevent damage being caused by free radicals resulting from inflammation, infection and toxins. Toxins are missing an electron in their molecular make-up while vitamin C has an extra electronic that can be used to neutralize the free radical, thus avoiding damage to cells in the epithelial lining of the arteries and capillaries.
Vitamin C is also influential as a co-factor in many enzymatic reactions in the body that determine how stem cells are differentiated into cells needed are repair and replacement in the body. While stem cell production declines with age those that are made can be used when cells are damaged due to a heart attack or a viral infection such as COVID-19. Vitamin C therefore appears to play an important role in both the production of cells in the heart and circulatory system as well as the cellular repair and replacement process. (13)
VITAMIN D3 – The role of vitamin D3 in bone health, genetic expression, virus protection, and cancer prevention and treatment are well known. Less well known is the role that vitamin D3 plays in the cellular repair process, especially cells in the heart and circulation system. The genesis for this understanding came during research on the role of the endothelium of the arterial wall which revealed its behavior as an organ and not simply a lining which allowed water and electrolytes to pass throw. One of its key functions was determined to be the restoration and maintenance of nitric oxide levels. This was accomplished by vitamin D3’s ability to increase cytoprotective nitric oxide while reducing peroxynitrite a negative molecule in nitric oxide homeostasis. This favorable rebalancing allowed cells in the endothelium to be repaired more rapidly.
The logical extension of this initial finding was to determine if cells in the heart also benefited from this improvement in nitric oxide rebalancing. The study used nanomedical methods of measurement and analysis to evaluate vitamin D3’s role in the nitric oxide theory. The results were conclusive and it can now be confirmed that vitamin D3 does play a key role in the repair of heart cells damaged by myocardial infarction, better known as a heart attack. It can then be logically argued that vitamin D3 can also play a key role in the repair of heart cell damage done by a virus such as COVID-19. (14)
MODIFIED CITRUS PECTIN – This grapefruit skin extract is modified via size reduction as well as temperature and pH adjustments producing a molecule with impressive medical properties. In the case of heart and circulation health MCP inhibits the expression of Galectin-3, a biomarker associated with fibrosis and inflammation in patients with heart failure. Using sophisticated cellular analysis tests for mRNA and protein expression levels of signaling molecules and pro-inflammatory cytokines, researchers found some important effects of consuming MCP. It was demonstrated that MCP ameliorated cardiac dysfunction, decreased myocardial injury and reduced collagen deposition.
MCP also downregulated pathways for other pathogenesis biomarkers which impact inflammation related to myocardial fibrosis. Together the collective influence of these downregulation pathways and biomarkers supports the use of MCP for the treatment of myocardial fibrosis after myocardial infarction (heart attack). One of the best measures of success would be the blood test for Galectin-3. (15)
COENZYME Q10 – This valuable nutraceutical has a proven track record for the prevention and the treatment of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, heart failure, viral myocarditis, cardiomyopathies, cardiac toxicity, dyslipidemia, obesity, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease and Parkinson’s Disease. The primary factors related to its effectiveness on heart related illness are as follows:
- CoQ10 exhibited strong anti-inflammatory properties during various heart surgery procedures, and during recovery, as measured by C-reactive protein levels.
- CoQ10 has been shown to reduce the negative side effects of the use of statin drugs for the reduction of cholesterol in the body as well as reduce myopathic side effects.
- CoQ10 can significantly improve the treatment of patients with cardiomyopathy which usually involves some genetic or acquired dysfunctions in the left ventricular or mitral valve function. Dosage of 200 mg/day improved symptoms of fatigue and dyspnea as well as improving posterior wall thickness and mitral valve function.
- Viral myocarditis inflammation (e.g. COVID-19) is a serious factor and CoQ10 was able to suppress this inflammation both in the prevention and the treatment of this viral infection.
- CoQ10 helps to both prevent and treat heart failure by improving the heart contraction force as well as cellular oxygen levels.
- CoQ10 appears to improve the survival of myocardial cells during ischemic events, and limit post infarction myocardial remodeling. This may be at least partially due to its ability to protect the DNA of all cells from damage of any kind, including heart cells. (16)
MAGNESIUM – Severe magnesium deficiency can lead to a life-threatening heart attack. Magnesium deficiency sensitizes the myocardium due to the toxic effects of various drugs, as well as to hypoxia. Therefore, magnesium supplementation may have significant cardioprotective effects. Deficiency in magnesium may also lead to chronic electrical instability of the myocardium by affecting the sodium and calcium flow into the cells. Extracellular magnesium ions have been found to exert a profound beneficial influence on the flexibility and tissue structure of the arteries, arterioles, and veins from a number of regional vasculatures.
Most importantly, magnesium is the transport agent that delivers glucose and oxygen to cell membranes and the mitochondria for energy production. One of the challenges for efficient delivery of magnesium into the cell is the fact that it is delivered to the inside of the membrane of the cell and not always directly to the mitochondria. If the cellular repair process is to be optimized then this energy production process should be optimized with the addition of berberine, which is the next nutrient on this list. (17)
BERBERINE – Berberine is a natural compound found in plants such as European barberry, Oregon Grape, and goldenseal. Its primary benefit is in the production of energy in the cell when it uses the Glut-4 molecule to transport glucose and oxygen from the inside of the cellular membrane to the mitochondria of the cell. Other benefits:
- Berberine exerts profound antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects against myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury. SIRT1 signaling clearly shows reduced oxidative damage and anti-inflammatory effects.
- Berberine possesses a variety of pharmacological and biological properties and can potentially enhance cardiovascular performance in multiple conditions including reduced myocardial apoptosis and necrosis.
- Berberine has also been shown to be a therapeutic agent for lipid lowering, including reductions in serum cholesterol and LDL-C.
- By the efficient delivery of glucose into the cells berberine also lowers the level of circulating sugar that can cause oxidative damage to the cardiovascular system, including the heart. (18)
SPECIALIZED PRO-RESOLVING MEDIATORS – The inflammatory tissue response after acute myocardial infarction determines the subsequent healing process. The various leukocytes such as neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes contribute to the clearance of dead cells while activating reparative pathways necessary for myocardial healing. Cardiomyocyte death triggers wall thinning, ventricular dilatation, and fibrosis that can cause left ventricular dysfunction and heart failure. The ultimate goal of cardiac repair is to regenerate functionally viable myocardium after myocardial infarction to prevent cardiac death. Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators have unique anti-inflammatory and cellular repair properties that can play a big role in this cellular repair process.
The advantage of using Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators is that they act on specific cellular receptors to regulate leukocyte trafficking. They also blunt the release of inflammatory mediators, while also promoting clearance of dead cells and tissue repair. Since SPM is a concentrated form of omega-3 fatty acids it has positive effects on controlling inflammation, including the reduction of cytokines, endothelial cell activation and platelet aggregation, heart rate and cardiac function. Inflamed cells are able to return to normal functionality as measured by the elimination of symptoms and achieving normalization of various biomarkers such a C-reactive protein and the aforementioned cytokine markers. (19)
ASTAXANTHIN – Astaxanthin is a red pigment in certain sea algae known for its ability to scavenge free radicals for the prevention and reversal of chronic illness. However, less well known is its ability to repair the damage to the heart and circulatory system caused by a heart attack, a COVID-19 infection, or a COVID-19 vaccination. The pathways for achieving this repair process are as follows:
- Astaxanthin is able to capture free radicals in the double layers of the cell membrane and remove them better than other antioxidants such as vitamin E or beta carotene.
- It also elevates antioxidant enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, and glutathione-S-transferase.
- It also exhibits a number of other health promoting properties such as being anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis, and autophagy-modulatory activities.
- Astaxanthin has also been shown to activate pharmacological and mechanistic anti-inflammatory pathways in the defense of complications related to the corona virus.
- Astaxanthin also inhibits mitochondrial dysfunction, which is crucial to cellular survival and repair.
The proven therapeutic benefits of astaxanthin have been shown in related clinical trials to be important in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, atherosclerosis, cognitive impairment, muscle damage, visual fatigue and dermatological diseases. (20)
L-TAURINE – This amino acid has demonstrated unique and valuable capabilities in the treatment of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and various brain disorders. In most cases, amino acids are the building block proteins for cellular repair and replacement. However, in the case of taurine other cellular health improvement properties have been found and confirmed.
- Taurine influences various cellular functions due to its sulfonic acid makeup such as osmoregulation, antioxidation, ion movement modulation, and conjugation of bile acids.
- Taurine has shown anti-inflammation effects including blood pressure regulation and protection against cardiovascular disease.
- Taurine displays cardioprotective abilities following cardiac injury. Following a coronary artery occlusion-induced ischemia, the consumption of taurine resulted in significantly smaller myocardial infarct size, elevated levels of superoxide dismutase, and decreased levels of interleukin and tumor necrosis factor alpha.
- In patients with heart failure due to coronary heart disease, taurine consumption improved tolerance and recovery during increased exercise.
- In one study continued, supplementation with taurine increased taurine to optimal levels which corrected cardiomyopathy by restoring mitochondrial function and improving cardiac energy metabolism.
These results point clearly to the ability of L-taurine to influence various cellular repair pathways leading to the maintenance of intracellular homeostasis. (21)
VITAMIN E – Vitamin E is particularly effective in protecting cell membranes due to its strong anti-oxidant properties. It has a proven track record in the treatment of heart disease, vascular disease and fatty liver disease. By repairing damaged cell membranes vitamin E ensures that cellular repair inside the cells can be done effectively since the membrane regulates both the intake of nutrients and the removal of waste from every cell in the body. Vitamin E is also a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) scavenger, specifically targeting lipid oxidation and can prevent oxidized fats from damaging DNA. Vitamin E also helps to extend the antioxidant neutralizing powers of vitamin C making these nutrients a powerful one-two punch of preventing and treatment cardiovascular disease. It also appears to have the positive effect of limiting DNA damage. Vitamin E is actually eight different compounds, four as tocopherols (more common in supplements) and four as tocotrienols. The latter are the ones that manage inflammation better than the tocopherols. Therefore, supplements with both tocopherols and tocotrienols should be preferred in the repair of damaged cardiovascular cells. (22)
ARTEROSIL – The primary ingredient in this natural medicine product it rhamnan sulfate which is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from two types of a sea algae with the biochemical names Monostroma Latissium and Monostroma Nitidum. This compound has now been shown to provide protection for the endothelial glycocalyx, which plays an essential role in the endothelium of all arteries, veins and capillaries in our body. The endothelium is involved in the control of vascular barrier function, blood clotting, inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial nitric oxide production, and the growth of new blood vessels. The glycocalyx is the first line of defense for this endothelium lining by regulating the access of circulating LDK cholesterol and leukocyte to the vessel wall, which is the key step in the development of atherosclerotic plaques. The following clinical benefits of Arterosil have been observed. (23,24)
- Arterial health: A study conducted at Baylor University looked at its effects on arterial elasticity, which is a measure of endothelial health. Within hours of taking Arterosil, arterial elasticity increased by an average of 89.6%.
- Blood pressure: In a three-month study, this nutraceutical markedly lowered diastolic blood pressure, with significant improvements beginning within the first month.
- Microcirculation: In another 3-months study conducted at Hypertension Institute, 20 subjects with lower extremity neuropathy showed significant improvement in microcirculation related to nitric oxide production, vasodilation, small nerve fiber function, and also in neuropathy symptoms.
- Plaque regression: Most remarkable, Arterosil has been shown to actually reverse cardiovascular disease. MRIs of men and women with significant carotid artery plaque who took Arterosil for two months showed an average plaque regression of 46.8% in men and 64% in women.
- Plaque stability: This same study also examined the makeup of the carotid plaques. Most heart attacks and strokes are caused by “vulnerable plaques”: unstable, lipid-filled lesions that are prone to rupture. The plaque regression noted above included not only a significant decrease in overall size of plaque built up, but also a 56% average reduction of the lipid core.
This makes Arterosil one of the most powerful of the nutraceuticals mentioned in the preceding list. There are other useful heart health nutrients, but these ten have the best scientific evidence, and have shown the best clinical results in the treatment of damaged heart and circulation cells. This includes damage done by heart attacks, COVID-19 infections or by COVID-19 injections.
Nutraceutical honor role – The following nutraceuticals also have a very good track record in the prevention and treatment of heart and circulation challenges on factors not related specifically to tissue repair: resveratrol, quercetin, D-ribose, L-carnitine, NAD, omega 3 oils, grape seed extract, folate, inositol, L-arginine, garlic, serrapeptase, nattokinase, lumbrokinase and hawthorn berry.
Who can benefit from this Heart Tissue Repair Program?
There are at least four distinct groups that can benefit from the heart tissue repair program described above. There may be more categories, but these have been identified thus far.
- Existing heart disease and stroke patients– This group is easily identified by their prior diagnosis and treatment status. Most of them will already be on medication of some kind and/or have had surgery. These patients are most likely being treated by allopathic doctors and will need to find an integrated doctor to work with in order to effectively utilize the protocol outlined in this article.
- Existing Long COVID patients– These patients may or may not be under a doctor’s care. The ones that are could be working with an allopathic or a natural doctor of some kind. Most natural doctors will understand and know how to use this protocol. Natural doctors are also often called naturopaths or functional medicine doctors.
- Existing chronically ill patients– Some patients may have existing conditions such as diabetes or cancer, which has implications for the risk of cardiovascular challenges. Heart failure is a major risk factor for these patients and allopathic doctors may not be aware of the diagnostic and treatment alternatives discussed in this article. A second natural doctor may need to be involved to provide a second opinion or be added to the team of health practitioners being used by a patient.
- People interested in prevention– Some people may have a family history of heart disease or simply be interested in not being surprised by a heart attack or stroke after the age of forty. This natural protocol is definitely worthy of consideration for those interested in prevention. The following chart explains how cells deteriorate gradually in six stages of cellular decline. This program can identify and stop this deterioration with proven physiological assessment tools.
How to Measure the early stages of Cellular Deterioration
There are several proven assessment tools that can be used to determine if cells are moving towards chronic illness such as heart disease or heart damage caused by COVID infection or vaccine injections.
- Vitamin D3- This blood test measures the level of vitamin D3 in the blood, which is crucial for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. VitaminD3 has been shown to activate many cancer prevention genes. Women with high levels of vitamin D3 (60-90 ng/ml) have an 82% lower risk for breast cancer. Vitamin D3 has also been shown to be very useful in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and viral infections.
- GlycoMark test- This is an easier and faster way to assess the after-meal influence of glucose increases. In one draw, it can determine the 90-day pattern of glucose increases after meals with either 1,5-AG from serum or EDTA plasma blood sample.
- Homocysteine- This is a great test to determine if the body has adequate levels of B vitamins, especially B6, B12 and folic acid. Deficiencies in these vitamins often indicate future mental challenges, hormone related diseases, potential birth defects, and cardiovascular system inflammation many other health challenges.
- C-reactive protein- Inflammation is involved in many chronic diseases and can provide an early warning for heart disease and many other chronic diseases. Inflammation is often caused by the presence of free radicals in the body, which are molecules with an unpaired electron. High C-reactive protein levels are an early warning sign for heart disease, cancer, and many other chronic illnesses.
- 8-OHgD test- Damage to cellular DNA is caused by toxins. Toxins such as chemicals in air, water or food, as well as various forms of radiation, can accumulate in the body. This accumulated level of toxins can lead to SNP’s (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) and damage to the DNA in the nucleus of our cells. The urine test 8-OHgD can measure the extent of this damage, thus providing an early warning of disease including cancer.
- Galectin 3- This fibrosis molecule is found in our blood in small amounts. However, an elevation of this molecule can indicate the possible growing evidence of heart failure, inflammation, and cancer. Galectin 3 is found to be over-expressed on the surface of cancer cells, and actually helps the cancer cells to stick to one another. It also circulates in the blood, indicating that cancers are attempting to spread or metastasize. Because it can indicate the possibility of multiple diseases, including cardiac related illness, it should not be used alone to measure the presence or the spread of cancer or heart disease.
- Oxygen test– A finger oxygen meter can measure circulating oxygen. Oxygen is crucial to the production of energy in the mitochondria where oxygen and glucose are combined. If oxygen levels are low, then the mitochondria do not produce enough energy and cells are not able to function properly. Finger meters use a 100-point scale and the desired level is from 96 to 100. As the level of oxygen drops, the seriousness of the cellular challenge increases. Circulatory restriction is usually the primary cause of reduced oxygen levels, although the presence of the Coronavirus is also a possible cause.
- Cortisol- Cortisol is a steroid hormone released by the adrenals when the body is experiencing stress. There are many other reasons why cortisol levels can fluctuate, however stress is one of the most significant reasons. Cortisol increases blood sugar, suppresses the immune system, fights inflammation, and inhibits bone formation.
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)- This test measures the amount of endothelial growth factor in our blood, which helps to encourage the growth of new blood vessels. VEGF increases when the body needs more oxygen, which is why the lungs often show higher levels than other parts of the body. In most situations new blood vessels are not necessary. However, when a tumor is beginning to form VEGF levels will increase in order to produce the new blood vessels needed. Elevated VEGF levels may occur before most cancer tests can actually detect the presence of cancer cells.
- Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)- Elevated serum levels of GGT are markers of oxidative stress, often associated with factors such as increased alcohol consumption, heavy metal exposure, heart disease and diabetes. This enzyme is found in many organs in the body, with higher concentrations found in the liver where it helps to deliver cysteine for the intercellular synthesis of glutathione, one of the bodies most important antioxidants. Elevated levels of GGT can also be associated with a higher risk of cancer.
- Magnesium RBC- This the best test to measure the level of magnesium in the body. Magnesium has many responsibilities, but one of the most important ones is its ability to transport glucose and insulin into cells to be used as energy. Circulating glucose can cause diabetes and damage to arteries, possibly resulting in stroke and heart disease; it can also contribute to the formation and feeding of cancer cells. Higher levels of magnesium can help to prevent cancer, heart disease and many other chronic illnesses.
- Vitamin C- This blood test measures Vitamin C levels. This vitamin is a powerful, water-soluble antioxidant that supports our immune function by shielding the DNA in our cells from free radical damage. It also reduces free radical damage in our organs and other tissues, by providing an electron to free radicals that are missing an electron and trying to steal an electron from our healthy cells.
- Coenzyme Q10- CoQ10 comes in two forms, Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol. Its primary functions are to boost energy levels on the mitochondria of our cells, and provide antioxidant protection for the DNA in the nucleus of our cells. CoQ10 is therefore crucial to the function of the liver, which detoxifies our body and helps to manufacture key nutrients needed to support our immune system. CoQ10 is especially important to organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs and pancreas. .
- D-dimer- This test looks for D-dimer in the blood; a small protein fragment that can cause clots. These clots can cause deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism or stroke. They can also be used to determine is a COVId-19 infection or vaccine is causing blood clots to form within ten days of diagnosis or injection.
- Omega 3/6 ratio- This blood test measures the ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids in the body. Omega 3 is anti-inflammatory while omega 6 is pro- inflammatory. Too much omega 6 means the body is vulnerable to illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, flu and other chronic illnesses. The ideal ratio is one to one.
- Prothrombin Time Test and INR (PT/INR)- A prothrombin time test measures how long it takes for a clot to form in a blood sample. An INR (international normalized ratio) test is a type of calculation based on the PT test results. Prothrombin is a protein made in the liver that is part of the blood clotting (coagulation) process. These clotting factors work together to form a blood clot. Keeping these factors in balance is a crucial measure of good wound healing, excessive bleeding or the formation of clots that could cause a stroke or a heart attack.
- MRI Plaque View- This is a relatively new cardiovascular disease measurement tool. It measures the actual morphology of the plaque including multi-contrast identification of plaque compounds such as lipid core, calcification and hemorrhage potential. It also assesses carotid plaque burden such as maximum wall thickness and normalized wall index. Vulnerable plaque can be determined by thrombosis risk, lipid-rich nuclei or any plaque demonstrating fibrous cap rupture. In other words, the MRI Plaque View can see the specific risk of plaque structure (potential lesions) as well as the health of the various levels of the endothelial lining.
- PULS Cardiac Test- The PULS Cardiac Test predicts the likelihood that a person will have a heart attack within the next five years. It works by detecting the instability of lesion ruptures. PULS stands for Protein Unstable Lesion Signature, and it measures biomarkers in the body’s immune system response. Over time these cellular damage markers identify lesions that can rupture if they become too large. The new mRNA vaccines have now been shown to dramatically increase endothelial inflammation and the risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This condition can occur more rapidly with the influence of this viral related damage then might usually be the case. This type of vaccination seems to induce damage to heart cells leading to cell death and myocardial infraction (heart attack) in people with no previous history of this disease. This damage can be found and measured with the PULS Cardiac Test. This test may be more accurate that cholesterol, calcium and plaque tests, which do not have the same benefits in terms of predictive diagnosis. (25)
Emerging cardiovascular damage reduction strategies
New strategies to prevent and repair cardiovascular cell damage are emerging on a regular basis in research being conducted by scientists in universities and other health and medical institutions. The following studies are just a few of the more promising examples of some of this research.
- mRNA Vaccines cardiovascular damage
The new mRNA vaccines have now been shown to dramatically increase endothelial
inflammation and the risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This condition can occur more rapidly with the influence of this viral related damage then might usually be the case. This type of vaccination seems to induce damage to heart cells leading to cell death and myocardial infraction (heart attack) in people with no previous history of this disease. This damage can be found and measured with the PULS Cardiac Test. (25)
- The Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway
Scientists may have found a way to preserve heart function after heart attacks or for people with inherited heart defects called congenital cardiomyopathies. Researchers report that after simulating heart injury in laboratory mouse models, they stopped or slowed cardiac fibrosis, organ enlargement and preserved heart function by blocking a well-known molecular pathway known as the Wnt/B-catenin pathway. The Wnt/B-catenin signaling pathway is involved in several of the body’s fundamental biological processes. After heart injury, however, Wnt/B-catenin signaling ramps up in cardiac fibroblast cells to cause fibrosis, scarring and harmful enlargement of the heart muscle, according to the researchers. This finding may also apply to cellular damage occuring due to the COVID-19 infection as well as the COVID-19 vaccinations. This might also explain the connection to the Galectin-3 blood marker, as well as the ability of Modified Citrus Pectin to stop and even reverse this fibrotic reaction. (26)
- Micronutrients for the repair of DNA in the aging population
Prolonged deficiency in one or more micronutrients may lead to cardiovascular and/or neurodegenerative disorders. Keeping micronutrients at adequate levels is especially important for seniors. They are prone to deficiencies due to age-associated functional decline and often to a diet low in essential nutrients. Moreover, lack of micronutrients has an indirect impact on the genome. Low levels of essential nutrients can reduce the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and therefore inhibit the efficiency of defense against free radicals which can lead to the formation of DNA lesions. The more DNA damage in the genetic material, the faster aging will occur at the cellular level leading to a higher risk of pathological processes (e.g., carcinogenesis). Supplementation of crucial antioxidative micronutrients such as selenium, zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin E seems to have the potential to positively influence the condition of an aging organism, including minimizing inflammation, enhancing antioxidative defense, and limiting the formation of DNA lesions. (27)
- Iron deficiency impacts the heart
Iron deficiency (ID) and anemia (individually or together) leading to low hemoglobin and hematocrit, impact oxygenation and severity of COVID. This is one of the most frequent comorbidities in patients with heart failure (HF). ID is estimated to be present in up to 50% of outpatients and is a strong independent predictor of HF outcomes. ID has been shown to reduce quality of life, exercise capacity and survival, in both the presence and absence of anemia. Beyond its effect on hemoglobin, iron plays an important role in oxygen transport and in the metabolism of cardiac and skeletal muscles. Mitochondria are the most important sites of iron utilization and energy production. These factors clearly have roles in the diminished exercise capacity in HF. Oral iron administration is usually the first route used for iron repletion in patients. However, the data from the IRONOUT HF study do not support the use of oral iron supplementation in patients with HF and a reduced ejection fraction, because this treatment does not affect peak VO2 (the primary endpoint of the study) or increase serum ferritin levels. The FAIR-HF and CONFIRM-HF studies have shown improvements in symptoms, quality of life and functional capacity in patients with stable, symptomatic, iron-deficient HF after the administration of intravenous iron (i.e., FCM). (28) Nutritional sources of bioavailable iron are advisable whenever possible, in order to avoid iron overload, which is proinflammatory and can lead to oxidative stress.
- The bacteria chlamydia pneumonia can impact plague development
A bacterium that causes colds, sinus infections, bronchitis, asthma or pneumonia may also contribute to the development of heart disease. Chlamydia pneumonia can be latent in the body, as many viruses are, and can cause arterial inflammation as many toxins do. As is the case with toxins this bacterium can encourage the development of plague in arteries. In one study chlamydia pneumonia was found in 79% of people with carotid artery plague compared to only 4% of people who had no plague. Doctors who find inflammation markers such as fibrinogen, homocysteine, C-reaction protein or ferritin should also check for the presence of chlamydia pneumonia. This can best be accomplished by measuring PCR for the presence of chlamydia antibodies. (29)
Conclusion and final thoughts
- Stages of prevention- A recent study from Harvard University and reprinted in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology explains the three stages of prevention of heart disease. These stages include secondary prevention, primary prevention and primordial prevention. These three stages include addressing known risk factors and providing treatment prior to any event, based on the avoidance of known risk factors such as smoking, lack of exercise, high blood pressure or poor eating habits. The goal of this article is to establish new stages of prevention based on the repair of damaged cardiovascular tissues. Scientific evidence suggests that this is possible and now more evidence of the effectiveness of this approach can be gathered in doctor’s offices, clinics and hospitals reporting their success, and having it further validated in clinical trials. (30)
- The increasing use of nutraceuticals- The use of nutraceuticals in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease has been well established for many decades. A recent study (2019) with 119 references, has documented success in the mitigation of many cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure and the delay of increased risk factors such as the development of plague or hardening of the arteries. The nutritional components featured in this article include vitamin C, flavonoids, garlic and lycopene, which all have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties able to modulate various physiological pathways. This article expands on this list, going far beyond these prevention pathways to include cellular repair and replacement pathways which can modulate the cell replacement process pathways. (31)
- The stages of cellular deterioration- The ability of the protocol outlined in this article to repair damage to the cardiovascular system is based on my theory developed over fifteen years ago explaining the six stages of cellular deterioration. These sequential stages include cells becoming stressed, weakened, challenged, dysfunctional, mutated and finally diseased. Conventional medicine has concentrated on the last three stages with emphasis on the management of chronic illness. However, the first three stages usually occur five to ten years earlier. Intervening at these earlier stages presents the opportunity for the prevention of most chronic illnesses with safer, more effective and less costly natural strategies. There are excellent biomarker metrics that can accurately identify these stages for prevention purposes, and can also be used to measure the success of the prevention and repair mechanisms featured in this article. These biomarkers are well established and reliable, which adds a significant element of feasibility to the hypothesis outlined here.
- The combination of nutraceutical therapies- One of the biggest hurdles with the advancement of medicine towards prevention and cellular repair is the use of the gold standard double-blind placebo-controlled study. These studies have traditionally featured monotherapy approaches for both prescription and nutraceutical examinations. The evidence is continuously pointing to the failure of this approach and one classic example is the resent efforts to find an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s Disease. The Cleveland Clinic reviewed all studies for the treatment of Alzheimers over a twenty-year period and found the failure rate to be 99.6%. (32) On the other hand, a therapy developed by Dale Bredesen, MD using a multi-therapy approach was successful in 90% of the patients. The study involved ten people diagnosed with various stages of Alzheimers, and used thirty-eight factors known to influence the development of this illness. Subsequent experience has validated the success of the Bredesen Protocol. (33) This challenge to the clinical trial process on the topic of cardiovascular disease is well illustrated by a study in 2021 published in Nutrients- Pathophysiological Basis for Nutraceutical Supplementation in Heart Failure: A Comprehensive review (34). What is clearly needed is a reform of the gold standard for medical studies to allow for, if not encourage, the use of multi-factor treatment therapies not only in clinical trials, but also for studies in doctor offices. We need to find these science-based therapies and put them into practical use as soon as possible to save lives and reduce the cost of waiting for therapies to be declared perfect before encouraging their use.
Disclaimer: While this protocol is supported by solid scientific evidence it is always advisable to consult a well-trained and qualified medical professional to ensure that individual biochemistry and conditions are taken into consideration.
Physician endorsements of this article:
“Great article on the science versus the propaganda narrative on how to reverse damage to the heart caused either by COVID or the COVID-19 vaccines. This is highly important reading for both the public and medical doctors who have been denied all the information due to censorship and the failures of mainstream media.”
Zoltan P. Rona, M.D., M.Sc.
“This article provides supremely valuable information on strategies to help prevent, treat, and reverse cardiovascular disease and stroke including the health effects resulting from COVID infection and vaccination. It is proactive, cutting edge, science-based information like this that medicine needs to be grounded on. Information like this, applied and personalized with advice from a health care provider to an individual’s needs, are the future of advanced personalized health care”. Ruth Lininger, MD, MPH
(Editor’s Note: This article is not intended to replace the advice of your physician. Before undertaking any changes to your healthcare regimen, please consult a qualified health professional.)
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Charles Bens, Ph.D

Charles Bens, PhD, was an internationally recognized author, speaker and consultant specializing in the fields of organizational improvement, workplace wellness and functional medicine. His creative publications and presentations have garnered praise in the form of Man of the Year recognition in the U.S. and Canada, commendation from the President of the United States and speaking engagements worldwide. "It is with a heavy heart that I must report the news that Charles passed away on Friday, October 14th, 2022. He died of a sudden heart attack. Only two hours before, we had been on a long bike ride. Sadly, his heart was not as strong as his desire to live. Shortly after taking a shower he was overcome by nausea and chest pains. He passed within thirty minutes. I was by his side. For those of you who knew him well, you’re aware that he was a health nut. One reason for his obsession was that he’d been born with a seriously arrhythmic heart. This condition took his father’s life when he was in his early 70”s. By exercising daily and staying on a great diet Charles managed to squeeze almost another decade out of his ailing heart." Ingrid Bens
Charles Bens, Ph.D
Charles Bens, PhD, was an internationally recognized author, speaker and consultant specializing in the fields of organizational improvement, workplace wellness and functional medicine. His creative publications and presentations have garnered praise in the form of Man of the Year recognition in the U.S. and Canada, commendation from the President of the United States and speaking engagements worldwide. "It is with a heavy heart that I must report the news that Charles passed away on Friday, October 14th, 2022. He died of a sudden heart attack. Only two hours before, we had been on a long bike ride. Sadly, his heart was not as strong as his desire to live. Shortly after taking a shower he was overcome by nausea and chest pains. He passed within thirty minutes. I was by his side. For those of you who knew him well, you’re aware that he was a health nut. One reason for his obsession was that he’d been born with a seriously arrhythmic heart. This condition took his father’s life when he was in his early 70”s. By exercising daily and staying on a great diet Charles managed to squeeze almost another decade out of his ailing heart." Ingrid Bens
covid-19 create high panic in all over the world. isolation and vaccine is must be required for every one