The Hurt Child — Played Out in the Adult Life
When we are having difficulty in adult relationships it is often because we are approaching them from the perspective of the ‘hurt child.’ This is...
News Briefs – April 2007
POSSIBLE TREE BARK CANCER CURE Writing in the March 15, 2007 issue of the journal Eye, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, reported...
Ask the Doctor – Vitamin C Myths and more
Dear Dr. Rona: I recently had a check up at my family doctor and asked him how much vitamin C I should take to prevent...
Medicine of the Ancient Maya
The knock on the door came at midnight. The old man got out of his hammock and opened the door to a woman with a...
Homeopathic Medicine for Loss of Balance
What is the meaning of my life? Many of us have been confronted with this great existential question which tends to surface when we’re feeling...
News Briefs – February 2007
FOLATE AND ALZHEIMER’S Higher intake of the nutrient folate may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, but vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 did not...
News Briefs – December 2006
AIR FRESHENERS POSE ASTHMA RISK A recent study by the US National Institutes of Health looked at 11 chemical compounds given off by household products...
Chinese Herbs for Crohn’s and Colitis
Crohn’s disease and Colitis are inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Colitis affects only the rectum and occasionally the lower colon, whereas Crohn’s may affect...
News Briefs – November 2006
PAIR CERTAIN FOODS TO BEAT CANCER Evidence announced by the American Institute for Cancer Research on October 23, 2006 seems to suggest that phytochemicals in...
Golden Baked Pumpkin with Cranberry
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Golden Goblins‘. This is a healthy alternative to the sweet yam and marshmallow side dish traditionally served at Thanksgiving. (Makes: ...
Pumpkin-Black Bean Salad
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Golden Goblins‘. Substitute sweet potatoes or squash for the pumpkin, if desired. Use any cooked legume: chickpeas, soybeans, lentils,...
Pumpkin Purée
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Golden Goblins‘. An easy way to keep pumpkin (or other squashes) ready to add to soups, stews, muffins, breads, sauces...
Golden Goblins – Pumpkins Herald the Taste of Fall
We have pumpkin at morning and pumpkin at noon If it were not for pumpkins, we would be undone (old American pioneer folk song) As...
Pumpkin Seed Spread
From the Vitality Food Feature ‘Golden Goblins‘. Two ounces, taken daily, of this spread provides a therapeutic dose of the amino acids alanine, glycine and...
Herbs for the Mind
Find Relief from Anxiety, Depression, and Stress with Allies from the Plant Kingdom September is a great time of year. Summer is winding down and...
News Briefs – September 2006
Baked Fish Good for the Heart A study conducted by several American universities and published in the August 2006 issue of Journal of the American...