Maple Syrup
Looks like sugaring season is going to come early this year! Mmmmaple! We ski along a lovely forest trail two kilometres to where the sugar...
Heart Healthy One-Pot Meals: The Joy of Slow Cooking Hearty Winter Cuisines
Winter is the perfect time to get out the crock pot (or “slow cooker,” if you will) and cook up some healthy, hearty porridges, rich...
Traditional Chinese Medicine for Migraine Headaches
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have enjoyed a long and successful history of treating a wide variety of headache patterns. Migraine headaches currently affect around 5...
Chinese Medicine for Common Childhood Complaints
You would do anything and everything for your child, including the best treatment possible when they are not well. As children grow, they go through...
News Briefs – February 2010
BPA AFFECTS CHILDREN, ADMITS FDA After earlier statements that declared bisphenol A (BPA) safe for all uses, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted...
African Herb Helps Addicts Get Off the Drug Treadmill
For the hundreds of thousands of people addicted to both legal and illegal narcotics, the future is grim. Those trying to free themselves from addiction...
Homeopathy for Happiness
Antidote to Depression and Winter Blues Ten years ago a friend of mine committed suicide. Although I was aware of her life stresses and struggles...
African Herb Helps Addicts Get Off the Drug Treadmill
For the hundreds of thousands of people addicted to both legal and illegal narcotics, the future is grim. Those trying to free themselves from addiction...
News Briefs – December 2009
Vitamin D Alleviates Multiple Sclerosis Australian scientists have found that vitamin D may slow the progression of multiple sclerosis (MS). Previously, figures had shown that...
Prostate Health: Herbs for Treating Inflammation
Probably the most common men’s health issue that I’m asked about in my practice is inflammation or enlargement of the prostate. Sadly, these and other...
Autoimmune Disease Treatment with TCM: Lupus, COPD, SJOGREN Syndrome
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is fast becoming global medicine, spreading from its traditional home in Asia to all of Europe, Australia, North America and Africa....
News Briefs – November 2009
High-Fat Diets Damage Muscle A new Canadian study on mice suggests that high-fat diets significantly impair skeletal muscle – long before other pre-diabetic changes appear,...
News Briefs – October 2009
Showers Spray Harmful Bacteria A disturbing study reported in the Sept. 15, 2009 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the...
Ask the Doctor – Irregular Periods
Hello, Doctor! I have a 12-year-old daughter who got her first menstrual period two months ago. She is very irregular and her period stops for...
News Briefs – September 2009
Asparagus Extract Relieves Hangovers The amino acids and minerals found in asparagus extract may alleviate alcohol hangover and protect liver cells against toxins, according to...
Natural Protection from H1N1
Prepare Yourself for the Coming Plagues – Without the Use of Drugs There has been a lot of hype in recent years about the potential...