Homeopathic Medicine for Hair Loss in Women
Tamara Der-Ohanian December 1, 2021The hair on our head is like a vegetable garden. How well it flourishes depends on what is happening beneath the surface. Just as poor quality produce is a symptom of soil deficiency, hair loss is a symptom of an unbalanced human organism.
Homeopaths believe that symptoms are simply the body’s way of expressing an imbalance in mental, emotional and physical energies. Hair loss is no different. Hair loss is merely a sign that a deeper problem exists. As such, homeopathic treatment for hair loss includes careful examination of the entire person, including symptoms, general health, emotional state and life circumstances. The prescribed remedy positively affects the entire person and as a result can reverse hair loss.
In Western cultures, a healthy head of hair is seen as a sign of physical beauty and is closely tied to self-esteem. Typically considered the curse of middle-aged men, hair loss affects approximately two thirds of all women at some point in their lives to varying degrees. For women, hair loss can be devastating.
The Hair Cycle
Hair grows in three different phases: anagen (active growth), catagen (transition or regression), and telogen (resting).
Anagen — At any given time, approximately 90 per cent of hair on the head is in the anagen phase, which lasts anywhere from two to eight years. During this phase, the growth cells in the papilla (a small projection of tissue at the base of the hair) rapidly divide, producing the hair shaft which becomes keratinized as it pushes up and out of the hair follicle into the pore. At the same time, the hair follicle grows down into the deeper levels of the dermis (skin) to get nourishment.
Catagen — After Anagen, the hair enters into the Catagen or transition phase, which lasts about two to four weeks. During this phase, the hair follicle shrinks to one sixth of its original length. The lower part breaks apart, the dermal papilla breaks away, the bulb detaches from the blood supply, and the hair shaft is pushed up as the hair follicle finally disintegrates. The hair stops growing but does not fall out. In a normal cycle, only one to three per cent of hair is in this phase at any given time.
Telogen — The third phase is the Telogen or resting phase. Most of the hairs we lose when combing or shampooing are in this phase. Shedding is a normal process of replacing old hair with new. At the end of the Telogen phase, the hair follicle re-enters the Anagen or growth phase. If the old hair has not been shed, the new hair pushes it out and the growth cycle starts anew.
Hair loss occurs when the growth cycle of the follicle is disrupted – triggered by genetic predisposition coupled with physical or emotional trauma. The follicle begins to shrink, producing thinner and thinner hair each time. Eventually, the hair falls out and does not grow back.
Hair Loss in Women
Women experience two types of hair loss: Telogen effluvium and Alopecia areata.
Telogen effluvium — Commonly known as diffuse hair loss, Telogen effluvium is the main type of hair loss affecting women, especially during hormonal fluctuations such as childbirth or menopause. It is characterized by general thinning and loss of hair anywhere on the scalp. Diffuse hair loss happens when some form of trauma adversely affects the organism, forcing hair into the Telogen stage. In this stage the hair starts to thin. However, there can be a few months’ delay before the shedding actually begins.
Causes of diffuse hair loss include the following:
• Serious illness
• Psychological stress
• Hormonal changes
• Medication side effects
• Poor diet
• Heavy metal toxicity
Alopecia Areata — Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease and a common cause of hair loss in women. It is caused by white blood cells attacking hair follicles, which drastically reduces hair growth. The hair loss appears in various degrees of severity, from small round patches to chronic extensive hair loss of the entire scalp or body. Alopecia areata can happen at any age, affecting both men and women equally. There are a number of treatments you can choose to combat hair loss, one of them being PRP treatment.
Two Cases of Diffuse Hair Loss
CASE 1: Perimenopause and menopause cause many biochemical changes that often lead to Telogen Effluvium. Such was the case for Susan, a 47-year-old who tried supplements, herbs, drugs and ointments to combat her thinning hair, to no avail. Over time, her hair loss became more and more noticeable, so she decided to try homeopathy.
Susan had numerous health complaints which she managed and palliated with various products. She suffered from heartburn after meals, interrupted sleep and nightmares, skin eruptions, occasional migraines, restlessness and general anxiety. She had ongoing emotional dealings with her ex-husband and disliked her job and several co-workers. Her emotional stresses, specific physical symptoms, fears and reactions to her life situations pointed to the homeopathic remedy Argentum metallicum.
At first Susan reported feeling much calmer and less restless while taking the remedy. She was able to handle her ex-husband with more confidence and detachment. After six months on the remedy, the migraines disappeared, her skin cleared up and the quality of her sleep improved. Over the course of the treatment, Susan’s hair loss abated and new hair began to grow.
CASE 2: Three months after the birth of her third child, Lillian noticed an increase in hair thinning and hair loss. The part in her hair had widened and she found more hairs on her brush, the floor and the shower drain. Her friends and family members reassured her that the problem was a temporary response to hormonal changes related to childbirth. Lillian’s hair loss persisted, however, and worsened over time.
While her body had been able to regain normal functioning after her first two childbirths, the third triggered much more than just hair loss. Lillian was unable to lose her ‘baby weight’; she developed varicose veins on her lower legs; and she felt mildly depressed.
Lillian was prescribed Carbo Vegetabilis for overall health. Immediately after taking the remedy, Lillian’s depression lifted. Within one month, she lost half of the extra weight and the varicose veins became less visible. After four months on the homeopathic remedy, Lillian reported a 75 per cent reduction in hair loss. After six months, Lillian was back to a pre-pregnancy state of health.
A Case of Alopecia Aereata
Erika’s friends referred to her as a “health nut.” The 38-year-old fitness instructor was in great physical shape, ate organic foods only, didn’t smoke or drink, and took various nutritional supplements on a regular basis. Her reading material consisted of self-help and health-related books and journals.
Six months before Erika sought homeopathic treatment, her hairdresser had discovered a small round bald patch on the back of her head. Shortly afterward, Erika found a second, smaller patch closer to the top of her head.
Distressed by these discoveries, Erika saw several doctors and specialists and endured numerous blood tests, all of which came back “normal” or “negative” for various conditions. Finally, Alopecia Areata was diagnosed and topical and oral steroids prescribed. The medications did nothing to help the hair growth. Instead, they made her feel tired and depressed.
Erika’s only other physical problems were interrupted sleep and, on occasion, difficulty falling asleep. When I asked what was going on in her life during the months leading up to the hair loss, Erika’s eyes watered. She had gone through an emotionally difficult year after learning of her husband’s infidelity.
Within six weeks on the prescribed homeopathic remedy, Mercurius Solubilis, Erica noticed new hair growth on the two bald spots. She was also pleasantly surprised to have improved quality of sleep thanks to the same remedy.
Homeopathy and the Vital Force
You may have heard the expression, “homeopathy treats the person, not the disease.” This simply means that remedies are prescribed according to individual symptoms and circumstances, rather than the disease label. The remedy Mercurius solubilis, given to the above-mentioned patient, will not work in all cases of Alopecia areata. In fact, ten cases of Alopecia areata are likely to require ten different homeopathic remedies. The same is true for all types of hair loss and all types of illnesses.
In homeopathy, the vital force, which is also known as the healing power of the body, is the force of energy responsible for the healthy functioning of the body, coordinating its defences against disease. Illness results when this force is disturbed by stress, poor diet, hormonal changes, illness, hereditary problems, or environmental toxins.
The symptoms of illness, including hair loss, are the outward manifestation of the vital force’s attempt to redress imbalances and restore order. It is the homeopath’s task to administer a remedy, a potent form of energy, to help restore the efficiency of the organism so that it may regain its health.
Tamara Der-Ohanian

Tamara Der-Ohanian, DSHomMed, HOM, was a registered homeopath practising in North York, Ont. She also taught at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. Tamara passed away in 2019. For those who are seeking homeopathic approaches to illness, Kerry Walker is a colleague of Tamara's and a graduate of The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. She can be reached at 647-781-4861 or email: homeopathkerry@gmail.com
Tamara Der-Ohanian
Tamara Der-Ohanian, DSHomMed, HOM, was a registered homeopath practising in North York, Ont. She also taught at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. Tamara passed away in 2019. For those who are seeking homeopathic approaches to illness, Kerry Walker is a colleague of Tamara's and a graduate of The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine. She can be reached at 647-781-4861 or email: homeopathkerry@gmail.com
Hello Doc lovely article. Keep it up. All the best
Dr Raaj
I am 28 years old, after stoppage of feeding my baby at 1.6 , I am suffering from severe hair loss problem.. it’s been 2 years now I am getting Balder day by day. My hair falls in 500-1000 at a time… my scalp is visible from all sides.. I have consulted dermatologist too but no use. I have undergone several tests including iron, calcium, ferretin, vitamins, all r normal.. I am v.depressed now due to my hair fall . I believe in homeopath kindly help
Hello, there are number of home remedies you can try -you can reach out to me individually through my email if you want and I can share with you what worked for me – it does takes some time for hair to grow back and also it does take efforts one needs to put to get hair restored, so there is no one miracle ingredient.
It could be or actually it most likely is some element that was present before breastfeeding that was somehow removed or lessened during the breastfeeding process. I would recommend researching the physiology of breastfeeding and try to assess what might have presented a defiency. I’m not a doctor.
I have found this article pretty informative! this is such a great post on hair loss, i am also facing this issue now i am going for homeopathic medicine,
Most impressive post! I have read so many blogs on hair loss but this blog has amazing content.
hair falling is common issue for many women’s this is create high irritation in winter season. homeopathic medicines and drops are best treatment for hair falling.
Thank you for sharing this article on such a serious topic with us. In my family, all women after the birth of a child begin to deteriorate hair condition. That is, they become more brittle, drier, and fall out very much. Therefore, I have always been interested in this phenomenon. Unfortunately, now my wife has the first signs of a similar condition and I am looking for a way to help her in this matter. Your article was informative enough for me and it seems to me that it gave answers to some questions.
Put more information on your website like this one, I really like these types of blogs, very nice blogs and articles. I am realy very happy to visit your blog. Now I am found what I actually want
I am 68 y/o female and had covid in November. I had to receive the monoclonal antibodies. I have been losing hair for 2 or 3 months. I am getting concerned because it seems to be falling out more. It is everywhere, on floors, in shower in my clothes, and I really have to be careful when cooking and eating so it doesn’t get in the food. My hormones may be out of balance also. If anyone knows of natural help like supplements, please reply.
Hello CJ,
I have asked to help with this question due to my experience helping COVID patients. Hair loss after COVID suggests that cells in the brain are still being damaged by the virus. Possible solutions include vitamin D3, vitamin C for virus reduction; Vitamin B complex and amino acids for hormone support; Pycnogenol, L-threonate, Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators, Astaxanthin, and Phosphatidylserine for brain cell repair; Floradix liquid iron and biotin for hair growth. Sorry for the volume of supplements, there are many possible factors involved and a quick solution has not been found. I hope this is helpful.
I have full faith in Homeopathy. In many occasions I got very very good results in my family. The basic problem in our society is that people initially ignore the health problem, later when the problem becomes unbearable, they go to the doctor and expect instant miraculous result. One much have patience to take Homeopathic treatment.
Nice post; all the ideas are very good. Thank you so much for sharing them. It is very good that I find it all in one place.
Great article on homeopathic remedies for hair loss in women! Are there specific options for postpartum hair loss or alopecia areata? How long do results typically take?