Seasonal Foods & Recipes

Marvellous Meatless Meals

March 1, 2017

Tips and Recipes to Help You Lighten Up Your Menu for Early Spring Dining All winter long, my sturdy cast iron pot serves me well as I prepare heavy stews and soups. But with the advent of spring, the stew pot is packed away and out comes the wok and saucepan as I turn to lighter fare for family dinners.

Cool and Easy Summertime Dining

June 1, 2016

With One-Bowl Supper Salads My grandma used to say that the best way to cool the body down and beat the summer heat was to toss up a light, bright refreshing salad.

Freshen Up Your Spring Menu with Plant-Based Meals

May 1, 2016

The first green spikes poking through winter’s crusty grip seem to be my trigger for initiating all sorts of gritty tasks like cleaning cupboards and lightening up closets.

The Benefits of Bitters

April 29, 2015

It’s been a long cold winter in this part of the world – apparently the coldest on record for many parts of Ontario and Quebec!...

Simmered Fall Suppers

October 1, 2014

Autumn rhythms bring us back into order, back into shoes, and back into the kitchen. Now is the time for hearty, bone-warming dishes and hardy herbs to season them. But wait.

Stalking the Wild Fiddleheads: Foraging for Food and Medicine in Fields and Markets

May 1, 2014

Judging from the past year’s sprouting of fabulous ‘foraging and feasting’ books, the movement towards celebrating nature’s wild abundance is as strong as it was...

Wild Flavours of Spring

April 1, 2014

The First Greens of the Season are Cleansing Bitters After a long cold winter, I get a feeling of warmth and contentment when contemplating a...

The Culinary Adventure of Wild Autumn Harvests

September 1, 2013

September is truly a wonderful time of year because we’re able to reap the benefits of fresh Ontario produce. There is a growing trend amongst...

Go Raw this Summer

June 1, 2013

Beat the Heat with These Cool and Delicious Vegan Meals My philosophy on food is rooted in natural plant-based nutrition – so it’s only natural...

Supercharged Summer Smoothies

July 1, 2012

Ice cold and bursting with flavour and nutrition, smoothies are the invention of enterprising California beach shack owners, who improved on the puréed fruit drinks...

Saucy Spring Flavours: Innovative Vegan Sauces

May 1, 2012

Innovative Vegan Sauces Transform Ordinary Dishes Into a Memorable Meal My goal when I wrote the Vegan Cook’s Bible (Robert Rose, 2009) was “to design...

Tastes of Summer: A Guide to the Season’s Berry Bonanza

June 1, 2011

 Tiny, brilliant orbs of pure health, berries are the jewels of the fruit world. Not only are these gems beautiful in colour – they range...

Scrumptious Squash: Feasting on Fall’s Bountiful Gourds

October 1, 2010

There is a gardeners’ joke that goes something like this: Why do New Englanders lock their cars only in September? To keep them from being...

Heart Healthy One-Pot Meals: The Joy of Slow Cooking Hearty Winter Cuisines

February 1, 2010

Winter is the perfect time to get out the crock pot (or “slow cooker,” if you will) and cook up some healthy, hearty porridges, rich...