The Alkaline Lifestyle: Foods, Supplements, and Strategies to Nourish and Remineralize the Body
by Stephan Wilmes For millions of years, human beings lived as hunter-gatherers; a few hours of work each day devoted to gathering and preparing food,...
News Briefs – Strategy for Disease Prevention; Many Alzheimer’s Cases Are Preventable; Good Habits Reduce Heart Risks
STUDY PLEADS FOR NEW STRATEGY FOR DISEASE PREVENTION Researchers have concluded that, by treating the overall metabolic and molecular causes of human aging, it may...
News Briefs – June 2014
The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World SEVEN DAILY FRUIT-VEG PORTIONS LOWER DEATH FROM ALL CAUSES Together, two new studies...
NEWS BRIEFS – May 2014
The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World (This study does not prove a causal link but suggests that probiotics might...
The Healing Power of Essential Oils
Essential Oils are often referred to as “Mankind’s First Medicine.” In fact, there are over 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Old...
News Briefs – April 2014
The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World OREGANO COMPOUND KILLS NOROVIRUS Researchers have published a study showing that a compound...
Should Disease Prevention Be Tax Deductible?
A LOOK AT THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S BIAS AGAINST NATURAL HEALTH PRODUCTS “Hello Mr. Flaherty: In Canada, Natural Health Products (NHP’s) are regulated as drugs (not...
Perils of Painkillers: Tylenol Toxicity – and its Alternatives
(Updated January 15, 2023) So you think Tylenol is safe. Most of us have always assumed that Tylenol (acetaminophen) is the safest painkiller on the...
NEW WEBSITE BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON DRUG SIDE EFFECTS adds 320,172 Health Canada reports of adverse events to its drug safety database, the first free, independent website for researching and reporting prescription...
News Briefs – October 2013
BROCCOLI COMPOUND MAY PREVENT OSTEOARTHRITIS Researchers have found that sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli, may play a key role in preventing, or slowing the...
The Doctor Who Fought For Our Health Freedom
DR. JOZEF KROP – A PIONEER IN ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the...
News Briefs – September 2013
The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World COCOA MAY CONTROL INFLAMMATION-RELATED DISEASES A new study reports that a small amount...
Matcha – The Healthiest and Most Delicious Green Tea In the World
For centuries, Matcha has been considered the most revered green tea in the world. Traditionally used in medicinal preparations and for ceremonial purposes, it is...
Natural Protection from Ticks and Fleas
There is a natural formula recommended by holistic veterinarian, Dr. Karen Becker, called Natural Flea & Tick Defense. Here’s what it contains: Natural Flea &...
News Briefs – July/August 2013
B Vitamin Cocktail Delays Alzheimer’s Researchers have shown that an inexpensive regimen of specific B vitamins delay the start of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. A...
Shakes and Smoothies for High Octane Nutrition this Summer
by Natalie Sutherland, BASc Nutrition, BPHE Vitapath Nutritionist There are days when it seems like your nutritional energy needs and finding time are inversely related....