News Briefs – Dec 2016 / Jan 2017

December 9, 2016

POMEGRANATE EXTRACT PROTECTS THE BRAIN AGAINST ALZHEIMER’S AND DEGENERATION New research shows that a diet rich in pomegranates has significant positive impacts on the brain...

News Briefs – November 2016

November 1, 2016

SIX EXTRACTS HOLD KEYS TO DELAYING AGING AND DISEASE A newly released study indicates that six previously identified plant extracts can significantly delay the aging...

Happy Planet Launches New Fresh Soups

November 1, 2016

In October, Canadian all-natural food and juice company, Happy Planet, announced the launch of three new fresh soups: Korean Hot & Sour, Chicken Pot Pie,...

News Briefs – October 2016

October 1, 2016

EARLY EVIDENCE THAT CINNAMON MAY BOOST INTELLIGENCE New research has found the first evidence, based on work with mice, that cinnamon may have the potential...

HEALTH NEWS: Cruciferous Vegetables Block Cancer; Supplements Improve Parkinson’s; Air Pollution and Kidney Failure

September 1, 2016

Cruciferous Compound Blocks Mouth, Neck Cancers A new study demonstrates that sulforaphane, a potent compound in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cabbage, activates...

News Briefs: Fruit Consumption Cuts Breast Cancer Risk; Common Drugs Linked to Cognitive Decline; Air Pollution & High Blood Pressure

July 1, 2016

Teens Who Eat Fruits Cut Risk of Breast Cancer by 25 Per Cent Scientists have reported that eating fruits during the teen years may protect...

News Briefs – June 2016

June 1, 2016

The Latest Research on Nutrition, Health & Anti-Aging From Around the World Raspberries Have Strong Metabolic, Anti-Inflammatory Effects Six separate studies have been released simultaneously,...

Polaraid Taps Into Universal Energy That Heals and Rejuvenates

May 1, 2016

Dr. Dino Tomic (MD, Europe) Scientific evidence that the human body runs on electrical energy has been available to us for decades. In fact, numerous...

News Briefs – April 2016

April 1, 2016

Tree Extract Targets and Kills Pancreatic Cancer Cells A new study has concluded that a natural extract of the neem tree has the potential to...

News Briefs – March 2016

March 1, 2016

Higher Intake of Leafy Greens Helps Prevent Glaucoma Researchers have found that natural compounds in leafy green vegetables may lower the risk of getting glaucoma....

Heal Your Heart – Causes and Cures of Heart Disease

February 1, 2016

The Role of Stress, Malnutrition, and Environmental Toxins In the May 28, 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, Duke University researchers...

News Briefs – February 2016

February 1, 2016

Eating More Home-Made Meals Lowers Risk of Diabetes According to new research, people who eat more home-cooked meals have a lower risk of developing Type...

Health Harmonies – PEMF Therapy

December 4, 2015

Clear Stress and Pain with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy The proprietors at Health Harmonies studio in Newmarket are proud of the care they provide to...

News Briefs: Wild Blueberries Boost Cognitive Ability; Factors Influencing Seniors’ Fracture Risk; Exercise Protects Aging Brain

November 25, 2015

Wild Blueberries Boost Cognitive Ability Among Schoolchildren Scientists have found that consuming wild blueberries may have a significant effect on the cognitive ability of primary...

News Briefs – November 2015

November 5, 2015

Mediterranean Diet Reduces Risk of Depression New research has found that eating a Mediterranean diet (or any similarly healthy dietary pattern comprised of fruit, vegetables,...

PASCOE Natural Sleep Medicine

November 3, 2015

Pascoflair®, a new product in Canada, is a herbal solution for sleepless nights, running thoughts, and daily pressures. It’s a fact that people are having...